Chapter One

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I had just turned 17 and it was my final year of high school.

Red Hue was the town I was from, population of at least eight thousand. Still it was a booming place full of hipsters, music and love. That was the part of town I was used to growing up, not the dark sinister parts of it.
I always wondered why it was called Red Hue and having my thoughts run dark, I had come up with my own reasons why it was given that name.
One of the reasons is the Red Hue River. It was given its name because it always seemed to have a red hue to it. Like blood... Legend has it that it used to be a dumping ground for bodies back in the 1700's and i think even after. There was never any evidence to back it up, no bodies or bones had ever washed up on the edge. It just looked like there had been because of the distinctive red tint that lied below.

But it was my town and I had grown to like it.

I told you my name was Emelie right? Sometimes I can't remember when I had introduced myself to people, it's usually not needed. Everyone has heard of me or at least my family, The Meyer's. My mother Sandra and my father Ben, recently divorced, are basically behind everything that made Red Hue be put on the map. My father was mayor of this town and my mother was the face, the advertiser if you will. They were wealthy or should I say my father is wealthy because of his past and now his profession. He put a lot of years into this town and the payoff seemed worth it. My mom makes a lot of money too, but she wasn't making as much as him. I think, but wasn't sure, that was the downfall of their relationship.

Anyways, they had given birth to an angle and a devil. Me being the angel and my twin sister Aimee was the devil. We didn't look the part but it's what makes the best sense to me. She got my fathers cunning and manipulate charm and I my mothers kindness and tenacity. I tended to be gullible while she was the one that was leading me towards the wrong direction and to bad decisions. Don't get me wrong, I love her, I just over the years have come to the terms that sometimes she is the literal spawn of Satan sometimes.
I was the head of cheerleading squad once and she hated me (and probably still does) for doing so. I still believed that she was the one who orchestrated my "fall" where I had broken my leg and had to retire my title for this year. All before senior year. The year where it mattered.
However, breaking my leg had made me come to realize how much it didn't matter. Spending two months in a cast had showed me the cost of being popular in high school. Jealousy, hatred and plotting all against me. It wasn't worth it. And so I had gone into senior year with a clear head, a clean head and an open mind. I had put popularity and pressure behind me. If I had failed a test I wouldn't bicker. If I didn't become valedictorian, it wouldn't have been the end of the world.

Losing most of my summer and time with friends made me meet with the darker side of me. The side of me that was alone. I told my self that I would extend my kindness to everyone I could reach. Try and be a better person than I was.

It was going to be a fresh start.

"Don't forget to lock up before you leave please girls and drive safe!" My mom called to us as she flew out the door. She was always in a hurry. Always late to where she had to go but we were used to it. We were used to not being able to say our goodbyes to her and just nodding as if she saw us.

"She acts as if school is thirty minutes away." Aimee snickered biting off the tip of her toast. That was normal too. Aimee saying something smart after she was gone and me chuckling with her.

We always ate breakfast together every morning. We were basically all we had. Connected at the hip sometimes. Though she was competitive with everything we had done together ever since we were babies. When my mom did find time she'd tell us stories of Aimee drinking from her breast faster that I could keep up with, kicking me like she was trying to stop me from emptying my mom first. That had carried on every day of my life, finding myself going against her and somehow always ending up on top. In my academics, mostly in sports, and somehow popularity. She would pout and whine to my dad and he'd just baby her. I didn't need the attention she craved. I was always content with what I was given, never fetching for more. She tried too hard and it was all too easy for me. That had made her easily disappointed.

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