Chapter Thirty Six

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"I hope he's not friends with a bunch of squares." We were getting ready for this college party we were about to attend for Issac.
"Well there could be some college hunks that might catch your eye, prepare you for the college experience." I was just being hopeful. I wanted her to have a good time tonight. I at least wanted to make it up to her for kissing Trevor. Even though she didn't know we kissed.. Ugh. A guilty conscience.
"Yeah maybe that'll be the outcome. Be popular before even attending? Issac just seems like such a good boy that I'm convinced it's literally going to be an actual birthday party with candles but no alcohol!" She shivered in thought and stuck out her tongue disgusted.
"Come on, I'm sure it'll be fun." I shrugged looking up to her and she smiled.
"Speaking of, how's your road trip with Trevor go?" I had written in the note that we were going to Jesme and to see if I could see mom. We just weren't going to talk about it outwardly so our dad didn't know.
"It was uh, different, confusing."
"A dead end I'm sure." That's all she wanted to hear about it. Talking about mom was a big no no. "Should we bring a gift for the birthday boy?" She looked back to the mirror and I shrugged laughing.
"It could be a girl?" She cursed under her breath.

After getting ready we had finally gotten the address to the party from Issac. It was out of town so we left as early as we could to get there on time. Neither of us really dressed up because we didn't really know what to expect. We were casual but flirty.
The house we pulled up to was big, almost mansion like. All the lights were on and the house was littered with cars. Somehow we were already late.
"I bet they're playing chess in there." Aimee joked getting out of the car and I followed her chuckling.
"No, I doubt it." We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell looking to one another. The door flew open and it was as if the house was completely soundproof because the minute the door had opened, the music blared.
"Come on in ladies!" This guy with curly long brown hair greeted us with a crocked smile. We moved in and his eyes fell to my backside checking the both of us out. I blushed and grabbed onto Aimee as we weaved through the crowds. I did not see anyone I had known and it was kinda weird but also nice. No one had known me. No one except Aimee and Issac. That excited me.
We moved to the kitchen where there was a large three tiered birthday cake on the island. Two large candles stuck out saying 21.
"Hey you made it!" Issac approached us with open arms and a big smile.
"You invited us." Aimee was sarcastic smiling up to him but he embraced us anyways.
"Glad you came um, can I get you girls something to drink?" He put his arm around Aimee and I nodded smiling politely. I guess secretly I was hoping for it to be a small party but we got Aimee's wish!
Issac went to get us drinks and we looked at one another hopefully about to say the same thing. And we did, both of us said, "I'll be dd."
Aimee rolled her eyes at me and said, "Get warmed up to your future beau and I'll find you later to head home. I won't drink tonight." I sighed and nodded because she seemed adamant on being dd. I appreciated it but still wanted her to have fun too.
Issac came back over handing me and Aimee a drink smiling. I took a sip and Aimee set hers on the counter winking at me.
"I hope this party isn't too crazy for you!" He laughed looking over my face. "It was supposed to be small."
"Is this your house?" I asked and he nodded taking a drink.
"My parents home yeah, they're in Europe for the winter!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him to a quieter place in this house. "It's crazy how I see you and we barely know anything about one another." He let go and looked down to me curious.
"I'm sure my father runs his mouth." I raised a brow at him and he laughed shaking his head.
"He does talk you up. Both of you are his world. He'd do anything for you girls." He chuckled looking over my face. "He wants someone worthy of your time."
"And you think you fit the description?" It was a joke but it came out harshly because I could see the sting in his face. "I mean, I do like you" I blank several times trying to recover myself.
"What do you like about me?" He leaned down to me, his glasses sliding to the bridge of his nose.
"You're cute." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes a bit stepping towards me.
"Come on let's not be childish here, tell me what you like about me?" His smile widened as he watched my carefully.
"You have a cute smile and this undeniable charm. You're witty, handsome oh and not to mention very intelligent." We both laughed and I took a big gulp of my drink really taking a good look of him. He was like all the boys I had kissed this year in one. He had Mr.Holland's intelligence and wisdom, Aidan's shyness, Nolan's mysteriousness, and Trevor's stupid Clark Kent smile and charm. He was perfect and he was interested in me. There was also something about him that I have seen in my father but I wasn't sure how to pinpoint what it was.
He watched me carefully searching my eyes before that smile crept up on his face "I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and my eyes widened in excitement giggling as we moved quickly through the crowd and up the stairs. The house was big, really ancient with the paintings covering most of the walls. All the wood walls and poorly lit halls.... It was like stepping in a time machine and going back in time.
He pulled me sharply to the left and he pulled out a pair of keys to unlock the door before us.
"What is this?" I asked laughing and sizing up the door. "How don't you get lost in such a place?"
"I'm an only child, I spent most of my life exploring this house and learning all of its secrets. When I was four I found all the spare keys to all the rooms and I've kept them ever since." He pushed open the door and it felt like a cloud of dust had blown in our faces. "I guess no ones been in here since I moved out."
"So you don't live here?" I asked looking up to him questioningly.
"I live on campus, but have been staying here since I started working with your father." He turned on a light and let go of my hand to push the door fully open. "This is our home library." The lights slowly turned on one row after another shining down on the shelves full of books. I stared in awe remembering the comforting feeling books used to bring me. I smiled big happy that this was what he wanted to show me. It's like he had known me before or something.
"Wow this is-" I paused looking around me before turning to face him smiling. "Incredible!"
"I used to come here all the time growing up, reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open." He came to stand beside me brushing his arm into mine.
"We never had a library this big but the reading room was my favorite growing up too." I went up to touch the shelves. "My father used to read to me and my sister all the time growing up."
"I figured if anyone would ever appreciate this, it would be you." He came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face him chuckling softly. His eyes fell down my face and onto my lips wanting. "And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." His hand brushed back the hair on the side of my face going to cup my face gently. "Emelie, may I kiss you?" He asked softly and I nodded looking into his alluring gaze. I had goosebumps creeping over my body as he lowered to me, his breathing quickening and bony roaming closer. I fell back into the bookshelves as he kissed me, his lips were cold but more than perfect on mine. It was like they were the perfect match.. He kissed me so attentively and with thoughts as if he were constantly thinking of this moment. It was rhythmic, precise and fulfilling for me. It kept my heart on its toes and the butterflies in my stomach multiply.
His hand brushed across my stomach and the around my waist pulling me closer to him. He then stopped pulling away from me and chuckling.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself." He bit his lip gently and pushed up his glasses. "I couldn't even wait until our first date."
"This could count as that." I wiped my lips and looked up to him. "This was a great first date."
He laughed and shook his head looking down to me. "We didn't even learn anything about one another."
"Then there will have to be another." I smiled biting my bottom lip.
"Monday at six?" He laughed moving closer to me.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that." I looked up into his eyes smiling and he stepped back again and cleared his throat.
"Should we rejoin the party?" He asked holding out his hand to me.
"I guess we should." I took his hand and he led us both back to the party. It was still going strong and everyone was having a good time. I felt sorta important because he held my hand the entire time and introduced me to his friends. I felt like I was someone they all wanted to get to know and I had gotten so many compliments. When people didn't know you and you were introduced to them, it was nice. It felt nice. They were just all so friendly and cool. At one point he had his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him as he talked. It was reassuring and comforting.
I spotted Aimee having a conversation with our long haired greeter, smiling at him and being flirtatious. It was an actually good night in a very long time for the both of us.
Issac insisted that we stayed the night but Aimee was adamant on going back.
"No we have to go home, I already told our dad that we were coming home." She said and he laughed shaking his head.
"He knows you're in good hands. I already have a room for the both of cornered off and you can stay and have fun! Everyone loves you here!"
"No we should get going." Aimee looked to me and I looked to Issac and nodded.
"We should go, thanks for the party Issac." He nodded now too and smiled big.
"Alright that's okay, I'll see you girls later!" He leaned in and kissed us both on the cheek before leaving our sights. Aimee grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to the door.
"Do you think you can drive?" She asked once we were outside and I frowned at her thinking she had been sober.
"Aimee if you're not coherent, we should stay." I looked her over confused now and she nodded.
"We can't stay, and oh-" she pointed behind me and the long haired boy came out of the house scooping her up in his arms.
He kissed her hard and they began to make out so I finally understood. Annoyed I sighed and grabbed the keys walking down to the car as they followed. He carried her the entire way and they giggled and laughed falling into the back seat. I was in no way intoxicated, but I did have two drinks. For a moment I questioned my sobriety but they honked the horn to snatch back my attention to drive. They had no patience. I got in the car and I decided then that I was okay to drive. I didn't really have a choice.
Home wasn't so far away but I was overwhelmed by the noises coming from the back seat. My sister, making out with this complete stranger in the back of my car, ripping at each other like there were only five minutes left to live on earth. It was distracting. It also ignited some envy, reminding me that I still didn't have the confidence to do such a thing. I could've had Issac in the back seat with me but instead I was driving and awaiting a date. I had to turn on the radio to get out of my head and really mute the backseat noises. I was focused on getting us home safely which I had without a scratch on the car. My thoughts had sobered me quite quickly and I was about ready to scold Aimee once we had gotten out of the car.
But they didn't even give me a chance because when they got out of the car they were still all over one another. Aimee's shirt had been partially pulled up and her pants unbuckled. They were still laughing and still enjoying each other's company so I just let them and went inside the house. They snuck in behind me because our dads car was parked out front and went straight upstairs trying to be quiet. I walked over to the kitchen sighing relieved that I didn't have to hear them any longer.
I sat at the table and placed my head in between my arms to shut my eyes for a moment. I had already forgotten the encounter with my mom and her telling me to not trust him. I hadn't given any thought to who him was yet and now my mind was thinking.
"Emelie? A moment." I jolted up from the sound of his voice behind me. "In my study please."
I let my head hang before I got up and sauntered to his study after him. I wasn't sure what this was going to be about. Would he be able to tell that I was intoxicated? Why wasn't he asking for Aimee? Oh gosh no..
"You were gone when I got home this morning." He stated sitting down at his desk and motioning for me to sit as well. I sat in front of him gulping lightly at what he was about to accuse me of. "Where did you go?" He asked looking over my face. Knowing I knew better than to lie to him.
"For a drive with Trevor, we both couldn't sleep still." It wasn't the full truth but I wasn't lying. "So we went for a drive."
"You can be honest with me." He leaned in and smiled grimly. He already knew what I had done. He just wanted me to say it.
I swallowed hard and looked down to my hands that were filling with sweat. It was as if the lights were all pointed to me awaiting for me to announce my betrayal.
"Dad I-"
"You know the only reason I give rules is so that you are protected." I looked back up to him and he was clenching his jaw tightly, forcing himself to not get angry with me. "Emelie I am disappointed." He looked to me, in the eyes as he said it. For some reason I felt crushed and as if I had really done something awful. He was disappointed with me, he was never disappointed with me... What about Aimee? Did he know what she was doing as we spoke?
"Dad it was a spur of the moment thing and I regret doing it. I just-"
"I understand that you'd like to see your mother but she is in a depressing state of mind. She is in no condition to talk to you and could have hurt you!"
"She would never do that!" I said it before I could even think about what I had said. I remembered that all of this was because of her.. Allegedly.
He leaned closer to me with stern eyes and his lips drawn into a line. "She hurt Aimee, she hurt me, she hurt innocent people Emelie there's only a matter of time before she hurts you." He looked me up and sat back in his chair sighing. "I don't want to have this conversation again. When I tell you something, don't disobey me and go behind my back to do it! It's for your safety!" I cowered in my seat watching him carefully and fearing the anger he unleashed on my mother. "You know I would never do anything or say anything to jeopardize your life. I would never hurt you and I tell you these things to protect you." He leaned forward and reached out to me wanting my hands. Willingly I inched forward and put my hands in his looking up into his gaze. He searched my eyes and held my gaze for a long time before he spoke next. I had chills but I could see how hurt he was that I betrayed him, I could feel it in the way he held my hands. I realized that I didn't like this feeling, I didn't like my father being disappointed in me. I was afraid of furthering my own investigation in the matter and knew I had to let go. I could no longer disobey him because I knew next time he wouldn't be so polite.. I wanted to be a good girl, I did, but his next words just stuck in my head like a bad tooth.. He inhaled deeply and said to me almost warningly, "I need you to trust me."

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