Chapter Fifty Nine

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I had stayed home that night talking with Aimee and praying things would change from this point on.
She admitted to knowing about Camille but neither she or I knew what had happened to her. She told me that she had confronted both my mom and dad about it before she had disappeared and they both had told her that they had no idea what happened to her. My dad had admitted to being with her but had went with the story about how she had just left him in the middle of the night leaving a note. He told her that he had lost it when he moved and couldn't remember what had been on it. That's when Aimee had lost it and decided to leave like I had except she hadn't known the truth. I didn't believe that we ever would. She was the second person to try and convince me to just move forward despite the fact that Camry would never know what happened to her sister. I knew I couldn't move forward for that reason. It was always going to rest in the back of my mind to try and find out the truth.
Until I could get answers, I had to move forward. Aimee had told me to start thinking about our special day that was approaching quickly. Our birthday was coming up and since it was our 18th, she wanted to have a big party for us. She told me that dad would be more willing to let us throw this party if I had just dropped it. So I dropped it.

Planning had been on it's way ever since then and I didn't think I was carrying much baggage. I knew that it was still in the back of my mind but how was I ever going to get justice for her? Doing what was right meant that I would have had to turn on my family. Nonetheless, I was moving forward like Trevor wanted me to and Aimee because it was for the best.
Things had also simmered down at school. Riley had been expelled for distributing those pictures. The school wanted to make an example of her and they had, drastically. She would have to finish the rest of her school year at a detention facility for troubled teens. She was going to school at the lower section of Red Hue and we would never have to see her again. My dad was ready to sue her for harassment but I told him to go easy on her. She used to be my friend and I realized that people make some awful life choices. They should learn from it, not suffer.

"It's going to be the bash of the year!" Aimee came to sit by me excitedly as she planned our birthday party. She told me to leave it to her as a way to apologize for all of the stuff she's out me through. Our birthday was next weekend and she had been very on top of everything.
"Let me know if I can help with anything." Trevor leaned in to listen to Aimee and offer his services which I rubbed his knee for.
"You'll do more than help Trev, you gotta help set everything up and protect us both from unwanted people." She cleared her throat and put down a list on the table. "These are all of the people that can't be allowed to the party." She smiled and gave a laugh. "I composed this list last night." She shrugged and Trevor sighed grabbing the list and skimming over it.
"There's got to be almost fifty people on here." He snickered and then handed me the list shaking his head. I skimmed over it too frowning and not really recognizing anyone I knew besides three people.
"What did they do?" I looked up to Aimee and she looked to the ceiling shrugging.
"They have all wronged me before."
"Sheesh." Trevor said under his breath and I sort of laughed.
"So you and Elliot are over huh?" She looked back down to me with a look that made me feel like I was an idiot.
"He called me crazy, made a scene and I just don't have time for that right now." She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes to show her displeasure of the conversation.
"One day you'll find a guy that matches your crazy self." Trevor laughed beside me and I shot a warning glance to him.
"If Emelie wasn't your sweet and innocent soulmate, I would have been and I would drag you to hell with me." She said snakily giving him a wink. "I guess I'll see you two love birds in gym class." She grabbed up her list and stalked off as I hit Trevor in the side.
"I guess I struck a cord." He snorted thinking it was a joke. "I'm sorry." He pouted when he realized I wasn't laughing.
"Just go easy on her okay? She's trying to do better." The bell rang causing us to get up from our seats and clear the table. I grabbed up my tray and looked to Trevor who took a long sigh.
"I know and I was just trying to make her not feel so alone. There's someone out there that likes Satans first born child." He laughed at himself like what he had said was hysterical but I had only rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry again." He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and took the tray from my hands. "Find me later." He jogged to the garbage and ever so gracefully and quickly dumped the trays and left the cafeteria.
I got up from the table with a sigh just having a terrible feeling about this upcoming party of ours. I don't know why I had it but I felt going all out was probably not the best idea. I feared the amount of people Aimee was going to invite and the ones she wasn't going to. What if they retaliated? I guess I just wanted a small party right now, nothing too out there but knowing Aimee it was going to be.
I pushed those feelings aside though and carried on with my day. I couldn't let it get the best of me.
School had gone smoothly after that and I had caught wind of people mentioning the party and they actually sounded excited. I really didn't want to, but I knew I had to help Aimee plan it so Trevor and her joined me at the house to compile ideas and figure who is doing what. It was fun when we had done that in the past. Aimee had even invited Kyla who said she'd come as soon as she could. I was relieved to hear that at least they were still friends. I had lost mine because of drama and deception.

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