Hello Lover

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Dear Diary

To my darling Elena, I figured this would be the best place to write about the dream I had last night.

Firstly, I miss you. You were and still are my everything, my love, my life, including my undead life, my entire world. Now the time is fast approaching for you to be my afterlife and for all eternity, for which cannot come soon enough.

It' i impossible to put a price on being with a person for 79 years, and married for 68 of them. And although you've only been gone a week, it already feels like an eternity of loneliness. I love our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but you are my soulmate, and a large part of me died when you left me. I'm now simply a shell of the man you married.

I know we talked about this as the time grew closer to you leaving me. So I gave you the funeral you wanted and organized my own, which I suspect will take place within the next couple of days.

I know it will be soon because yesterday, after the funeral, Caroline injected Rebekah with the cure. Myself and the children were there with her when she did it. So Rebekah is now human and has promised to keep an eye on the family after I'm gone. The kids have been very supportive of my decision, but they always knew when the right time came I would give Rebekah the cure. They understood what me losing you meant, and that it would also be my time to go as I can't live without you.

As I'm now an old man, I won't be surviving months after the cure has left my body like Katherine did. I will be unlucky if I last a week. Unlucky as I wish I were with you already. However I do suspect, and hope, I only have hours left as I can quickly feel my body growing ever more tired.

The children have promised to bury this journal with me in the crypt so we will share it together in the afterlife (and there's no way in hell am I going to let them read it). Maybe we can re-live some old fantasies, and add some new ones as we'll be young once more and slightly more agile.

So last night after I gave the cure to Rebekah, I had a dream about you. It was back when I was still a vampire and you were human, before we got together. It was what triggered my greatest regret when it came to you.

I never told you this, but it's a good job I never wrote a journal about my dreams of you. They were every night, sometimes two or more. I'd have had a set of journals rivaling Stefan's. Instead I'll tell you all about them when we are together again, which can't come soon enough (although I hope I have enough time to finish this diary entry).

I'd gone to see Jeremy after the fire at your dad's surgery, to tell him Anna was dead. You and I talked on the porch and we kissed. What could have happened and what really happened are what set the ball rolling for some bad things to happen between us. Knowing you now, I doubt you'd have actually kissed, me, but at the time a man could dream. That was the first time Katherine ripped my heart out.

The worst part is that you never heard what I wanted to say to you that night. Maybe you'd have thought me a better man if you had. Well this is it.

This is my story of the night we never had. The words I never got to say to you. The night which should have been ours, instead Katherine took it away from us.

Goodbye Elena.

I will see you soon baby.

All my love

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