~I Dont Believe You~

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Eddward walks through the doors of the school...hard to think he was almost done with sophomore year then he s

could skip a grade....he was to smart to let drama make him stupid.

As he walked through the hall he heard whispers and saw some even staring....what did they want?....what the hell are they talking about?....one whisper was loud enough for him to hear.

"did you hear how he drove Kevin away....its sad, his dad found out he was gay and his mom unowned him. Now he has to go to a boarding school on england...a all girl boarding school..." the girl saw that Edd was listening and walks away with her friend and said "its sad how some people go so far just for a taste of revenge"

He snarled and grid his teeth as he walked down the hall.

"Poor Kevin? that's good for Kevin! he loves girls...he's the star athlete....he gets girls everyday...this is a prize not a punishment" he growled a little loud to himself.

"No, its not Eddward..."

He turns around and sees Nazz looking up at him "heh...its sad really...to see that all this happened...it was only the beginning of how wed spend our four years...only to see it fall apart so quickly..." she snickered a bit and shook her head "high school ready does work fast-"

"Just tell me what You meant by its not good for Kevin!!!" he became a bit irritated.

She sighed and rolled her eyes "the boarding school full of girls....are girls that don't like gays, they can't stand gay people...they're also girls that have been in jail, it isn't just any boarding school in england Eddward..."

"I won't believe until I see he's being tortured" Edd raised a brow at her.

"Why don't you turn around....and see the proof"

Edds eyes open a bit wide...it couldn't be him...he left a week after...he said he wouldn't come back...could it really be him?!....He turns and he gazed in shock.

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