Chapter Sixteen

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I went to go see Trevor after school. I had to thank him for standing up for me and Aimee said it was okay for me to go alone. So I drove down to his house and saw him outside raking leaves in a tank top. He stopped when he saw me and gave a little wave to me when I parked. He dropped his rake and came over to my car with a big grin on his face. His face... his poor face was already bruising and swelling from the fight. Still, he smiled at me.
I rolled down my window returning the smile to him. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked wiping the sweat from his forehead. He was breathing hard from the workout, his chest rising and falling slowly but strenuously. Right now all I could see him as was a younger Clark Kent. Except having the persona of a jock who bragged and gathered attention from many people, mostly girls. His superman persona was the one I saw Saturday night, standing up for me and this afternoon when he went after the creep.
"I wanted to thank you again for standing up for me. You didn't have to do that." I cleared my throat
"I have sisters Em." He shrugged like it was no big deal. "And I've known you forever so when I heard you, when Aimee heard you, I had to act. And I know I come off as this suave asshole but again, I have sisters. I've witnessed first hand the damage shit like that can cause." He didn't talk about it at all but his older sister had committed suicide after years of abuse. She had left a note to her family and her abuser before taking her own life. He was a freshman then and she was a junior. We were friends then and he had told me about it but that was the only time he'd really speak on it. So I shouldn't have been surprised that he had done this. I just figured he had changed so much he had forced himself to forget.
"I just also wanted to see if you were okay." I looked over him solemnly noting the damage to his face that had actually made him a bit more tantalizing.
"Yeah it's not big deal to me, a few bruises and a busted lip." He gave a half smile and then furrowed his brows saying, "Do you want to come in? Catch up for old times sake?"
I hesitated biting at my lip but then nodding. It couldn't hurt. "Sure." I turned off my car and pushed open my door allowing him to back up before I did.
His parents were rich, maybe even richer than my own. They owned most of the property in Red Hue. His father had aided in building most of it and once he got older took a step away and just began to manage his construction business from a far. He built this house that Trevor and his family lived in. His mother was a well respected surgeon that specialized in neurology and traveled often for her job, so he wasn't the only one bringing in money.
I followed him inside remembering coming here to do projects and such with him. Our parents were good friends or should I really say business partners so they were always okay with us hanging out.
"The folks are still on vacation so I'm just cleaning up for their return." He said walking to the kitchen. His house was empty and cleaned for the most part from the party Saturday. I assumed he couldn't be in that much trouble.
"Where'd they go?" I asked following him still and watching him pour two glasses of water for us.
"To go visit my grandma. My little sister wouldn't stop talking about her so my parents decided they'd take her." He chuckled and looked up to me slyly. "Little did they know that I planted that in her head to throw the party."
"Very sneaky." I chuckled sitting down on the stool. He slid the glass over to me as he gulped down his hungrily, spilling some on his shirt.
"It's been quiet here through without the little noisemakers." He put the empty glass on the table and propped himself on it to look at me with those eyes. The beauty of them didn't hit you until he looked in yours. You could see his kind heart through them, his softness.
"But how have you been doing Em? I know I abandoned you and fucked your sister." He laughed at the last part shaking his head in remembrance to when I outed him. "I started some unnecessary drama with that and I'm sorry because that wasn't fair."
"I've been okay, holding in there. Heartbroken of course." I smiled taking a sip of the water and looking up to him smirking.
"Well I'm known for that." He shrugged standing up straight. "What about you and Aidan?"
I sighed and looked heavenward shaking my head. "He's been weird so I just figured nothing should happen between us. Unnecessary drama."
"He's a homeschooler." He laughed shaking his head. "He doesn't know how to act around pretty girls." He leaned towards me looking over my face. "I thought you two would be good together." He pouted giving a sigh.
"I'll find my Prince Charming eventually." I got up from the stool and stretched giving a big yawn trying not to think much of it. "But I should go home and do my homework before my parents get home."
"Yeah, I should finish raking the leaves so my parents can not be angry at me for getting suspended."
"Oh right," I laughed remembering there were consequences. "How long did they give you?"
"One day and two games so it's not too bad. I need a break anyways." He walked around to stand in front of me now shoving his hands in his pockets. He looked down to the ground sighing deeply before those heart breaking eyes looked back into mine. "I still think about you." He admitted looking a bit timid but then smiling at his thoughts. "I remember I built this future between us when we were stupid kids because I always thought we'd end up together." He looked down at his feet again and shrugged saying, "My own stupid fault that we didn't. I grew up and lost my patience, gained popularity and deadly looks." He shook his head regrettably. "And you never pushed it even then. Why?" 
I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes because I knew my response would be silly. "I guess I was just waiting for the right time." I looked back into his eyes and held them for a moment dreading the next words I was about to say to him. I knew it wouldn't change a thing. "I thought eventually that you'd confess your love for me and we'd be together."
"You got tired of waiting." He nodded stepping closer to me so there was little space between us. "I understand that, it's been years." He reached up and gently pushed the hair from my face.
I looked up to him, my cheeks growing hot because of the closeness. I shut my eyes briefly and shook him away saying quietly, "You're with Aimee."
"No, we aren't together. She told me we couldn't be." His hand still caressed my cheek, making me fall towards him, wanting to feel his lips. I've waited so long for this moment and never expected it to happen after I saw him with Aimee. "Because I like you, Emelie." He leaned down to me, his and my heart both picking up speed. I could feel it in his hand against my face.
I tilted my head to match his anticipating this kiss for who knows how long. I could feel the coolness of his breath against my lips, the heat from his body as he neared me... We'd finally made contact and his lips were like chocolate, melting against mine and leaving a sweet taste on my lips. I placed my hand on his chest letting it fall as our kiss continued, passionately and gentle. My heart began racing after I had felt it stop when he kissed me. It was everything. It made me want more. It sort of sent me into a mind fuzz. I couldn't even began to explain the feeling... How did he manage to pull that off?
"Mmm." He pulled away biting his bottom lip gently as I looked up to him with pleasing eyes.
"You're so hot." Was all I could think of saying. My mind had been scrambled by that kiss. I wasn't expecting it to be that fulfilling. That should've been my first kiss.
He laughed and ran his fingers through his messy hair. "I've never felt something so electric." He looked down to my lips again, endearingly. "An instant spark." The door bell rang and I spun around afraid it would be Aimee. In fact it was worse.. it was Aidan. He let himself in apparently and had definitely seen my car there.
"Hey Trevor, Emelie." My face was flushed. I turned back to Trevor who was as calm as ever. I myself was frantic, as if I had done something wrong.
"Aidan." I took a deep breath shoving my hands in my pockets. "Are you stalking me now?"
He gave a laugh and shook his head. "You need your space and I get that. I've been pushy." He looked towards Trevor giving me time to look at his also bruised up face.
"Thanks for having my back today Aidan." Trevor cleared his throat and walked around me to Aidan. "It meant a lot."
"Well we're friends." He gave a short smile, almost sinister. He wasn't happy seeing us together but he was hiding it best that he could. My stomach was in knots now.
"I should go." I looked back to Trevor smiling shyly. "Thanks again." I looked over his face and he smiled brightly.
"Anything for you Emelie." He gave me a wink and I turned to look at Aidan one last time seeing he was holding back. He had his fist balled up tightly.
"Bye Aidan." I said it quickly and quietly as I walked to the door. I had no idea what was going to happen when I left and I didn't want to witness it. I had already saw enough earlier.
I got into my car and immediately locked my doors. I felt a little unsafe the more I saw him. He was unpredictable.
I started up my car but was stopped by Trevor waving his hands at me. I relaxed and rolled down my window as he trotted over.
"Think about me tonight." He said once he stopped in front of my window letting out a breath.
I laughed shaking my head at him confused. "What?" I blinked and missed when he leaned towards me and kissed me deeply nearly pulling me out of my seat. I was left dumbfounded. He didn't say anything further, he just walked away. I had to blink several times to wipe my mind before I drove off.

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