[21] sing

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daniel's pov | 7:12pm | friday

corbyn has had about thirteen cheese sticks since he's got here. it's been quite the fun.

bella, corbyn, and i are currently sitting on my bed watching the greatest showman. corbyn's talking through the whole thing, well.. singing. this dude can actually sing.

after a song is over he chuckles, "i fucking love that song!" "you're good," bella says and i nod. corbyn smiles, "thanks! i've been working on it, actually. i take lessons."

"wait, you take lessons now?" i ask and corbyn nods. "cool, right? they are really short but they help out a lot," he says and i nod.

"you've always been good.. but yeah your voice has improved," i say and he laughs.

"what about you, huh? you were really good," corbyn says and i shake my head. i don't want bella knowing that i can sing.

bella looks over, "you can sing?" i laugh, "no corbyn and i used to-" "yes he can sing! he's very good too," corbyn says and i shake my head.

"no, i can't," i say and he laughs. "bro, come on. don't be shy," he says and stands up.

he grabs my hand, pulling me up. we are both standing in front of bella. she's smiling. "i can't sing."

"we used to do it all the time." "i don't know i just-" "come on, follow after me," he says and thinks of a song.

"perfect? by ed sheeren?" he asks and i sigh. "okay okay," i say. corbyn starts it off and i slowly start to sing, looking at my hands the whole time.

after about a minute i stop and sit down. bella claps, "what the fuck!?" corbyn laughs, "daniel you're so much better than before! you're like really good! better than me."

"nah, don't say that," i say and corbyn shakes me. "it's true! bro, you gotta do something about it," he says, sitting back on the bed.

"you know i can't. i could barely in front of my two favorite people.. let alone crowds. that's your thing corbyn," i say and he sighs.

"i don't want to pressure you, so okay. but if you ever want to do something like that, you're gonna be famous," he says and i smile.

"i don't want to be famous, but thanks," i say and he nods. bella kisses me and i chuckle.

"you're hot and talented," she says and corbyn gasps. "what about me?" he asks and she giggles.

"you too bean," she says and corbyn raises an eyebrow. "bean?" he asks and smirks. "i like it."

bella looks at me again and puts her hand on my cheek, "you're really good, dani." i smile and blush, "thank you baby."

i lean in and kiss her softly, slowly putting my tongue in. "ahhHhHhH," corbyn yells and covers his eyes.

bella and i pull back, laughing. corbyn, with his eyes still covered, runs over to the door. he crashes into it and falls to the ground, causing bella and i to laugh even louder.

corbyn gets up and chuckles, opening the door and walking out. his face was as red as can be.

corbyn's pov | 12:04am | saturday

i'm currently sleeping on the floor next to daniel's bed. bella and daniel are on the bed sleeping.

i'm not really tired, so i get up, going downstairs to get a drink. i open the fridge and get a cheese stick and water.

i close it and scream, seeing daniel's mom. "mom!!" i yell and hug her tightly. "corbyn?" she asks sleepily. "yes!" i say and she giggles, hugging me back.

we pull back. daniel and bella come running down the stairs, "what's wrong?!" i giggle, "mom!"

daniel sighs and pulls bella into his chest. "corbyn," he groans and i chuckle. "sorry," i say and he takes bella's hand, bringing her back up the stairs.

daniel's mom smiles, "it's nice to see you corbyn. what are you doing here?" "visiting!" i say and she nods.

"well, if you're going to be sleeping here you must be quiet and go to bed on time," she says and i nod.

"of course," i say and hold up my drink and food. "got a little hungry," i say and she nods.

"that's alright. now go to bed," she says and ruffles my hair. i smile, "goodnight!" "goodnight corbyn," she says and i walk up the stairs.

i peak through the door and see daniel on top of bella, making out with her. i gulp and go back downstairs, seeing mrs.seavey is gone.

i go over to the couch and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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