Chapter Fifty Seven

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It wasn't as unraveling as I expected to be. I didn't fall down to my knees and scream at the skies or my mom upon hearing the truth. The thing was that I didn't fully believe what she had said because she sounded so unsure. If she was as high and drunk as she said, there's really no telling what happened that night. The only people that do know what happened were Camille, my mom and possibly my dad. It was hard to believe that she had done this so inconspicuously and one thing she did remember was him being there that night as well. My dad wasn't a light sleeper..
after she had fully admitted what she had done, she sort of fell to pieces on me. She was crying uncontrollably because later she had found the letters she had written to us. She admitted that she had put them in the box and kept them from us along with the rest of the letters who she said were from our father once they had split. Whatever had happened that night, she couldn't fully recall but she did say that was the moment she knew she had to leave my father. She filed for divorce before he could and had kicked him out of our lives. She cried when she told me when she found out she was pregnant and said that that's when she had really lost it and sunk further into bad habits. That part of the story my father told me was true. I figured I had to go back to him for the full story but I really didn't want to face them right now. Instead of going home though, I went back to Trevor's place so I could tell him everything I learned and figure out what to do. Camille deserved justice and Camry needed to know the truth so she could stop searching. It was just my family, and I wouldn't want anything awful to happen to them because of a drunken rage. I just couldn't get the autopsy report out of my head. If my mother was capable of strangling someone and murdering a pregnant woman... What else could she be capable of? Did she also murder Jasmine and Gloria? From what I remembered from my research and Leigh's, they also worked for her. Was my mom a serial killer?
I relayed all of this information to Trevor who just stared at me in bewilderment over the whole thing.
"So she doesn't know for sure if she had killed her?" He frowned trying to help me piece all of this together. "And if she didn't kill her, who did? And also why did someone copy the murders?"
"It's all so much information to take in." I shook my head to him dropping it between my hands. "I'm not sure which direction to go from here. How do I get to the bottom of this?" I sorta whined looking back up to him.
"You can leave it to the police." He said plainly and giving a shrug. "I don't believe you should get any more involved than you have." He was being serious...
"Camry deserves to know the truth." I began to get a bit upset now not sure why he was backing out now.
"And she will learn the truth if they actually investigate what happened to these girls." He sat back looking over my face. I scoffed shaking my head to disagree with him.
"My family is involved and I feel obligated to-" he held up his hand to stop me and I got even more upset.
"We've done enough already don't you think? If you keep digging around, who knows what will happen. Do you really want to sever more ties with your family?" I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed huffing. "Seriously Em, I don't think it will be healthy for you to keep at this. You just need to take a step back is all I'm saying."
"I just know they will continue to keep me in the dark about this and I really am sick of being shielded by people who don't even care enough to tell me the truth! They think I'm a child!" I said rushed and becoming infuriated once again. "I just want you in my side about this Trevor." I folded my arms over my chest and he placed his hand on my thigh to try and comfort me.
"You know I am on your side about this." He said softly and with a sigh. "I just know it's eating at you already."
"Because I don't know the truth!" I sat back up quickly making him jolt his hand away.
"Hey," he said quietly looking into my eyes. I dropped my shoulders realizing that he wasn't my enemy right now. I had to remember that. "I'm on your side about all of this. I know how difficult it is right now but you definitely need a break." He took a deep breath and I took one too trying to relax. "It's been a long day and we just need to wind down and rest up. We have to go to school tomorrow." I nodded looking down into my lap. He rubbed my knee gently so I fell back onto the bed taking another deep breath. "Relax." He slid his hands up to my thighs sighing deeply.
"I just want them to stop treating me like I will crumble every time I hear something not positive! I have grown so-" he pushed my legs down before I could work myself up even further.
"Relax Em." He looked down over my body and squeezed my thigh a little tighter.
"I'm relaxed." I sighed and then grabbed his hand to hold it. "I just need a few more days to investigate." I pulled him towards me and he snickered looking back up to my eyes. "I need to find the truth."
"And I'll help you," he leaned over me placing his hands at my sides. He lowered himself over top of me and kissed me tenderly. "Tomorrow."
He smiled and I chuckled placing my hands on the side of his face. I pulled him down and kissed him making him laugh as well.
"I love you Trevor." I said looking lovingly into his big blue eyes.
"It's crazy how much I love you too, like insane." He smiled. "You are just what I've been looking for."

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