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(L. b.)

This morning,
I woke up to see your text message,
Replying to the countless missed phone calls,
I gave you last week.
In your text,
You made it clear and convincing,
That our little love story had just been an act;
A little show.

A show?

An act?

Call me crazy,
But is my imagination the only thing that called you baby?
Maybe it was, just infatuation.
A spiralled down designation of words,
Taking shape into Romance,
Like you said.

Maybe it was just me that saw an arrow aimed for my heart.
Because in hurt, it lay in shambles.
That everything written down by me,
Was considered just an absence of sight.
Not "Real"

Levitating in thoughts,
I meditated on words crucial aligned in a single piece to form poetry;
A piece signature of my soul.

Was loving you really just an imagination?

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