5 - Open Wound

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The trees bristled as the wind blew, the sun getting through the moving leaves. You kept on slashing and parrying with Assassin, or 'Sasaki' as his Master called him. You had a couple of scratches on your arms and legs, and a deep cut on your side, but so did him. Although, your cut didn't only hurt, but also felt like if it was on fire, but you put the sensation aside. You were going to use your Noble Phantasm to get it over with, however you saw Diarmuid appear behind Sasaki, and you had a huge smile on your face. The samurai looked behind him and got slashed in the back by the yellow spear.
"A— AGH!" the Assassin fell towards you, but Diarmuid pulled him back by his hair. He punched him in the face, once, twice and then a third time, kicking him in the stomach.
"U-Urgh... Ah... F-Fuc-" Assassin, on the ground bleeding, got called back to his own Master, and so, he teleported with the last of his force.

Dia completely ignored him, and took your hands, looking- no, scanning you. "Are you okay? Where is it bleeding? Is it bad?"
You blushed. "L-Lancer... I'm fine. He only scratched me on my arms and legs, nothing that can't be healed."
You saw him growl under his breath. "Damn you, Master... Making me worry about Saber like that.."
"Diarmuid..." you went to grab his cheek, but stopped halfway in the action.

You both heard loud coughing. You looked back to see your Master, Koni. You put your hand down, blushing a bit more.
"Lancer, Ayuna is taking care of Assassin's Master, I assume?"
The man beside you nodded.
"Why aren't you with her?"
He clearly blushed of embarrassment, looking away for a second.
"Well... Assassin's Master... She-"
"She? So it was a girl?"
You stood silent, a little bit dizzy, but you got back to normal afterwards.
"Y-Yeah... She had, a sort of power like a siren's from 'fairytales' or how ever you call them. Hence, before I was going to strike, I think she found me by... smell? And she started singing, and I fell into a trance. Although... I'm still confused about it all. The lyrics were... they felt like it was about me, but I don't get it-"
You put your hand on his shoulder, looking at him. "Well, don't think too hard about it. You just came back from that not too long ago."
He looked at you, and you found a hint of red in his cheeks. "Okay..."

Koni's sister came out of the forest and stretched, yawning. "What was she saying again? Right...
'Oh He... He who's cursed.
Maidens fell for him.
Women of then.
Women of now.
Even me, I plea.'?"
Ayuna laughed at Lancer. "Wow, was that true? I heard the one before that, but I won't say anything." She winked at her Servant.
"Ayuna." Koniyo said seriously.
"Yes. Assassin's Master is gone."
"Is she dead?"
"No. Although I don't think her Servant is alive after a wound like that." she explained.
Lancer looked up at his Master, still embarrassed from his failed attempt to kill his desired target; the other Master.
"Master— Ayuna, I-"
"Don't apologize. I understand. A siren's song is... enchanting on its own." she giggled. "Its all good. You just rest. That's my order for you." She looked back at her brother. "So, bro, we gonna clean all the mess up?" she laughed once more.
You looked at Koni, and he nodded at you before you even asked anything.

He already knew what you were going to do. And he waved you away, chuckling a little. You smiled at him, even if he didn't see you.

You took Diarmuid's hand, leading him into the house. He looked at you, surprised. Once you entered the front door, you closed it behind you, going down the small hall, then turned to the left, where the living room is. You pointed at the couch that was facing the TV. "Sit there." you told him. He did as you asked.
You went to the kitchen, got some ice and a handkerchief, then came back to him. You sat next to him. "Can you look at me?"
He didn't move.
"Diarmuid.... Hey!"
He slightly jumped in surprise."Y-Yes?"
You sighed. "Relax, will you? And stop thinking about what happened with that woman."
"Sorry..." he turned to look at you, like you asked. He seemed like a sad and lost-in-thought puppy. You imagined it, and blushed, 'That's both adorable and heartbreaking..' you thought to yourself. You resumed with rolling down his shirt's collar so you can see his collarbone. You put the ice, slowly melting into liquid water, into the handkerchief, and very gently dabbing it onto the wound that was on his collarbone. He winced in pain.
"I-I got a scratch there...?"
"A deep one. Probably when you were in a trance. If I had to guess and assume, she was having fun cutting you before doing what she wanted to do." you said, hearing the anger in your voice.
"Ah..." He tried his best not to let any sign of pain and confusion appear in his voice or his movements.
You kept on dabbing the cold, wet handkerchief on the scratches from his face, neck, arms, and hands.

"Did you choose the passage with the most thorns or what? So many scratches..." you mumbled.
He chuckled. "Maybe... I ran until I heard movement. So I didn't pay attention to the type of herbs around me." he looked at you.
His smile from his chuckle turned into a sigh. "Perhaps it's just me, but you seem so... tiredly stressed. Your eyes don't shine like they usually do. Not with the same spark—"
"Diarmuid, please. Just let me finish this up." you said, more bluntly than you wanted to.
"Right... My bad."
And you both stayed silent as you finished cleaning most of the blood from his wounds.

When he was in the shower, you screamed at yourself in your mind. 'Wow good job [y/n]. He seemed even more sad than before. Ugh, now I imagine him as a sad puppy again. Am I mad against Assassin's Master? Or against him? Why would I be mad against him? It was my idea for him to go. Ugh if only I would've gone in his place...' you mumbled to yourself. You winced in pain as you stretched. You forgot you had a deep cut on your side. 'Right, he had got me there. That sneaky bastard.'
You got up to get yourself a glass of water. The dizziness you felt from before came back, but stronger. "Ugh, what the..." you gripped onto the counter, shaking your head. You looked up and saw Diarmuid come out of the bathroom.

You forced a smile. "Diarmuid..."

He started to darken, like the rest of your view. "D-Dia...?"

And then he disappeared...

...and everything was black...

...like the rest of your view.

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