Vox Populi

89 18 8

(D. k.)

Sometimes I feel like the clouds.
Not high,
Just too close to space.
A void, containing multi galaxies,
Yet, still so empty.

Why do I let these thoughts bother me?;
Is it because you know what you're doing is really false?
I am around them, I'm supposed to have fun;
But does that really justify your actions?

A falsified laughed; No, that felt real.
Does it?
I don't know, why do you ask?;
You tell me, you asked the question.
I don't do the questioning here, I only interpret what's going through your mind.

A slippery slope, another drink.
No wait, I don't smoke; yet another puff.
This would be my last one; Are you sure? Have another sip.
Are you on my side or not?;
You tell me, I'm not the one with seven empty bottles on his tray, and three burnt out cigarettes.

What? I don't even drink;
You've said that for the last five years.
I'm just hanging out with friends;
It's obvious can't you tell.
What do you mean?;
You're wasted.

Show me your friends, and I'd tell you who you're.
Don't talk like that, you make them seem bad; Do I?
They're the only people that really get me;
Exactly my point.

So what? I should just discard them?;
I can't remember making any suggestions.
I can't go back to being lonely;
You still don't have friends.
What do you mean?;
I think you know the answer.

I didn't change, I'm just a little different;
A dyed hair, two nose rings, twelve piercings. Four years ago you hated all these. Keep telling yourself that, as far as it makes you sleep at night.

Why do you always have to be so judgemental?;
Two puffs, one more gulp, another empty bottle falls. I had no idea I was being so judgemental. Should I help you open the other drink? Your friends are all having one more, you should too.

I thought I killed you conscience, why are we even having this conversation?

We're not.

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