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I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is a bright light right in my face. I look around and see Mat, asleep in a chair beside me. I notice I'm laying on a bed. I must be in the hospital. I look back over to Mat and see old and new tears stains trailing his face. I look down and notice that my hand is being held by his, so I give his hand a squeeze. He stirs a little, then looks up. His eyes widen and he smiles. He jumps on me and gives me a big kiss. He scoots back into the chair.

"I'm so glad you're ok."

"What happened?"

"Your parents nearly beat you to death." I sigh. I go to sit up but wince as pain shoots through my back. "Yeah, your dad was about to kill you, so the only way to save you was to shoot your dad. The bullet went through him and got lodged in your Latissimus dorsi muscle." I give him a strange look.

"I love you, but could you speak English please?" He smiles.

"You were shot in the back."

"Ahh. No wonder I'm in pain."

"Do you need some painkillers?" I wince and nod my head. Mat gets up for a sec and leaves the room. A couple minutes later, MatPat returns with a doctor. Mat sits down as the doctor walks up to the iv stand next to the bed. He injects something into the line, and in minutes I feel better. The doctor leaves and Mat grabs my hand once more.

Later, Mark, Jack, Felix, and Thomas walk in. Mat's laying on the bed beside me, my arms wrapped around him.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Nate. How are ya feeling?"

"A little sore, but painkillers are amazing." Mark smiles. "Hey, what happened to my parents? Mat's refused to tell me anything."

"I don't really know-"

"Please, I need to know. Please?" They all look to Felix and he sighs.

"Your dad had you in a headlock, ready to snap your neck when my dad walked in. Back up arrived and a rookie in the back shot through the window and got your dad and you. Your mom freaked, thinking that your dad was dead, and she ran at my dad. He had no choice but to shoot. Your mom was dead instantly. Your dad survived and was taken here to be treated." I feel tears fall down my face. I look at Mat as he wipes them away.

"I'm an orphan. Great." The room is silent for a minute.

"You could always stay with me." I look at Mat.

"Are you sure your parents would be ok with that?"

"Yeah. If I explain the situation to them, they'd be more than happy." Thomas smiles.

"Done deal. Nate, you're gonna be living with your boyfriend. Good times are ahead."

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