[5] mistake

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daniel's pov | 5:03pm | friday

it's been a couple of days since bella and i have hung out. we've been talking a little.. but other than that we haven't much.

she's been hanging out with zach though, i've figured out. the other day i opened my blinds and i saw him naked in her room.

i know what he looks like because she showed me a picture before. honestly.. to me.. he looks like a douche. i would be lying if i said i wasn't jealous of them together.

i hear my phone go off and read the text.



are you free right now?


can i come over?


i sit up on my bed and go over to my closet, putting on a hoodie. she walks in and smiles, "hey." "hi," i say.

she goes over and lays down on my bed. i lay next to her and she goes on her side, looking at me. i do the same, looking at her.

"i've made a mistake," she says. "what's the mistake?" i ask and she sighs. "i had sex with zach and i've regretted it since it happened," she says and i take a deep breath.

"yeah, i know. i saw him in your room naked," i say and she gasps. "really? oh shit, i'm sorry," she says and i shake my head.

"it's fine," i say and she sighs. "well now he wants to get back together and i'm trying to let him down easy so that he still wants to be friends," she says and i nod.

"why did you.. ya know.. have s-sex with him then?" i ask and feel my palms start to get sweaty.

"i don't know.. i just wanted it to be a hook up," she says. "oh," i say and she nods. "i feel guilty now though," she says and i look into her eyes.

"why?" i ask and she shrugs. "we kind of have a thing," she says and i gulp. "we do?" i ask. that was so messed up to ask fuck fuck fuck.

she sits up, "uh.. yeah.. i think we do." "yeah yeah, we do.. i-i'm sorry," i say and sit up.

it seemed like i didn't want us to have a thing.. but i just couldn't believe she said we do. i was so surprised and happy at the same time.

she stands up, "um.. i'm gonna head out." "no, please stay," i say and grab her hand. "i didn't mean for my words to come out rude like that," i say and she smiles.

"it's fine daniel. but i should get home anyways," she says and i stand up. i lean in and kiss her lips, slowly leaning back.

*slightly dirty, don't read if you have a problem

i put my forehead on hers, "please stay with me." she licks her lips and nods, "okay." i smile and she suddenly grabs my crotch.

i gasp lowly and step back, "w-woah." she smiles, biting her lip, "you wanna mess around?" i gulp, "uhh i d-don't know. shouldn't y-you get back to your p-place?"

she tilts her head, "do you want me to leave?" "n-no! but like.. i-i don't know," i say and she moves closer to me.

i start to breathe heavier, "b-bella i can't do this." "why?" she asks and i shrug. "i get n-nervous," i say.

"that's it? you're just nervous?" she asks and i nod. she laughs lowly, "daniel, don't be nervous around me."

"i-i try," i say and she sighs. she suddenly grabs my crotch again, pushing me down on my bed. i gulp and look up at the ceiling. is this really happening?

i feel her rub me through my pants and i pant. i look down at her and see her looking up at me. she starts to pull down my pants but i stop her, grabbing her hand.

"daniel, trust me," she says and i do, taking my hand off. she pulls down my pants and throws it on the ground.

i feel her grab the waistband of my boxers. "daniel?" i hear and sit up quickly. "oh my god. m-my mom," i say and quickly go over to my pants, putting them on.

bella stands up. i zip my jeans up just in time before my door opens. my mom walks in and looks up, "oh! i'm sorry."

bella smiles, "it's okay." "mom i-i thought you weren't going to be h-home until eight," i say and she nods. "they let me out early," she says.

"oh," i say. "i'll be downstairs," she says and we nod. she walks out and i breathe out, laying down on my bed.

"i'm sorry," bella says and i look up at her. "it's n-not your fault," i say and she nods. "i shouldn't of pressured you," she says and i shake my head, sitting up.

"if i really didn't want you to do it, i-i would've stopped you," i say. she sighs, "still." i take her hand, "you did nothing wrong."

she smiles and i smile back. i stand up and hug her. she hugs back and i close my eyes, enjoying it while it lasts.

"can we cuddle?" she asks and i nod. we go into my bed and get under the covers. she moves close to me and i wrap my arms around her. i kiss her head.

i look down at her and see her smiling. i chuckle, "you're so happy." she looks up at me, "how could i not be?" i smile.

new kid | dsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ