Epilogue: Chapter 2

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Dad was right. The drive to Bromwell Academy was excruciating. Forty-eight minutes later and I was standing in front of a tall gray stone building that looked like belonged on the Harvard campus and not in small town Ambrosia. I didn't know much about the town. All I know is that the school was pretty much it's only attraction. It was originally founded by Vale Bromwell, hence the name of the school, and the original decedents of the Bromwell's still lived in the town.  To be honest, I didn't really care about anything around here except for the archery program. I had friends back at my old school. I had family at home. I was here to do what I loved. If I made a friend to eat lunch with, that would be cool. If not, well, I'd eat alone. 

The Academy was more grand than I had anticipated. Sleek oak wood made up the walls. I seen no lockers or water fountains like  my high school. Wooden beams above me created a rustic feel. This seemed more like a ski lodge than a school. I was sent a campus map and my schedule when I completed Admissions. So I followed the map through the spacious corridors, left turns, up the stairs, and finally arrived at my first class. I was out of breath from walking so much. I'm definitely not an athlete. I'm in shape. Archery requires arm strength and good posture but I wasn't going to go running fun or anything.

I took a few deep breaths before working up the nerve to enter the new classroom. Once I had gained my nerve, I turned the knob and pushed open the door, to find an empty room. Let me rephrase that. There were desks, a white board, a teacher's table, but no students, no teachers. I looked down at my schedule, Floor B, Room 205 -- Biology. I walked back out of the door. I glanced at the sign outside next to the room. Yep, I had the right room. Guess I was the first one here, at 7:50? I chalked it up to being early and had a seat in the back middle. I didn't want to be up front and look like a teacher's pet but I wanted to be in the middle where I could still pay attention. 

The teacher walked in at 8. She was an exquisite, more than average, beauty. Her raven hair was long down her back with a halo braid. She had large black rimmed glasses, full red lips, and a tiny waist. She pulled out a planner, a biology book, and an apple (cliche right) and placed it all perfectly symmetrically on her desk. She sat down and took a deep a breath and then looked toward the door like she was waiting for the students, just as I was. She hadn't noticed me. 

After a minute or two, she looked down at her watch. She stood and walked to the door. She walked back to her desk. She sat down. Then, she stood up again. Her anxiousness was feeding into mine. It was my first day and things already seemed weird.

"What time does class start?" I startled her so bad that she knocked the apple off the corner of her desk and it rolled across the floor to the door. 

That was about the same time the door finally opened and a flood gates of insanely good looking students walked in. Girls with little waist and perfect boobs, long hair and ripped bodies alongside boys, no I take that back, men with large muscles, perfect skin and panty-dropping smiles filtered in. Whatever they were feeding kids over her in Ambrosia, I wanted some of. It wasn't that I was ugly. My green eyes were the color of forest pines, like my mothers, and my father's black hair. My waist was tiny, like my mothers. I had some nice B cups sitting all pretty on my chest. I wasn't bad, but these people were inhuman. No one seemed to notice the teacher or me in the room. They were all smiling and laughing like it was no big deal that they were super late. I watched until the very last person walked in the door. And man, am I glad I did. This guy was 6 ft. Dark brown hair, the color of a chestnut tree adorned the top of his head. He wasn't overly muscular like a body builder but when I say God built that body, well, he did good.  He took the first seat closest to the door. 

"Okay, since everyone is finally here, let's have a seat and get started." The teacher whispered meekly. 

And everyone continued to talk among themselves, not even acknowledging her, especially the guy that walked in last, although he seemed distracted. He kept looking up and looking around during his conversations. Everyone seemed like they wanted to talk to him. I shrank in my chair every time his eyes would look around, for some reason, hoping he wouldn't notice me. And bless her heart, the teacher continued trying to teach. She was so quiet that I barely got a note written down. Finally, class was over. I'm not sure who was more relieved, the teacher or me. I waited till everyone left before I exited the classroom. The teacher touched my arm on the way out of the door. 

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