Chapter 16

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Kirishima looked a bit confused when Katsuki dragged him into his room. He didn't say anything he just went over and sat on Katsukis bed.

Katsuki was pacing around the room growling and angrily talking to himself.

Kirishima watched him for a minute before waking over to him and patting him on the head. "Katsuki calm down,it's fine" Kirishima said while smiling at him. Katsuki pulled Kirishima into a hug. " I fuckubg know it's fine idiot" he half whispered. "But she interrupted my time with you" Katsuki said a bit quieter.

Kirishima blushed and smiled. "Katsuki don't worry,your with me basically all day everyday,your family should matter to" Kirishima laughed a little.

Katsuki moved away from Kirishima and walked over to his window. He looked out of the window. It was dark out now. He walked back over to Kirishima. "Hey want to go to sleep?" He said,it had been a long day and they both were a bit tired. Kirishima shook his head. "No I want food first!" He said. Katsuki sighed and growled a bit. "I'm sure my fucking mom is cooking something,if you want food go out there and ask her,I'm going to bed" Katsuki plopped down onto his bed. Kirishima laughed a little and walked out of Katsukis room.

He made his way to the living room where Mitsuki was sitting. She saw him walk over to her. "Hello! It's ejirou right?" She said. Kirishima was surprised at how she could be kind and calm but loud and angry at the same time.

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, um-" "Mitsuki" She told him. "Oh ok, um Mitsuki if your not busy could you maybe make me something to eat? All I've had today is some cookies" Kirishima said nervously. Mitsuki looked surprised. "That's brat didn't think of making food did he!?" She said loudly. "Don't worry I'll make something,does Katsuki want anything?" She turned from calm to angry to a semi neutral calm-Angry. Kirishima shook his head. "He said he's going to bed"
Mitsuki nodded and got up and headed towards the kitchen.

[Time skips brought to you by the best mother,Mitsuki]

Kirishima thanked Mitsuki for cooking for him,they talked a bit,it wa smainly about Katsuki but somehow Kirishimas sickness got brought up. Mitsuki looked sympathetic and sad. She walked over and hugged Kirishima. "I hope they find a cure before it's to late...your a really great kid,my Katsuki really chose a good one" she smiled at him.

Kirishima finished eating and thanked Mitsuki again before heading to Katsukis room. When he opened the door he found a sleeping Katsuki. He looked so cute and peaceful. Kirishima pulled out his phone and took a quick picture.

Then he closed the door and walked over. Katsuki was laying on top of the blanket. Kirishima carefully tried to move the blanket out from under him but it didn't work. Kirishima sighed then got an idea.

He walked over to Katsuki closet and sure enough there were extra blankets for the winter time. It wasn't winter but Kirishima couldn't sleep without a blanket.  He grabbed a somewhat thing blanket and went back over to Katsukis bed. He moved Katsuki over a little bit then layed down next to him. He covered himself and Katsuki up with the blanket.
Not to long after that he fell into a deep sleep.

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