[9] cheerleaders

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daniel's pov | 12:51pm | tuesday

i walk outside with jack, meeting up with the coach and the rest of the guys.

"today's flag football. not tackle, you hear me?" the coach says and we all nod. "have fun," he sighs and goes over, sitting on the bleachers.

i notice all the cheerleaders are out today, watching us. i shake my head.

we make teams quickly and i was thankfully on jack's team. zach was on the other and he was looking right at me. i tie the flags around my waist and get ready.

the coach blows his whistle and we start to play. we run around the field, jack and i having no idea what to do.

"god, i hate gym. i just want to skate," he says running with me. i laugh. we get near the touchdown and start to pant, out of breath. "i need to workout more shit," jack says and i chuckle.

"i do once in a while, b-but i'm just tired from school," i say and he nods. "that makes two of us," he says.

"seavey!" i hear and look up, the football coming straight for me. shit, why me? i'm all the way near the opposite end. we did this so he wouldn't pass it to one of us.

i hold my hands out and right as i was about to catch it, i fall on the ground, hitting my head hard. i hold my head and look up, seeing zach laughing.

"it's tag football you dickhead," jack says, leaning down, helping me up. "whoops," zach says and walks away, his friends laughing at me.

i stand up and hold my head. i sigh and walk over to the coach. "c-can i sit out?" i ask and he nods. "whatever, but no points for today," he says and i furrow my eyebrows.

"i'm h-hurt," i say and he shrugs. "if you don't play, you don't get points," he says and i groan, going back into the field. jack puts his hand on my shoulder.

i smile at him and he takes his hand off. the game continues and jack and i stay away from the rest of the guys the whole time.

when we finally get back inside, i pull off my shirt, quickly trying to get into my other clothes before the bell rings.

i button up my shirt and take off my sneakers and shorts, pulling up my jeans. the bell rings and i sigh, quickly putting on my belt. i put my things in my locker and lock it.

"bye," jack says and i wave as he exits. it's only me at this point. i grab my bag and quickly try to get to my last period, which is all the way across the building.

the bell rings and i groan. i get into my classroom and the teacher looks at me, "you're late on the second day?" i look around the class at everyone. all eyes are on me.

"s-sorry.. i was at g-gym and yeah. i had to g-get dressed," i say lowly and she nods. "well at least zip up your pants, young man," she says and i look to see my fly down.

i blush and the class laughs as i struggle to pull the zipper up. i finally get it. "please take a seat.. uhh.." she looks at her attendance sheet.

"daniel," i mutter and go towards the back of the classroom. "ah, yes. daniel seavey that's right," she says.

i go and take a seat. the only open seat left was next to a cheerleader, of course.

she leans over, "i saw what happened to you on the field. you okay?" i nod. "you're really cute by the way," she says and i look over at her.

she's chewing gum loudly with her blonde hair pulled into a pony tail. she smiles when she sees me looking at her.

i look away, "t-thanks." "aw you have a stutter!" she says blowing a bubble. get me out of here please.

i look over and see one of the guys from my gym class, i don't know his name. he glares at me.

i shake my head, signaling i'm not talking to her. he flips me off and then looks back forward.

i sigh. "so are you going to the party friday?" she asks and i nod. she gasps, "me too! maybe i'll see you there." i nod again and she sits back, satisfied.

i hate this school

dude what happened

everyone's so mean

well except a couple of people

but other than that they're all assholes

move back to virginia bro!!

you know i can't

plus i can't leave bella

oh yeah.. bella mmmmm

oh shush

did your little virgin ass hit her yet?


what??? daniel c'mon man you need to please a woman

i can


alright goodbye you're no help


just wondering.. what's her last name?

macy, why?

no reason

bella's pov | 6:06pm | tuesday

i was just about to get in the shower when my phone goes off. i got a notification from instagram saying a guy named corbyn besson followed me.

oh it's daniel friend. i go into his account and follow him back. i put down my phone and go get in the shower.

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