Present Day

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It's been almost 12 years since that day. Mat and I are married and have adopted an adorable little boy named Oliver. Mark and Jack are married but don't have any kids.

The four of us keep in touch with each other along with Thomas and Felix. Felix is engaged to his fiancé Marzia and Thomas is still single.

Mark also got back in touch with Ethan and Tyler who broke up but decided to stay friends. I'm pretty sure Tyler wants to get back together, but oh well.

Oh, did I mention that we all have YouTube channels? Those are our jobs. Mark does video gaming and comedy sketches, Jack does video gaming and reaction videos here and there, Thomas has a show where he talks about real life problems with different facets of his personality, Felix used to do video gaming, but now he does reaction videos. He watches the weirdest stuff. Ethan does the same thing Mark does. He used to be Mark's editor, too. Tyler doesn't have his own channel, but he helps Mark and Ethan with theirs.

Oh, almost forgot! MatPat creates theories about games and movies using real-life math and science. And me? Well, I used to do video gaming and song parodies. But now that I'm signed with a record label, I write my own songs! I guess you could say that I'm a professional singer.

I guess you might want to know our channel names, in case you want to look us up. Well...

Mark is Markiplier

Jack is Jacksepticeye. Odd name, I know.

Ethan is Crankgameplays.

Felix is Pewdiepie. He's actually the number one YouTuber with about 87 million subscribers. He's in a battle with another channel for number one. Let's hope Felix wins.

Thomas is just Thomas Sanders.

MatPat is Game/Film Theory. He has two channels.

And I'm Natewantstobattle and Natewantstobattle Games. I don't upload on the second channel anymore, but there are still some old videos on there to enjoy.

We're all enjoying our lives. Jack healed well after his injury. Mark had two heart attacks and can't have alcohol. Long story, but he's fine. We all have a bunch of friends that help with our channels.

We're all doing good. Life's good. I'm a father and a husband with a well-paying job. I couldn't ask for a better life. I can't even ask for one without the abuse. Otherwise, I might not have met MatPat. And I can't imagine my world without him. Sometimes I wonder how I made it through the first 17 years of my life without him.

Oh well. Enough rambling. Mat's calling me to dinner. I'll be back tomorrow. Let's see if we can fill this journal with more amazing stories.

The End
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