Chapter Twenty Two

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"It was Aimee I know it and she was alive!" I had said this about twenty times when the police had showed up to our house. I immediately called the police and that seemed to be a mistake. None of them seemed to be listening to me. "She's alive! I heard her voice!" I held up my phone and they just nodded to me like I was insane.
"Emelie honey, you need to get some rest." My parents had come home too. "Let us handle this." My mom said trying to calm me but I just had so much adrenaline pumping through me. I wanted her home.
"She called me, she said she was in danger! We have- we have to go find her!" I was exasperated and getting angry the more they didn't try to understand me. They were not being urgent. She could end up in the river like the others in just a short time.
"Emelie, we are working nonstop to bring her home. You need to get some sleep because its three am and you have school tomorrow." My dad stepped in now and I just shook my head at him.
"I can't go. I have to find her!"
"Emelie!" It was the first time he had ever raised his voice at me. "Go to bed." He said sternly, pointing to the stairs. I looked at him with my jaw almost to the floor.
"Are you serious? Dad that is my sister out th-"
"Bed, now." He cut me short not listening anymore. He wasn't trying to hear me. No one was trying to hear me. So I went upstairs biting my tongue. I wasn't going to fall asleep. I couldn't. That call had shaken me. It had made me want to push harder to have her found. She was afraid. She was alone and afraid and I needed to be there with her. I needed to find her.
So I snuck out to the woods... I knew it was risky and there could be danger, but if she was on the run she would be there. Getting out of my window was the most difficult part. Despite my long legs, I had dangled for quite a while before I dropped and let myself roll onto the grass. It hurt and I had to be quiet because of the amount of cops in our house. After that I just took off running towards the woods realizing how easily it had been to do. The only pain I could feel now was from the fall on my side. But I just kept running until i approached an entrance to the woods. They seemed way creepier in the night time. Creepier because beyond it were where they found the bodies. I was afraid I would stumble across someone or a body being eaten by maggots. I just pushed myself in hopes that she'd be out there.
I didn't remember the woods area being so thick and closed in. I felt like I was pushing so many branches out of the way as I walked. The only source of light I had was from my phone and it only allowed me to see what was in front of me.
I stopped until I figured I was halfway and I called out to Aimee as loud as I could. Screaming for my sister and just wanting to see her or hear her running towards me.
I had screamed for almost twenty minutes. I screamed until my voice had given up. I screamed until all I could do was cry. It just didn't make sense to me why she was gone.
"Emelie?" I looked up taking a deep breath seeing Aidan standing in front of me. "I saw you and figured I should make sure that you were okay."
I wiped my nose with the sleeves of my shirt and stood up shaking my head to him. I wasn't okay.. "It's four in the morning." I sniffled wiping my eyes now. "You didn't have to follow me."
"It's dangerous out here for you." I looked up to him and he walked closer. I hope I wasn't projecting but it seemed menacing. I took a step back cautiously looking over his face. "I saw the reports, they think it's a serial killer attacking blondes. It's not safe for you." He frowned noticing my fear. I don't think he realized that it was for him. My skin was crawling because he had followed me and said that. "Are you alright?" He placed his hand on my shoulder and I jolted back shrugging him off.
"I'm fine." I blank several times looking away from him. "I should get back." I let out a shaky breath tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Can we talk actually?" He stepped towards me scratching his head. "I really hate how things went between us." I stepped back the more he moved towards me. "It all exploded up and it's really all my fault. I was pushy, unfair and not very understanding or independent." My hand touched up against a tree and I fell against it shooting my eyes up to him letting out a gasp as I fell back. He was so close to me now. If I had held up my hand against my body and pointed out my finger, it would touch him. He didn't mind the closeness nor did he realize that I felt like I was in danger. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I still care so much about you. I still want you to be mine Emelie.." He reached out and caressed my cheek lightly. "I think about kissing you all the time." My heart began racing and i wasn't sure from what. I was terrified, but also thrilled. There was something thrilling about this, exciting. I think it was because of this darkness I could feel from him.. He was dangerous. "Can I kiss you?" He lowered his voice now bringing his hand closer to my face, brushing across my ears and tangling up in my hair. I was now visibly shaking and flushed from this. I wasn't sure what I should do. Do I fall into him? Into his trap? I couldn't help but feel like this, if I rejected him, he'd attack me like Sean had. I swallowed hard looking into his eyes trying gage how he would react. We were completely alone in the woods.. at almost five in the morning. He had brought his head down to my face looking down at my lips. My lips were trembling and I moved close against the tree finally shaking my head for an answer. His grip on my head tightened only slightly before flashlights were seen in the distance.
"Emelie!" A voice had called and he stepped back looking towards the ground. Embarrassed almost. I turned to the lights seeing at least three different lights nearing where I was. I turned back to Aidan who was now running the other direction.
"Emelie!" My name was called again.
I swallowed hard before I yelled weakly, "I'm over here!"

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