The Beginning of Something Bad

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I turn off the tv and look to my right. I see Jack leaning against the headboard, fast asleep. I adjust him so he's laying flat on his back, and he immediately rolls over to his side, pulling the blanket up to his chin. I smile and lean over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I lay down so I'm facing his back and I wrap my arm around his torso, pulling him closer to me. He rolls over and lays his head on my chest.

"Is breá liom tú. So foehckin moehch." It takes me a second, but I realize he went from Irish to English with a heavy Irish accent. That sometimes happens when he's tired. Or when he's pissed off.

"나는 너를 사랑해 (naneun neoleul salanghae). Very fucking much."

"Ded you joehst make foehn o' me?" He whispers, exhaustion lacing his voice.

"Just a little bit. Now go to bed." I give him one last kiss before I close my eyes and go to sleep.

><><Time Skip><><

I open my eyes, roll over, and turn off the alarm on my phone. I roll back over and see Séan still passed out, his lime green hair adhered to his forehead. I smile and lean over, giving him a kiss. I lean back and get up as he slowly opens his eyes, blinking them to adjust to the darkness.

"Hello, Sunshine," I smirk.

"Hello, Grasshead." He sticks his tongue out at me. I stick mine back at him. He quickly sits up and kisses me, before falling back down onto the bed. I grab my phone and start playing some music, something that wakes the both of us up. He slowly sits up as I rummage through our dresser and closet looking for something to wear. I find his Berlin sweatshirt and black ripped skinny jeans and throw them to him as I grab my famous red and black flannel and black jeans. I turn around and see he's still laying in bed.

"Are you gonna get up?" He lifts his head to look at me, then drops it back down.

"Nah, I dink I'm gahnna stay 'ere," I smirk and walk over to him. I yank back all the covers and Seán yelps. I throw our clothes on top of him and pick him up bridal style. I walk into the bathroom, setting him down on the counter. I walk over to the shower and turn it on. I turn around and see Jack slowly waking up and undressing. I undress as well and we hop into the shower, him jumping in after.

><><Time Skip><><

We walk into the kitchen and see a note on the counter.

Your dad and I had to leave early this morning, so we decided to make you guys breakfast before we leave.

Love you,

Mom and Dad

I smile and look at the neatly stacked pancakes sitting on two plates. I grab one while Seán grabs the other and sits at the bar while I grab the syrup from the pantry. I toss the plastic bottle to him and I grab two dry glasses from the dishwasher. I grab the milk from the fridge, pour it into the two glasses, put it back, and bring the cups to Jack. He grabs one while I keep the other. We dig into the food and finish it within minutes.

"Holy shit, I forgot how good your parents are at cooking."

"I know, right?" Seán stands up and grabs our plates and cups, setting them down gently in the sink. I pull out my phone from my pocket and check the time.

"Alright, It's almost nine. We gotta go." He nods and we both grab our bags, heading out towards my car. Throwing our bags in the back, we get in the front and I start the engine and the twenty-minute drive to school.

><><Time Skip><><

Seán and I get out and grab our bags, then walk up to the school. We walk through the door and make our way to find Nate and Mat.

"Why do I have a feeling that they're gonna be making out again?" I chuckle.

"Because they probably will."

We finally find Nate and Mat, and expectedly, they're making out against Nate's locker. Jack and I look at each other. Jack lightly chuckles while I roll my eyes and lightly chuckle. We look back at the two sucking each other's faces off. I clear my throat.

"I mean, we know you love each other, but save the face sucking for the honeymoon." They hurriedly move away from each other. Mat heavily blushes while Nate just smirks. I forgot how cocky he can be sometimes. But he's only usually like that when he's in an extremely good mood.

"Now that that's over, let's head to class." I grab Jack's hand while Nate grabs Mat's hand and we start walking to class. 

(Jack's Pov)(First Pov change that isn't Nate or Mark)

We're all walking to class when I realize I left my books in my locker. I let go of Mark's hand and he immediately turns around.

"I left my books in my locker. I'll meet you back in class."

"I'll go with you."

"I'll be fine. I don't want you to be late."

"But-" I lean forward and give him a chaste kiss.

"I don't want you to be late because of me. I'll be fine." I can tell he doesn't want to, but he gives a sigh of defeat.

"Fine, but hurry back." I nod and give him one more kiss before turning around and walking to my locker.

As I reach my locker, I'm immediately slammed into it. I look up and see Christian Alexander with a sinister sneer.

"I told him I'd make him pay."

A/N: I'm so sorry that this took forever to upload. Sometimes I forget how many people actually like one of my stories, which is something I'm not used to. Also, I'm currently working on 4 other stories, so.....

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