Chapter Forty Two

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I was glad when the week was out because it had been a rocky one so far. It was Friday though and I was ready for another party, I was prepared to have fun.
After talking to Aimee the other day o felt compelled to spill all my secrets to her and talk to her about all of the things that made me itch. We talked all night and it was kinda uplifting. I didn't have to feel by myself. I even told her about my fling with Mr.Holland which she took as a complete shock. She would have never guessed that I would every step that far but I had. I think she kinda applauded me for it and promised to not tell anyone of course. I figured that was the sole purpose of us opening up to one another. She didn't judge me. She told me that she of all people have no right to judge me.
So the party tonight was only going to be at our house. Our dad okayed it because we told him there were only going to be a few people and that we were going to watch a movie or something. It was supposed to be small. Unfortunately this was going to be the first time that we didn't have the four of us together. But we decided to move forward with it. Aimee's idea of course and she told me that she was only inviting a few people. It was last minute so I figured only a few would.
After school I had picked up some snacks and drinks just in case more people had showed. I only invited Leigh, Nolan, Trevor, Kyla and that was pretty much it for me. Told them we were going to have a big movie night so bring some good movies with them. They all were more than willing to show.

Aimee wasn't home yet so my dad and I were fixing up the place and having a little chat here and there.
"Is there anything I can get for you girls? Any um, special things you need for your party?" He asked and I laughed while fixing the pillows on the couch.
"What do you mean dad?" I didn't look at him and instead continued to clean avoiding his gaze.
"You know, any low alcoholic drinks?" He said and my eyes shot up to him a bit shocked.
"Dad." I snorted scratching the side of my face. "We are only watching movies."
"I know Em, I just wanted to ask. I don't want you to think you can't tell me that you two will be drinking tonight. And if it were up to me, I'd much rather buy you what you want so that you can drink safely." He gave a low laugh looking down to me. "The offer is still on the table." He shrugged and I sighed walking quickly past him and to the kitchen. I grabbed my phone off the counter hoping Aimee had texted me. Where the heck was she? I needed her to deal with this awkward dad talk
"As far as I know, there will be no drinking tonight dad." I placed my phone back down and turned around to face him. "As far as I know."
He searched my eyes and then gave a quick nod looking down at his feet. "And I trust you Emelie. It's Aimee I'm worried about and she's nowhere to be found." He gave a short laugh looking back up to me. "I'll leave the house tonight so you girls will have privacy but if anything goes south you call me okay?"
"Of course." I nodded quickly pushing my hair from my face. "I will."
He looked over my face again nodding to himself mostly as if he was reminding himself that this was okay. He could trust us.
The doorbell rang and he went to go get it as I set up a snack table complete with loads of popcorn bowls and some small sandwiches my dad helped me whip up and cookies. We just had the sodas and drinks sitting on the counter with cups and plates surrounding them.
"Hey Mr.Meyer, long time no see." Of course he'd be the first to arrive.
"Trevor, how have you been son?" My dad said to him and they hugged, my father patting him firmly on the back. "I hope better than earlier this week, you damn near scared my little girl."
"I thought I had my epilepsy under wraps." He chuckled and sighed looking over in my direction. "I was glad she was there, she saved my life.." I bit my lip and continued to look busy as they chatted and laughed. My dad was always fond of him, never really disliked him. Trevor was an upstanding person he was intelligent, athletic, handsome and everything you could want in a boyfriend- I mean son. He was damn near perfect.. I hated that I still liked him. I really did.
He came over and brushed his arm around my waist to pull me in and kiss me on the forehead. It took me by surprise but it was sweet. I liked the greeting.
"Hey Em." He let go of me and turned to face me with a smile. "I'm assuming it isn't just going to be us tonight?"
"I told you." I laughed shaking my head at him. "It's a movie party, I invited all of my friends." I turned back to the table ripping open a bag of Doritos and pouring it into a bowl.
"Friends, right." He stepped back and I turned looking up to him nodding.
"So keep your hands to yourself." He frowned a little taken aback by my words. He put his hands up and grinned looking down to me.
"Just let me know when I don't have to keep them to myself anymore." He winked at me and lowered his voice so my father couldn't hear his next words which completely turned me into a tomato. "I'd love to touch you." I looked away nearly choking in my spit as I tried to escape this semi intimate space.
I cleared my throat and went to get the blankets out of the washroom quickly and without him. Though I kinda wished that he would have followed me and would have kissed me as I sat on top of the washing machine.. I bit my lip gently trying to shake those thoughts and continued to grab all the blankets and fold them so everyone could be comfortable tonight. I debated with myself on if I should call Aimee but before I even got to my phone I could hear her voice in the living room laughing.
I dropped off the blankets and sighed seeing her with her new boy toy Elliot talking and laughing with Trevor who seemed completely unphased by the new guy.
I walked over to join them brushing my hands on my jeans and putting on a smile. "What's so funny?" I asked looking to all of them and Aimee shook her head at me shrugging.
"Trevor is here, that's what's so funny! It's early and he's already here."
"We have history." Trevor mentioned to Elliot who didn't seem to have a care in the world. His arm was just resting on her waist.
"Yeah, history is right." She laughed again but was meaningto be hurtful. She turned away from them both and walked into the kitchen so o followed her.
"I mean I hope that's okay that I invited him." I said in a low voice and she nodded quickly.
"Of course I mean, you like him right? It's only fair to invite him. You two are friends." She put air quotes around friends and I hit her in the arm instinctively.
"Don't be this way." I looked in her eyes and she rose an eyebrow as if I were challenging her.
"I just want this night to go over okay, I'm worried Em." She moved in closer to me so she could whisper. "Whatever you do, don't fall for his antics okay? He's going to want to make me jealous and he will use you for that."
"Aimee I really doubt that-"
"Just don't give in to it okay?" She patted me on the shoulder then went over to join Elliot again all smiles. Trevor crept up beside me sighing and shaking his head.
"Should I leave?" He asked looking over to me. "I don't want to cause any issues."
"No," I assured him touching him lightly on the arm with a smile. "You are very welcomed here Trev don't worry." I dropped my hand and he smiled nodding.
"Thanks really Em, is there anything I can do to help?" He asked and I looked up into his eyes laughing to myself and he frowned. "What?" He looked over my face and I looked away covering my mouth to stifle another laugh. I just couldn't get over the fact that Aimee was convinced he was going to try something with me because of her. I mean I've seen him get jealous before but never so severely.
"Nothing." I lied shaking my head. "And I think I have everything under control thanks." He cut his eyes at me and I moved away from him and to the couches where we were going to watch the movies. So far, it was only us four. My father had left after seeing it was only the four of us, told us to have a fun and safe night.
Trevor decided to take charge on starting the party so as soon as my father left he jumped up with a big grin on his face.
"Now that he's gone, what raunchy film should we start on first?" He asked and I saw Aimee roll her eyes.
"Um I brought borat and step brothers." Elliot raised his hand looking to all of us. "Wasn't sure what to really bring." He gave a laugh and shrugged.
"Something scary so it can scare my pants off." Aimee suggested grabbing hold of Elliot's arm trying to be flirty.
"I have something else that can do that." Elliot chuckled and they kissed leaving me and Trevor to make eye contact and sigh.
"Step brothers it is." Trevor stepped forward grabbing the DVD and ignoring them as best as he could. The doorbell rang and so I got up to answer it seeing Nolan and Leigh were now here all smiles.
"Hope you didn't start without us!" Nolan said and Leigh giggled beside him handing me a bottle of what I assumed was sparkling cider. It very well could have also been wine.
"We just chose a movie, what did you guys bring?" I asked letting them inside as they stripped their coats.
"Fucked up movies to watch when we get stoned." He handed me off the DVD's and laugh also handed me some with a smile.
"He was trying to think of the worst movies he's ever saw." She laughed rolling her eyes. "He's a very brilliant man I promise." She went in for a hug and I reciprocated quickly laughing at her words.
"Thanks for coming Leigh." I pulled away and she shrugged.
"I was telling Nolan that we should actually make this into a tradition, every Friday we all pool together with movies and watch the best ones." She looked up to me and I nodded happily hoping we could make this a tradition.
"Well we have snacks and pop if you're interested, just the six of us so far."
"Thanks." She smiled and went to join Nolan who was talking and laughing with Trevor about who knows what. But he was taking it all in and laughing really hard. I liked that. I definitely preferred when everyone got along together and weren't trying to just make one another jealous or upset.
So we put on step brothers which I'm assuming Elliot had seen several hundred times because he was saying the jokes before we even got to them, just laughing his butt off beside Aimee. Since then, Kyla had joined us on her lonesome and it was a fun time. We were all really enjoying ourselves.
The doorbell rang again. Only this time I had no idea who else was coming. Aimee didn't mention anyone else. But I went to go get it with a sigh. I was surprised to see that it was Issac who was waiting at the door.
He greeted me with a smile and handed me two films. I was a bit still in shock but I took them and plastered a smile on my face.
"I brought eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and my guilty pleasure, les miserables." He flashed a smile placing his hand on top of the movies. "I hope I'm not too late?"
"No uh," I moved out of the way shaking my head. "We just finished one." He came inside and the lights got turned on. I shot a look at Aimee and she purposely didn't look in my direction. "Um, you all know Issac?" I cleared my throat and they all looked up as Issac waved.
"I hope I didn't miss much." He went to sit next to Elliot which was close to where I was sitting right next to Trevor. I took a deep breath and joined them as Nolan and Leigh debated on the next film. I was anxious about what was going to happen next. What the hell was Aimee thinking?
They had decided on watching something scary, a movie called the green inferno. It was supposedly about cannibals in a very remote forest. Horror films never really phased me so I tried to go in thinking it was going to be okay. Nolan kept ranting about an even scarier version on the film, the original called the Cannibal holocaust that apparently was so realistic that the producers became indicted on a couple murder charges.
Nonetheless, I was caught between Trevor and Issac who made it very obvious that neither of them were happy that the other was there. Issac kept offering to grab me drinks and snacks while Trevor kept leaning into me and whispering about the scenes being sure to touch me playfully and flirt. My face was just reddened the entire time and I could just hear Aimee snicker in delight. Was she upset because I told her that me and Trevor kissed? I had no idea what her angle was but it was working. Watching Green inferno was one of the most uncomfortable yet flattering moments ever.
I told everyone to take a break after because I definitely needed one. I pulled Aimee upstairs with me to talk and she just couldn't stop laughing.
"You should see your face!" She laughed in mine kneeling over at this joke I didn't find very funny.
"You invited him? Why?" I scolded her and she continued to laugh shaking her head hysterical.
But she calmed down and shrugged saying, "You invited Trevor. I figured it was only fair that I invited Issac too, really make you uncomfortable." She snorted looking up into my hellbent eyes. "I even told him that you wanted him to be here."
"That's not fair and you know it Aimee." I was getting pissed. I wanted to shove the hell out of her.
"Hey, I was hoping it'd make it easier for you to choose! A fight to the death for your heart. I can already feel the tension." She grinned and patted me on the back before trying to leave. "Oh sorry!" She said to the door and I spun around seeing Trevor standing there completely ignoring Aimee as she left.
"Should I leave?" He asked immediately once she was gone and my shoulders dropped.
"I didn't invite him okay so, can we not bring it up?" I said back quickly and his gaze softened on me noticing my distress.
I moved towards me cautiously and I sighed nodding to him and running my fingers through my hair. "Yeah I'm fine can we just-" I put up my hand to stop him from coming any closer. "Be friends tonight?" I looked back up to him and he nodded quickly.
"Of course." He said quietly and then reached in his back pocket. "Uh, this could help mellow you out." He had this bottle, a small one and continued to move closer to me. "It's not psychoactive so you shouldn't feel weird, only calm."
"What is it?" I asked curious and he unscrewed the lid revealing a dropper top and he filled it with whatever corn syrup like liquid.
"It's called a tincture and it's from the plant but there's no obvious effects. I use it for my anxiety and more recently to help keep my episodes under wraps. I mean they always tell you that there's no cure but marijuana helps immensely." He brought the dropper up to his mouth and stuck out his tongue, dispensing all that was in it. He moaned and smiled looking back down to me. "It's sweet so," he filled the dropper again and moved even closer to me making it very difficult to want to just be friends with him. He had this intimidating factor about him- I wasn't sure if it were his broad shoulders and taut frame or those seemingly menacing eyes that never seemed to be up to any good. He was hypnotizing, he really had me in a trance.
He looked down to my lips and bit down on his gently before saying, I think very seductively, "Open your mouth." I crossed my legs over one another to stop myself from falling to my knees and showing him weakness. He knew how weak I was.. I preserved and obeyed opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. I've seen him use this move on Aimee before and I knew it would result in a kiss. I had to be strong, I just had to.
The honey like liquid fell onto my tongue and it had a little bite to it, almost tasted like blossoms. A bit fell down my chin but I had swallowed it all and looked back to him for confirmation.
Instead, he asked quietly yet confidently, "Do you want to kiss me?"
I looked over his eyes and I nodded slowly but quickly shook my head to. "I can't." I whimpered still holding his gaze.
He moved as close as he could to me like a predator closing in on its weakened prey, cocking his head and saying almost demanding me, "Do it anyway."
I jumped like I never had before and kissed him. I just didn't have any control and when he did that- when he looked at me like that I just couldn't help myself. I didn't even fight or argue, I just did it. He was so pleased with himself and even grabbed me by the waist to pull me even closer. Our hips smashed together and our lips danced intently with one another's. How could I have been so foolish, so star stricken? It was like all of my dreams coming to life and I was fighting it.. Not this time.
He pulled away from me slowly dropping his hands from my waist and bringing one up to my face, up to my chin. Slowly with his finger he wiped up the tincture and and placed it on my lips. I drew in my bottom lip licking it off and he very handsomely placed his finger in his mouth and moaned saying, "Sweet." He looked me up and then winked at me before he left the room and me alone. I was frozen for a moment as my heart came back down to normal speed. Why was he such a catch?
The terrible thing was that I was supposed to pretend that it didn't happen, I was supposed to sit next to him again as we watched another movie. I had to fight my urges to want to do it again.
I regained myself and went down to join everyone else who was laughing and unknowing of what happened in my bedroom. Then I began to wonder if they weren't. My trust in Aimee had dwindled quickly.
"Did we decide on the next film?" I asked making myself known to everyone else with a fake smile.
"Issac decided, its eternal sunshine." Nolan answered me and Trevor came up behind me with a bowl of snacks.
"I love that one." He said and I looked to him and cleared my throat.
"It's one of my favorites!" Issac joined in looking from me to Trevor. "Jim Carey is a hell of an actor, I'll tell you that." He laughed and then looked away. Aimee was snickering next to Elliot and I about had enough of that. I rolled my eyes at her and huffed quietly.
"Well I guess I should also ask if this is going to turn into a sleepover?" Leigh asked looking to me and I nodded giving a small shrug.
"If you want to stay please do, there's plenty of room for all of you." I shoved my hands in my pockets nodding.
"Not all of us though right?" Issac had said it and Trevor snorted before walking away from my side.
"I'm pretty sure she said all of you." Trevor said from the kitchen giving a long sigh. "That means everyone."
"She did say all of you." Aimee instigated taking a sip of her drink and raising her eyebrows. I seriously was about ready to hit her.
"I guess I just don't understand why I was invited." Issac got up now looking in my direction. He was upset and I could understand that but it wasn't my fault and he would not understand that unless Aimee told him the truth.
"It was a movie night with friends, I'm assuming you and Em are friends right?" Trevor was being smart now, sarcastic and resilient. He was standing up for me but also not being very kind to Issac. I didn't know if I should thank him or yell at him.
"Can we just watch the film?" I interrupted their hostility by putting my hands up and then heading over to sit next to Leigh. Issac sat back down just fuming and Trevor stayed behind I was hoping to take a walk. I just didn't want this right now.
"Can someone play the fucking film?!" I snapped quickly putting my arms around myself and sliding down into the seat. Leigh rubbed my leg comfortingly and Nolan pressed play with a long sigh. I was more so pissed at Aimee because if it weren't for her I wouldn't have to deal with this. Why was she sabotaging my night??
Issac had gotten up about fifteen minutes into the film and I sunk down into my seat even further. I knew this wasn't going to end well, I just knew it. I covered my face with my hands having the overwhelming feeling to burst into tears. This just couldn't end well.
Everyone knew something was about to happen and we all just tried to ignore it. We really really tried but they were being very verbal.
"I was invited too okay and I didn't get my panties all in a bunch that you showed up." Trevor said calmly to Issac. "I realized that it wasn't going to help the situation if I did get upset, this is seriously not what I need right now and I'm sure it's not what she wants either so just." He scoffed at him and Issac huffed.
"I guess I just don't truly understand why you sabotaged and keep sabotaging all of my chances with her."
"I'm not and haven't sabotaged anything, you are only upset because she doesn't want a relationship you. Hell, she doesn't want one with me either so I don't understand how I ruined anything."
"You kissed her." Nolan paused the movie and now we all couldn't just sit there and pretend that they weren't arguing. "You ruined my chance the moment you heard that I wanted to date her." I got up and turned to face them as the lights came on. "Trevor you kissed her! And you confused her."
"It was only a kiss." Trevor said quietly now aware that they had an audience.
"But it was more than that to her, why was it only a kiss for you?"
"I mean it was obviously more than a kiss for me, she really means something to me."
"So you thought it was fair to kiss her when she's finally moved on?"
"Guys." I said softly feeling my head swell. "This is seriously not the time nor place for this." I put my arms around myself uncomfortable looking down to the floor.
"No please!" Aimee ran over chuckling. "Please continue to fight over my loving twin sister because that's what she wants."
"This was all of your fault!" I nearly screamed at her. "Seriously if you just would have stayed out of this-"
"I thought I was helping and I'm sorry." She frowned seemingly unknowing of how angry this had made me. "Seriously Em."
I turned away from her and made my way over to the kitchen where the guys were still engaged in conversation. I completely missed if they were still arguing and they were. Trevor was warning him and Issac just kept at his bickering.
"You know you're no good for her yet you try anyways all because someone you don't like likes her?" Issac said to him and Trevor looked up to the ceiling exasperated.
"Can we just drop it?"
"No because I'm pissed off. This is the second time Trevor and I've had enough."
"The second time?" Trevor laughed shaking his head confused. "What do you mean?" Issac didn't like what he had said and his face got entirely red. He was upset that Trevor didn't remember.
"Seriously guys take it outside." I warned completely done with both of them. "Both of you need to leave."
"I really don't know what he's talking about." Trevor looked to me shrugging and I just rolled my eyes. In the moment that I had, Issac went for a hit and punched Trevor right in the jaw. I stepped back gasping and that just erupted into Trevor immediately going after him making everyone cry out for them to stop.
I was the closest so I frantically tried to push them apart, screaming at them to stop. I had finally gotten a hold of Trevor's arm and I pulled him back just hoping this would end. Instead Trevor moved just as Issac pulled his arm back to strike him again only this time I had mistakenly become the target. His next blow went straight to my face and it was so forceful that I had stumbled back shocked and also seeing stars. My face instantly swelled and my vision became so cloudy and then eventually dark. I had fallen back almost immediately and I had no idea what was behind me but I fell hitting the back of my head off of it. I had counted two bounces and the pain was immense. I hit it so hard that it knocked me out cold.

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