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What if life was a mathematical equation?

Would you be able to explain the differentiation terminal,
Integrated with an exponential function?

I think we all try needlessly to get it right,
But fail drastically.

Indifferent from the main theme,
we deviate from the main equation,
To find answers from an unknown source that comes to mind.

Ruthlessly randomly, we can understand now why we can't explain, when asked a simple question;

Why is the world in such a mayhem?

Was it just a troll played by life on us?
A mathematical equation, with no equation to solve,
Yet a necessity was made, to find an answer.

What do we make of this?

Are we just cursed?
Or do we just make ourselves seem relevant by trying to find an answer?

With no pattern whatsoever,
We roam the earth like gas molecules;
Constantly colliding in our course of free roam,
With enough kinetic energy to lose.

Was free will, a gift or a curse?
Or was it just a joke?
Played on us by life;
The biggest scam of all.

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