Why Him?

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Thomas, Mat, and I walk back into the hospital, following the signs back to Jack's room.

When we walk into the room, we see Mark and Jack in the hospital bed, Mark passed out with his head leaning on Jack's chest, who is wide awake.

"Shh, don't wake him up. He's so drained," Jack whispers. I look into the corner of the room and see Felix take a picture of the two, then stealthily put his phone back in his pocket.

"Felix, I saw you. You're not that sneaky."

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath. Jack lets out a breath and leans back against the bed.

"Where were you guys?" Jack asks.

"We were just outside. Thomas was helping me through something." I look at MatPat and see a brief flash of what looks like, jealousy? But as fast as it appears, he's back to a small smile.

It's silent for a minute.

"You know, we know you're not asleep Mark. I least, I know," Felix comments out of nowhere. Everyone looks at Mark as he stretches and yawns against Jack's chest. I look at Felix with an incredulous look.

"How the hell did you know he was awake?" I ask.

"I could see his breathing quicken. It either meant he was about to have a nightmare or he's awake. Plus, I saw his eyes quickly flutter open." As Mark settles against Jack's chest, he flips Felix off. As a result, Felix feigns hurt.

"I'm hurt by that, Mark. How could you?"

"Yeah, how could you do that, Markimoo?" Jack lovingly asks. Mark moans in exhaustion and leans up, giving Jack a quick peck on the lips.

"I don't really care. The only thing I care about right now is that you're ok." Mark kisses him once more, this one lasting a little longer.

I look over and see both Felix and Thomas fake gagging while I feel Mat grasp my hand. I turn and look at him and see him gesture towards the hallway. Following behind him, I walk out to the hallway and close the door behind me.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask. I'm genuinely confused. He crosses his arms as he bites his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his.

"Why were you outside with Thomas?" I cock my head to the side as I look at him confused.

"I told you, we were just talking. He was helping me through something."

"I guess what I'm asking, why him?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, really confused by this point.

"I mean, why didn't you wake me? Why did you wake him to talk?" I let out a breath. So that's what he's worried about.

"I didn't wake him up." Now he looks confused.

"But I thought," he starts, but he doesn't finish.

"I woke up for some unknown reason and I was thinking some things that I shouldn't have." As I see his eyes widen in horror, I realize what I said and slap myself. "Not like that!" I quickly reassure him. "I meant that I was blaming myself." MatPat's muscles relax as he takes a deep breath. "I didn't wake you up cause I didn't want you to worry. Plus, I'm not used to telling people how I feel. Other than Mark, I never had anyone to tell anything to anyway. But Thomas woke up himself and came outside. He helped me stop blaming myself." It's silent for another minute.

I grunt in response to Mat rushing up to me and wrapping his arms around my slim frame.

"I'm sorry. I've just, I've never really had good romantic relationships before. I just got scared." I wrap my arms around him and smile as I feel his tense muscles relax under my touch.

"I don't know what you've gone through, but just know I would never cheat on you. Ever. I love you too much. I couldn't ever do that to you." He looks up, lust clear in his eyes, and smashes his lips against mine. I kiss back and he runs his fingers through my hair as I gently rest my hands on his hips.

Not long after we start, I gently set my hands on his chest and lightly push him away. I lean forward and whisper in his ear.

"Let's save this for later." I lean back and see him blush before he leans against my chest. I look behind me over my shoulder as I hear the door to Jack's room open and see Thomas' head peep out.

"If you guys are done making out, we have some plans to make." I feel MatPat's grip on my shirt tighten. I bet he feels super embarrassed. I pry his hands off my shirt and take them in mine, pulling him behind me and into Jack's room.

Mark is now wide awake and sitting beside Jack in the bed.

"Now, to make sure this doesn't happen again."

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