First Day

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I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and groan. After a minute, I throw the covers off and sit up. I throw my legs off the side of the bed and yawn as I stand up. I grab my glasses and put them on, the grab my phone and check the time.

4:20. Great. I sigh and get dressed in a black t-shirt, a black, sleeveless vest, black jeans, my black gauges, and black converse. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab a granola bar and sit down at the bar. I get my phone and start scrolling through Instagram.

Oh, I realize I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nathan Smith or Nate, and I'm 17 years old. Today is my first day at my new high school. I guess you could say I'm the outcast emo kid. Doesn't help that I'm gay. Oh well. As of right now, my parents are asleep upstairs. They usually don't wake up until 7 or 8 and my car, currently sitting in the driveway along with my parents, was a gift from a friend of mine from my old school before he moved away. Anyway, he and my parents pooled their money together to buy me an old fixer-upper, but it was still nice. I spent the whole summer with him fixing it up.

I snap out of my trance as I notice the time. I stand up, stuff my phone in my back pocket, and throw my trash away. I grab my keys and run up to my room, grabbing my bag, then sprint out the door and to my car in the driveway. I hop in and throw my bag in the passenger seat, putting my keys in the ignition, and starting the car. I pull out of the driveway and make my way to school.

><><Time Skip><><

I pull into the school parking lot and turn off the car. I grab my bag and get out of the car. I run into the school and immediately head to the office. I stand in front of the front desk before she realizes I'm here.

"How may I help you?"

"Ummm, my name is Nate and I'm new here, I need my papers, please." She smiles and grabs some papers.

"Here you go. This is your locker, combination, and schedule. Now, you should know where all the classes are." I nod. "Well, have a good first day."

I smile. "Will do." I exit the office and am immediately shoved to the ground, hitting my head on the wall. I look up with slightly blurry eyes to see three guys wearing Letterman jackets.

"Gay emo!" I sigh. Great. New school and already getting pushed around. They start kicking me in the side until I hear somebody.

"HEY, leave him alone!" By that time, my vision is clear and I see a guy who seems very familiar running towards me. They guys look at him.

"And why should we do that?"

"Because if I don't, I'll kick your ass and get you kicked off the football team." The guys look at each other, then run away. I look down and shake my head. I see a hand enter my line of vision and I look up and see the guy who helped me. I take his hand and he pulls me up.

"Thank you." Now that I see his face, my eyes light up. "Mark?"

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