Chapter Twenty Four

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He did end up driving me back home that night. I didn't stay, I knew I couldn't. We also didn't go beyond kissing but it was more than enough for me.
I fell asleep that night thinking about him and fingering the necklace he had given me to remind myself that he was there with me still. It was weird how this had happened but I was ultimately glad it had. I wasn't alone anymore.

My parents were up and walking around the next morning talking quietly to one another. Almost in a secretive manner.. when I went downstairs they had made breakfast for me and were pacing as if they were going to scold me. I got a little terrified because I hope to god they hadn't followed me last night... if they had known about Ethan... I would be grounded for life and ruin his career.
I let out a breath and walked to the kitchen giving a small smile to them saying, "Good morning."
"I'm glad you're awake Em." My dad said with a sigh.
"We have news, about your sister." My mom began to say and my eyes shot up to her and then to him as my heart sank down in my chest.
"What do you mean?" My eyes darted and I frowned because they had stayed silent. "What's the news?" I was prepared to bawl my eyes out and I clenched my fist.
"They found her, last night." My dad reached out to me and I moved back eying them cautiously and distancing myself so I wouldn't hurt them.
"Dead? Alive?" I felt like I was going to have to beat it out of them.
"Alive." My mom said and I relaxed only a bit relieved that she was alive. I shut my eyes for a moment and let out a breath shaking my head still confused.
"What do you mean they found her? Where is she now?"
"At the hospital, she wasn't in good shape but she's alive and we can go see her." I still had many questions but they were sugar coating this for me. Instead of eating I just grabbed my bag ready to go see her. Ready to get some answers.
"Let us come with you please hun." My mom said and I shook my head at her.
"We need a moment alone." I said and left before they could stop me.
I drove down to the hospital with so many questions on my mind. I was worried what she would look like now. How she'd be mentally.. this could have changed her drastically. I was so worried that I probably lost her still.
I was so lost in my mind that I didn't realize I was going over the speed limit. I hit the brakes and pulled into the parking garage of the hospital not even sure where I could find her.
Once I got inside I went to the nurses station and asked about her. They were confused but took one look at my face and realized who I was talking about. 417 she told me and so I ran towards the elevators. My heart was racing and I just couldn't seem to get it to normal speed. Even as I neared her room I tried to calm myself with good thoughts. Telling myself that she was alive. That was all that mattered. She was alive.
I didn't even knock when I saw the numbers on the door. I just had pushed the door open Taking a deep breath as I had seeing her laying there on the bed. My eyes welled up and I think it was all a bit too much for me. Because as soon as I had let out that breath I had been holding, her eyes had opened and I had collapsed to the ground.


"It's always been like her to try and one up me." She laughed. I could hear her laughing. Her lovable and snarky laugh. I had missed it so much. Oh fuck, I had passed out didn't I? I had missed the moment to speak with my sister.
My eyes fluttered open and I was being blinded by a hospital light above me. It felt like I had been put in a oven and when my eyes had opened they had thrown me in the freezer. I tried to sit up but I was pulled back by wires. I was beginning to regain consciousness and noticed that I had been plugged up to machines. I frowned and tried to pull myself free.
"No," Aimee rested her hand on top of mine. "It's time for you to rest and get your strength up sis." She groaned and I looked over to her feeling the tears come back again.
"Aimee." I said weakly smiling to her. "You're okay."
"And you're not." She rolled her eyes at me. "I disappear for a week and you let your health go to shit. All your vitals are down I don't know how the hell you survived." She chuckled shaking her head. "It's still all about you huh?"
"No, no it's not." I frowned and she hit me weakly.
"I'm just kidding." I looked over her face seeing she had a few small cuts, bruises on her arms that were purple, some almost black. My eyes now welled up again with sad tears. I was upset to see her like this. She didn't deserve to be treated this way.
"What happened to you?" I asked and we both held our gaze. She bit her lip and then opened her mouth to speak when a knock came on the door. We both looked and it opened to Trevor who was smiling and had flowers in his hands. He was clutching them tightly and smiled at her.
"It's really you." He had this stupid cute look on his face as he looked to her completely ignoring me.
"Yeah, it is." He came over and set the flowers down before giving her a great big hug being gentle.
"I'm so glad you're okay." He held her tightly. "I missed you Aimee." She rubbed his back and he let go to look down at her lovingly and fighting back tears. He looked over to me finally and I looked away feeling, I don't know, hurt I guess. My heart still ached for him despite moving on. I can't even say that I had moved on. I couldn't be with Ethan forever. I guess it was just jealousy..
"I'll be out of here in no time." She smiled to him and soon our parents had followed in so thrilled to see her. My mom... I've never seen her so happy and sad at the same time. She couldn't stop hugging her and loving her. My father was all over her too telling her so much. I couldn't help but feel a little ghosted. Still feeling alone and unwanted as I had when we were all looking for her. Now I was being held back by the IV's and I couldn't escape this time. I couldn't run away. I just wished I had passed out once again and woke up back to just me and her. I knew how I felt was invalid because I was always the one getting the unneeded attention. She had been missing, she needed the love more than I did. I was glad she was here and she was okay. That was all that mattered at this point. That's all I had to focus on right now.
The police had come to question her after everyone had gotten their moments with her to catch up. She had answered all their questions but had no idea who it was who took her.
"It was dark." She shrugged. "I never saw his face."
"But it was a male?" They asked and she nodded.
"He was strong, he was fast and when the moment came I made a run for it."
"Would you be able to show us where you were being held?"
"I have no idea, it was dark." She said again. "I just kept running." She looked over to me and smiled weakly. "I knew she wouldn't stop looking for me." I blushed and I'm sure it showed because I had become very pale from not eating or barely sleeping for a week.
"Please, if you have anything more to tell us Aimee don't hesitate. Anything you tell us could help find and put away this maniac that has done this to you." He smiled at the both of us and then left with the the rest of the officers following behind him.
"This is going to be a hell of a recovery." She sighed and turned on her side to look at me. "But I'm glad you're here with me Em. You don't know how happy I am to see you."
"Please, don't ever leave me again." I searched her face and she nodded biting her bottom lip. I could tell she was holding back on what really happened and I hoped eventually she would tell me. I just wasn't going to pressure her to. She was suppressing down the memories I know, I would've done the same.

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