Chapter Twenty Seven

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Saturday was going to be a mess...
Our parents had given the ok for Aimee to go to the Halloween party Trevor was throwing tonight. Of course they were unaware of how crazy it actually was going to be because Aimee had given them the PG description of it. They were hesitant but willing if I had gone with her so we were going.
I was also worked up about seeing and speaking to Riley as if things were normal between us. I hadn't spoke to Kyla since Aimee had gone but I'd felt our relationship had also fizzled out. Also I was pretty sure she was hanging out with Aidan which I didn't mind but minded a lot.. He was no longer on my dibs list but I felt we weren't completely done. Maybe it was in my head but I think he still liked me.. All I wanted was a relationship but it seemed like no one had wanted one with me besides him. I just wasn't ready to go down that road again.

"Sorry I chose your costume for you but I figured you wouldn't have time to pick one. How does a slutty leprechaun sound?" She picked up a bag and frowned at the choice.
"A slutty leprechaun?" I laughed and she began to laugh too.
"I'm kidding, every girl knows that if you don't know what you should go as, go as a cat." She shrugged and pulled a package out of the bag. Two different costume bags. "Kyla and Riley should be here soon and we can all get ready like old times! Let me go find my speaker!" She dropped the costumes to the floor and ran upstairs to go find her speaker. She was so excited and that was really reassuring for me. After Nolan had left we talked about seeing a therapist with our parents and they immediately scheduled an appointment for her. I could wait.. I wanted to make sure she was okay and got the help she needed.
So I guess this is what she needed too to move forward. A party with her friends and I didn't want to ruin that. I had to play nice.
Kyla had showed up before Riley had, costume in hand along with flowers. She and Aimee hugged each other for a long time before coming apart almost in tears.
"I'm so glad you're here." Aimee smiled to her wiping her tears away. "You don't know how much it means to me." She sniffled and looked over to me. "I just need a little push and you girls are just the right people for it."
The doorbell rang and Aimee ran to go get it.
"Ring a ding ding!" Riley's voice broke through the door sounding excited. I could hear them hugging and catching up so I went into the kitchen and grabbed a drink of water. Kyla came to join me standing beside me.
"Have you two patched things up?" She asked taking my glass of water and taking a drink.
"No, but I'm going to put on a face for Aimee." I turned to look at her placing my hand on the glass. "Can we make sure we take it easy tonight? That maniac is still out there and I can't watch my sister be tormented by the fear of him."
She looked to me briefly and stared forward again giving a nod. "Of course." A woman of few words.. She walked back over to join them laughing as Aimee turned up the music. Our parents had stepped out for a bit to avoid all the screeching that would be done as we readied ourselves. That only prompted Riley to go and find the bottle of booze hidden in the pantry. All we had shared was a smile and that's it. I think Aimee had noticed the chill in the air between us but she continued to dance around.
We all changed and got ready in our costumes. I was stuck with being Harlequin which Aimee had picked out for me. She was going to be the Joker, a female version of him. I let her do my makeup and put my hair up into two ponytails while I did her makeup and sprayed her hair with a temporary green dye. I thought we looked awesome and sexy. I was wearing Daisy dukes and fishnet stockings with a crop top(you know, the Harley from suicide squad). I looked like every other girl that had redid her costume only slightly better. Aimee on the other hand looked awesome. Somehow a pimp but also very sexy. She had a staff and purple suit that was fitted into a short dress and Green stockings. She looked baller and we took a ton of pictures.
We joined Riley and Kyla downstairs with an applause.
"Hot damn!" Riley smirked at us both and I rolled my eyes. I don't think she saw. "You two look awesome I love it."
"Yeah," Kyla agreed. "We didn't try at all." She flicked her cat ears and sighed. We both laughed and Aimee looped her arm through mine.
"I'm so ready for this." She whispered to me and I became a little uneasy.
We did our before party routine and left for the party in Aimee's car though she wasn't driving. Kyla offered to be DD which was very kind of her. Though I didn't think I would be partying as much as she thought. I was very anxious about being here.
The party was already up and running with many people hanging around the house. My heart was pounding in my chest and unnecessary adrenaline pumping through my body. I was so afraid of what would happen with Aimee that I was so on edge. She was smiling and waving to everyone and all I could do was stand behind her sheepishly trying to watch her and avoid the spotlight.
As soon as we went inside everyone cheered for her. It was very nice of them to but it scared me shitless...
"Aimee!" Everyone kept trying to get her attention and she waved me away trying to signal that she was okay. I went to go get us drinks and ones that were non alcoholic. I had no idea how she would react if she were under the influence so I was being precautionary.
"Hey! Glad you made it!" Trevor put his arm around my shoulder laughing. "I thought for sure you weren't coming."
"Well Aimee wanted to come so," I shrugged him off and turned to face him. "Can you please look out for her Trevor? This is a big step for her." I searched his eyes and he nodded quickly.
"Of course." I trusted him still. He cared about her a lot and he would let nothing happen. "But you have to relax Em, you look like you've seen several ghosts." He chuckled and pulled up a small bottle of what I was assuming booze. He tipped some into both of the cups I was holding with this stupid grin on his face. "Find me later, there will be some fun in the jacuzzi room." He winked at me and moved forward cheering as he had passed someone behind me. I took a drink shivering at the taste of alcohol. I thought for sure I would never get used to that burn.
I sought out Aimee through in the sea of people all dressed up to the point where I wasn't sure who was who. She was being cornered by a bunch of cheerleaders that were juniors. She was smiling and laughing which eased me but still I was in edge. I handed her the drink and let her be on her own as I tried to mingle making sure I had sights on her.
"Em!" Riley's hands went down on my shoulders making me jump out of my skin.
"Cool it!" I turned to her angry and she still smiled.
"Come on, we can't keep pretending like this, let's make up."
"Seriously not right now Riley." I shook my head at her and she looked me up not at all threatened by me it seemed.
"Why are you so damn uptight?" She asked laughing but being crude. "You've always acted as if you were better than me, better than your sister." She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "When are you going to realize that your life isn't as tidy and perfect as you imagined? When are you going to get a damn reality check!" She scoffed looking over me. "Get over yourself."
"Why are you doing this?" I asked shaking my head at her. She was trying to hurt me because I denied her like she was some loser boy trying to attack me because I rejected him. "Since when can't you handle rejection?" I decided to play her game and be hurtful. "You should be used to it by now."
People began to circle around us when Riley began to raise her voice at me saying, "Oh I'm sorry, have you not only been rejected by Trevor but by Aidan too? At least I had a boyfriend for two years instead of thinking I was far too good for one! Now look at you, alone and relying on your sister for a relationship!" She scoffed and looked me up angrily. "You seriously are pathetic Em, you're nothing without your sister!" She shoved me hard and I fell gasping as I did and hitting the floor hard. The room had gone silent now and everyone was staring at us. I winced pushing myself up from the floor.
"Riley what the hell!" Aimee pushed past everyone to join us staring Riley down. "Seriously what is your problem!?" She got in her face and I got off the ground trying to let it go and stop Aimee from attacking her. "After everything? Really? You're going to slander and push my sister? Don't you think we've had enough bullshit!?" She screamed at her and everyone was just watching us.
"Aimee seriously? Emelie has been a bitch ever since you went missing!" She accused me and I grabbed Aimee's arm shaking my head to her.
"Aim let's just go." And she shrugged me off shoving Riley hard and ready to fight her.
"Don't you dare call her a bitch!"
"Hey hey hey!" Trevor's voice boomed through the crowd. "Nothing but good vibes here, ladies let's call it off okay?"
"Fuck off Trevor." Aimee said to him and he laughed coming up behind her and putting his arms around her waist. She tried to fight him off but he had a good grip on her pulling her away from Riley. He lifted her off the ground as she cursed him trying to fight him off but couldn't.
I looked to Riley who grilled me before shoving her way out of the crowd. I pushed the bit of hair from my face sighing deeply before I went to go find Aimee and Trevor. The party resumed..
I went upstairs holding my arm tightly and searching the rooms. Soon I could Aimee screaming at him so I followed that sound. I came right up to the door and stopped myself when she had hit him in the face.
He didn't flinch but instead stepped towards her shaking his head. "Aimee come on."
She shook her head and pushed him hard in the chest. "You don't fucking get it Trev!" She screamed at him. "I am hanging by fucking threads! I can't continue on like this! It's just-" she grabbed at her hair and he took her hands in his kindly.
"Hey," he said softly pulling her towards him. "I understand, I've been there ok?" He sighed and she looked up to him visibly upset and shaking. He placed her hands on his face holding her hands there as she stared up into him.
"I love you." She told him nodding and pulling him down to kiss her. "I'm sorry I hurt you." She whispered and kissed him again.
"I get it." He dropped his hands from hers and placed them on her waist. He pulled her into him and they kissed passionately. "What can I give you to calm you down?" He asked placing his forehead on hers and she laughed.
"E?" She asked him and he chuckled reaching behind him to grab something. He came to stand back in front of her and placed a pill of some sort on his tongue and swallowed. She stuck out her tongue tilting her head back and he faked putting one on hers as to which she laughed and grabbed his arms.
"Please?" She begged and he stepped closer to her placing the pill on the tip of his tongue. She grabbed his head and pulled him down to her tracing her tongue up his chin and up to his lips. Somehow she had wrapped her tongue around his before pulling him down harder to her to french kiss him.
I took a step back shaking my head and trying to catch my breath. I took one more step back and a hand went down on my shoulder scaring the crap out of me. I jumped and turned to see Nolan smiling down at me. He wasn't dressed up but he had pushed me forward laughing.
"Come on." He pulled me along with him giving me little room to process what I had just witnessed. I was a little hurt and also confused about what had happened. I just let Nolan pull me along with him.
"Where are we going?" I tried to shake my thoughts away. I had so many filling my head.
"To the fun room." He said stopping finally in front of this closed room.
"Nolan seriously what the hell?" I looked over him confused.
"After that argument I figured you needed a release." He opened the door and pulled me inside where it was pretty poorly lit. I could see Leigh though laying across the bed as she waved to me. There was another kid I didn't know sitting in the chair and he waved to me too.
I turned back to Nolan shrugging and laughing to him. "What the hell is this?" I asked and he grinned looking me up.
He licked his lips and became so sinister but also very hot as he said, "Let's take a trip." I dropped my shoulders still confused as he walked over to the guy. His back was to me so I couldn't see what he had done but did when he walked over to Leigh. She tilted her head back sticking out her tongue and he ran his index finger across it. There was like this small tab, like the tiny corner of a piece of paper on her tongue.
He walked back to me and said, "Stick out your tongue."
I snorted looking over his face like he wasn't being serious. "I'm not doing this."
He pouted and frowned looking over my face. "It'll be fun, I'll coach you through it."
"How many times have you done this?" I asked and he looked me up smirking.
"Too many to count." His friends chuckled behind him. "You don't have to." He assured me and I searched his eyes just making a snap decision. After seeing my sister do it, it couldn't hurt to try. Taking a risk I stuck out my tongue to him wishing it had been as hot as Trevor's... I wanted him to kiss me and I think he felt that but held back. He raised his index finger to me and in an attempt to be hot, I licked it off his finger. I wanted to show him that I was a willing participant, that maybe I did have a dark side. Riley's words kept ringing through my ears and I just couldn't  be a sheep anymore.
I swallowed and he smiled big taking a few steps away from me. "It takes a few moments to kick in." He looked me up before going to turn on a speaker. I was just hoping I didn't regret this..
I took a seat in the couch to the left of me taking a deep breath as the music began to play relaxing me. He came to sit beside me and I looked to him a little afraid of what was going to happen. It was not the same thing Trevor had given Aimee. It was different, smaller. Made me question how strong the effects would be. He fell back on the couch and shut his eyes sighing.
I sat back taking a deep breath as well and staring up at the ceiling. We all listened to the music for a bit. "You'll start to sweat." Nolan said turning to me and I noticed that I was sweating a bit. I was hot but it was cold in the room. I felt like I needed to take off my jacket. "Your heart will pound and pound in your chest like it wants to escape your body." I could feel my heart racing as he described. Sweat began to form on my forehead in beads but I tried to relax as he told me, "It's completely normal, don't freak out just relax your body. Maybe close your eyes and breathe in, and then out." I followed his directions steadying my breath by breathing in and out deeply. "Open your eyes." He whispered and I did bringing my eyes over to Leigh who was laughing and rolling around on the bed. She was dressed as pikachu and for some reason that was hilarious to me. I began to laugh with her almost uncontrollably but it felt nice to. We were all laughing by then and that's when my vision began to shake. It felt like it was shaking at least. The walls around me had shifted and the lines in them began to wiggle as if they were dancing to the music being played. I liked what I was seeing so I had gotten up to touch the wall. When I did, the lines had scattered away from me as if they were afraid of touch. Where my hand had been, there were no lines moving near it. Then I noticed the pores on my hand began to enlarge themselves and shift into hexagons. I had hexagons on the surface of my flesh. They began to dance too, shake more like and snake up my skin. I touched my arm and ran up to my shoulder feeling so lightweight and free. I just wanted to lay on the ground and stare up at the ceiling as the shadow of the lights danced around. The more I focused on listening to the music, the more it fizzled in and out and turned to just movements. The beats had filled the room giving it this groovy and psychedelic feel. I felt like those beats. I felt like I was fizzling out and reforming into something beautiful. I felt enlightened- whatever that was supposed to feel like.
"Can you feel it?" Nolan came into my vision and his mouth was moving slower than the words coming out. It looked as if his face was melting and then coming back together on repeat.
I nodded to him reaching out and holding on to his arms tightly. His smile grew bigger than it normally should and he stepped to me looking down at my lips.
"Can you feel the universe falling apart around you? Can you see it shifting? Do you know how unimportant you are to the entire universe?" My head began to swell it felt like as he threw this questions at me. I couldn't process them right now but I could feel it. "We don't matter." I nodded to him. "Nothing matters Emelie, we're all just specks of dust floating on an aimless planet. Fuck up, do something your parents wouldn't recommend. It won't matter in the end." I fell into him closing my eyes but still seeing the illusions. "Come with me." He grabbed my hand and held it tightly pulling me with him out the room. The lights nearly blinded me.. They were maybe five times as bright. I felt like I was floating as he pulled me with him. I bet I had a stupid grin on my face too.
We fled to the back of the house and he opened the door to what I believe was the Jacuzzi room. There were people laughing and chatting in there but I couldn't make out who was who. They were just shadows or more like dark figures that made noise. He held my hand still as I began to strip down to my underwear because I hadn't brought a bathing suit. And I didn't care either I just wanted to feel the warmth of the water and the bubbles. He helped me and then stripped down himself pulling me with him. It was a big Jacuzzi I remembered that from pool parties in the past. It could fit probably more than twenty people, half the size of the pool they had outside.
I dipped my toe in the water and giggled as it touched me and danced around the dark figures. I put myself in and under the water letting it wrap around me like a tight velvet blanket. He came in beside me and I moved to the center of the pool with him behind me. Finally I saw my sister in the corner with Trevor. Kyla was also there and so was Leigh.
I turned back to Nolan and he looked down to me grinning.
"How do you feel?" He asked and I smiled still feeling its effects.
"Like I want to kiss you." I looked over his face feeling the water move me forward. I fell into him and his arms went around me to steady me.
"You can kiss me." He assured me and I went for it.. The initial contact was intense. It was as if someone smacked me hard across the face- it almost knocked me over. His lips were far softer than usual and I wasn't sure if that were because we were in steaming water or because I was on drugs.. They still felt damn amazing so once I started, I didn't want to stop. That energy that I felt with him several times before was just intensified and I just felt unstoppable as we kissed. The world beneath me was spinning as our lips hungrily danced together.
"Hey," we were interrupted. "Hands off she's mine!" I turned around to see Aimee grinning at me before taking me in for a hug. "I love you Em, so much." She pulled away and we looked into one another's eyes noticing our pupils were both dilated behind comprehension. She began to laugh and then I began to laugh as she hugged me again. She whispered to me, "Go for it, he's really hot." She looked to me a nodded happily as Trevor came up beside her.
"Glad you made it Em!" He winked at me and I don't think I'd ever see him the same again. I turned back to Nolan feeling the effects wind down.
"Let's find a room." I looked over his face and he didn't hesitate to nod quickly to me. I was so ready to move on and get Trevor out of my brain.
We got out of the water grabbing towels as we left the steamed room. We were hit by a cold gust of wind once we had so he put his arm around me and we walked upstairs to find an empty bedroom. We were laughing like idiots when we finally found a room that was unoccupied. The lights were off but the light shinning in told us it was empty.
He closed the door behind us and pushed me against it kissing me hard and pulling the towel from my waist. My fingers tangled up in his hair feeling the excitement all over again except this time I was half naked.
I started pushing him back until he had fallen on the bed so I could climb on top of him. He gripped my waist tightly bringing my hips forward to match his.
I broke away from him breathing heavily but smiling as I looked down to him slyly. "I'll show you my dark side."
He smirked and pulled me back down tracing his fingers down my back making me shiver. "Show me it." He looked over my face quickly and kissed me hard and grabbing me harder. I pulled away again and pulled my hair out of the ponytails to have it drape down my back. We kissed again and now his hands went to the top of my behind. I moved my hips into his moaning softly into his lips to give him a little encouragement. I wanted to tease him so bad, I wanted to show him that I wasn't the good girl everyone thought I was. That I did have a dark side and could have fun without Aimee..
I went to kiss his neck now aggressively licking ad biting him gently. He didn't seem to mind it because he trembled beneath me trying to get me as close as he could. He was only wearing his boxers so I had felt everything beneath me . His body was definitely responding in a positive way and I liked having that control.. Being on top and doing what I felt was comfortable was empowering. He was now in my trance of grinding against him and testing his weak spots. He really seemed to like when I bit him. He would grab my hips tightly and made sure I had felt him. It was incredibly sensuous.
It got to the point where he grew tired of the tease and flipped me underneath him so that he was on top of me taking heavy breaths.
"You don't know how bad I want you right now." He looked down to me as his chest heaved.
"Then have me." I pressed my legs into his as he contemplated what he wanted to do. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked to the wall shaking his head.
"You haven't had sex yet have you?" He asked looking back to me.
"No, so show me." I nodded. "Show me how it's done." I batted my eyelashes at him and pouted my lips. "I want to know, I want to feel you."
"Fuck!" He frowned pushing his hair from his face frustrated.
"I said yes." I sat up a little looking over his face.
"No." He looked to me shaking his head. "This isn't fair to you. You're better than a rebound." He pushed my legs away gently and turned his back to me. I sat up now slumping my shoulders because I had been rejected again. I wasn't sure if I was really ready but I felt I was right now. All of that getting worked up for nothing.. But I respected his decision. He didn't want to and so we couldn't. I understood that and stopped pouting. I shouldn't push or guilt him.
"Well," I sighed sitting up straight. "Could you stay here with me?" I had a feeling we had to stay the night here.
"Of course." He turned back to me trying to calm himself down. "I'll stay with you."

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