Soul Reaper

39 6 1

(D. k.)

Death kiss, soul reaper
How much was the cost of your soul?
Indefinite description of desecration

Death kiss, soul reaper
How much was the cost of your soul?
Solitude in the fate of the unknown
Redemption at the cost of digression
I killed him - suicide
What you call irrelevance is the reaction of the motion that took place back in b.c.
Slit his wrist and feed him poison pill
Drown him in water and wait for his soul to take.

Death kiss, soul reaper
All this, I gave my soul at a cost of my incompetence.
I believed the sky was my limit and I belittled every thought of soaring against it.
The rain won't stop, droplets soak my wings; heavy, damp, I can't move.
I shouldn't have listened to the Death whispers
How did I sell my soul so cheap?
My answer wasn't letting my self free fall from the top
Even if I crash landed it would have been better than a free fall.
The battle wasn't between life or death,
It didn't have to be a choice.

Death kiss, soul reaper
I ask you again,
How much was the cost of your soul?

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