Safe At Last

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The living room camera goes offline, then we see Nate's dad tear into his room with the camera in hand. He throws it on the ground.

"You motherfucker! You're trying to get us arrested!" Shit!

"Felix, send the vid to your dad and get him over here!" I yell at him. He nods and does some stuff on his phone. Then he and Thomas run out of the house. I turn back to the screen and see Nate being slammed against the wall by his dad, his hand around his son's throat. I feel tears spring to my face. I look over and see Jack sitting there, emotionless. I give him a hug. He looks over to me and his eyes soften. He hugs me close to his chest as I start crying. I look back at the laptop when I hear sirens. Felix's dad runs into the room with his gun in the air. Nate's dad lifts him up and holds him to his chest, but in position to snap his neck.

"You shoot me, I kill him."

"Sir, let your son go!"

"No! Not when he can be used against us."

"We already have proof of child abuse, there's nothing you can do to get out of prison." Suddenly, the glass of the window behind Nate and his dad shatters. Nate's dad's eyes widen, and he collapses along with Nate. Nate's mom shrieks.

"You killed him! YOU KILLED HIM!!" She rushes at Felix's dad and he has no option but to shoot. Nate's mom collapses to the ground, gunshot wound to the head. I slam shut the computer as I hear more sirens pull up to Nate's house. Ethan, Tyler, MatPat, Jack, and I run outside and see Nate being lifted into an ambo, his body swollen, bruised, cut, and wrapped in gauze. In the corner of my eye, I can see Mat run up to him, talk to the paramedics, and hop in the ambo. I can also see Nate's dad being loaded into an ambo. The rest of us run up to Felix, his dad, and Thomas.

"Hello, boys. I assume you all set this up?" I nod. "Well, I should probably tell Felix to let us do our jobs and not do all this, but it feels nice to get a child abuser off the street. Mr. Smith is going away for a long time."

"Well, I've got something that'll put him away for life," Ethan says. Felix's dad looks intrigued.

"Do tell."

"Right before Felix and Thomas went to get you, we got footage of Nate's parents saying that in a few days, they weren't gonna have to deal with him ever again." Felix's dad thinks.

"Hmm, I could charge him with attempted murder, and he would be sentenced for life. Thank you." We all nod. "Now go home. I'm sure MatPat will let you know if anything changes with Nate, and I'll have Felix let you know if anything changes with his dad."

"Ok." Our group slowly disbands, every one going to their own house. Jack and I walk hand in hand to our house. By this point, it's almost midnight, and we have school tomorrow. I sigh.

Just then, my parents walk in. Great.

"Mark, Jack, what's going on? Why are there police cars everywhere?" I look at Jack and we nod. I turn back to my parents.

"Umm, why don't you guys have a seat on the couch. This is gonna take a while."

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