Chapter Twelve

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"So why are you interested in dating my girls?" My dad couldn't wait to come back so he could be the menacing and terrifying father figure. Scare every boy away. He always had. This was the first time he had sat down at table with some. Aidan, who looked like he was going to shit himself and Trevor who kept his same old cocky grin on his face. Trying to kiss my fathers ass as much as he could. Luckily they all liked sports.
Me and Aimee did not want to do this but he gave us no choice. He said we left our phones downstairs so he texted our boyfriends to let them come over for dinner. I'm sure Aidan was confused because of our argument and probably figured I was an emotional wreck on an emotional roller coaster that he just so happened to get snatched up on. He did tell me that he thought he loved me.
"I think they are phenomenal girls Mr.Meyer." Trevor flashed his million dollar smile to him. "Anyone would be honored to even be seen with them. I've also known then for such a long time."
"I know," my dad interrupted. "Your parents and I go way back." He nodded and my mom came around with plates setting them down in front of me and Aimee first. She didn't believe that men deserved to be served first thank god. That tradition always irked me. She had made pot roast, an expensive one, and I'm assuming she knew about this. She would never do things on the fly. And I figured since she accused me of being pregnant, she minds well meet the father of my child..
"Emelie is a very sweet girl." Aidan kept it short. Maybe because he knew anything he said would be ridiculed given the way my father had saw us. That was my fault. But it definitely would be taken out on him. He looked briefly at me but didn't hold contact. I found it odd that he didn't just say them instead of just me. He was upset with me , rightfully so. I guess I didn't fully understand him yet.
"What is this for?" Aimee leaned in her seat with a piece of roast resting on her fork. "Me and em aren't going to homecoming so this is pointless." She shrugged before shoving the roast in her mouth.
Our dad chuckled and also shrugged. "I'm trying to understand you girls and the boys that pursue you. I have the right to know."
"But on our accord!"she was ready to argue now, sitting so close to the table that you could see the way her body conformed against it. "This was another unnecessary parenting move. I stopped seeing Trevor."
"Aimee can you just-" our mom began to say as she sat next to her ex husband, all of us with food in front of us.
There was a moment of silence.
Aidan cleared his throat and began cutting his bit of meat trying to make it seem like we were eating rather than bickering. We all followed suit filling our mouths and enjoying the food a little while before our dad spoke again.
"Really good food Sandra, it's nice of you to have done this." He nodded and my mom smiled. She secretly still loved him and loved that he'd compliment her. It was nice that she lit up like that. It was rare.
"I used the crockpot method this time." She smiled sipping on her glass of wine. "I think it was worth it."
"I found it makes the meat very tender and able to rip a fork right through it with little force." Aidan smiled to her. I forgot his mother and him cooked a bunch. I'm sure the talk of food brought off the heat and awkwardness of this dinner. I know it made me feel at ease.
"Well I'm stuffed." Aimee placed her napkin on the table while getting up. "Thanks for the dinner mom." She looked to Trevor and he sat up in his seat looking up to her expectantly. "We should probably talk." She said to him and he nodded looking back to his plate. "Right now." She demanded and he jumped up following her out of the dining room.
My dad cleared his throat and I looked up to Aidan who continued to eat. I wasn't even sure where we stood right now. I wasn't sure if I cared. I think still there was too much going on in my mind..
I took one more bite of food and my dad cleared his throat again. This time to gain my moms attention.
"Did you happen to make dessert too?" He asked and she smiled nodding happily.
"Pecan Pie, you're favorite." This was weird for me seeing them like this. Normal.
"We should go get it out of the oven then, do some cleaning." I looked up to him and he was nodding his head to Aidan and hoping my mother understood.
"Yes." She got up scratching her head and clearing some of the plates before they both left the dining room.
"I was really hesitant on coming tonight." He began to say. I sat back in my seat folding my arms across my chest. I didn't really want to look at him. I was afraid to. He still didn't know what happened to me and I didn't want to explain myself. "I guess I just figured you wanted to talk but you're still very standoffish."
"I didn't invite you here, my father did. It's just as awkward for me as it is for you." I looked up to him and he took a breath looking over my face.
"I just don't know what I did wrong I mean," he sighed clenching his jaw. "There's this tension between us."
"Well did you ever consider that it's not about you? That I don't want to talk about it?" I kept my voice lowered in case they were all eavesdropping.
"I have and I'm sorry I'm very insecure when I talk to you. I just want to do everything right Emelie."
"Then leave me alone!" It just came out. I shut my eyes shaking my head regrettably. "I don't mean that." I said quietly once he didn't respond.
"No, sorry, I figured you and Trevor need some catching up to do so I better go." He got up and I shot up too reaching out to him and fighting back tears.
"Aidan please you just-" I paused sighing and shaking my head. "You just don't understand."
"And you're not helping me to!" He raised his voice now turning to look back at me. "If you want me to leave you alone, I will. But don't get angry at me and expect me to stay and take it. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you Saturday. I shouldn't have added to your emotional state by saying I love you but please, stop trying to hurt me on purpose."
I just kept shaking my head as he spoke, flashes of Sean and that experience. I just wanted to tell him so he could stop lecturing me. I just wanted to tell him so he could stop guessing and understand. I wanted to tell him so we could move past this... so I did. I stared him right in the eyes and said as calmly as I could, "I was sexually assaulted Saturday."
His frowns faded into concern and then sadness. He turned to stone only allowing his eyes to move over my face. As if he was thinking I was joking and then quickly realizing I was not.
I looked away from him trying to hold myself together. I could feel his eyes still on me in shock, not knowing what to say but only staring.
"Here's Pie!" My moms very cheery voice came across my ears and snapping me back into my trance. I could pretend that everything was alright again.
My mom was followed by my dad Trevor and Aimee.
"You know I don't really like pecan pie." Aimee moaned and I drew back a smile trying to get back to normal.
"Just throw a pint of ice cream on it and you'll just eat it up!" I laughed taking a seat next to her. They all chuckled as Aidan still stood there looking at me.
"I should get home." It was almost like he had spit it up, like he was holding it for so long. He said nothing more and left the room quickly. I felt numb but I kept my smiling face. If I smiled, no one would know the pain I was facing behind it. No one would ask me what was wrong.


"Saw you had a little one on one time with Mr. hotstuff yesterday."
"Yeah apparently you told him something was up." We were walking to class, his class specifically.
"I was worried about you Em. And I figured you'd like some time alone with him. You know, you're his favorite."
I had totally erased our encounter yesterday. I had hugged him and held me.. He felt warm and comforting.. different. Way more than I expected. Right now I had a weird feeling about it.
"I'm not his favorite." I shook the thought away from me. "I'm just a good student."
"He gives you special treatment always, you're his favorite." Maybe I had never noticed it before. Maybe I was oblivious.
"Good Morning ladies." He walked past us surprising us both but he was in a hurry. He brushed past us, brushing his hand into me. I noticed that. It felt like he had done it on purpose. Maybe now I was just reading into it far too much. Riley had put in into my head now.
"How can a guy be so hot?" She looked after him longingly and I scoffed.
"He's not that good looking Riley." I couldn't think of him that way. He was our teacher.
"What's up with you and Aidan?" Aimee came up behind us now nudging me in the side. "He left pretty fast last night."
"Nothing we just aren't talking right now."
"Because he said he loved you?" She asked and Riley gasped.
"He said he loved you?" She stopped walking to look at me wide eyed.
I stopped too and shrugged saying, "He said he thinks he's in love with me."
"Only took him a week huh?" She laughed shaking her head. "Luckily he's hot and not a creep."
"Do we have homecoming dates ladies?" Kyla came towards us with a smile. Homecoming was in two days and so much has happened in one week. Too much. "I see Em's in good spirits." Trying to be.
"I'm going with Graham." Riley grinned shrugging as if she didn't care if we didn't like it. They just had a rocky history.
"Me and Trevor are going together, we made out last night at dinner and he asked me." Aimee rolled her eyes as if it were no big deal.
"I'm not sure yet." I shrugged blinking several times. Aidan was avoiding me this time.
"I'm going with Camry, she's a junior." We knew of Camry, they also had an on and off relationship. She was just this small girl that dressed in all black and listened to screamo. I had no issue with her but she never really spoke when she was around us all. So we always had to be reminded of her because we knew so little already.
We split after that little chat and went to our first periods. Mr.Holland met us all at the door and I had my worksheet in hand that I had finished last night without a problem.
I greeted him with a smile and he greeted me with a hand placed on my arm.
"Thank you for the extra time Mr.Holland." He nodded taking the worksheet from my hand.
"I hope you're feeling better." His hand slid down my arm and I moved quickly to my seat briefly looking back at him. I was definitely reading into it more than I should have. I guess I just deep down wanted to feel an attraction. The more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself that it could happen. It was silly.

The day had come and went quickly with Aidan still refusing to see me. I kinda felt hurt by that. Like I didn't matter to him or he didn't believe me. But I also knew that I was getting worked up over everything, paranoid that these things were the case.
After gym class I headed back to my locker grabbing my bag and putting away my books.
"Have a good rest of your day Emelie." I spun around seeing Mr.Holland walking past me for the second time today.
"Thanks." I closed my locker turning in his direction. "Thank you for everything." He stopped walking to turn and look at me smiling.
"My room is always open if you'd like to talk." His eyebrows knitted together as he looked over my face. "I don't mind at all."
"You're a sweetheart Mr.Holland." He nodded and gave a soft chuckle.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." I nodded biting my lip gently remembering his hand rubbing my knee. He snuck away and I let out a sigh shaking my head.
"Emelie." I turned to see Aidan running up to me. "I'm sorry I've been so late with this, but would you like to go to homecoming with me?" He was out of breath with his hands pressing into his hips with his body bent slightly down to me I frowned confused and looking over his face growing a bit angry.
"You don't talk to me all day and just ask me this like-"
"I don't care." He smiled cutting me short. "You're going with me ."
I cocked my head to the side raising my finger to question him but instead was met with his lips on mine. I frowned but gave in quickly when his arm wrapped around me tightly and pulling me into him. My body slid into his and brought my hand up to the side of his face pulling him towards me. I preferred him like this, kissing me and talking less. Just right to the point.
He pulled away from me moaning deeply and looking into my eyes.
"I'll pick you up at six thirty Saturday." He nodded shoving his hands in his pockets. I nodded too feeling woozy and off balance from him. This him was who I liked the most.

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