the unknown

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how do i explain
what i believe
what i feel
the things i see

i don't believe in God
i've tried but i just can't
but i don't believe this world
can be explained by word of man

i don't believe in explanation
of things that can't be explained
you tell me i dont understand
but your science just seems strained

you tell me that there's logic
in everything we see
but we don't know what logic is
we don't know anything

somewhere else
on a planet different than our own
magic is matter of fact
not something so unknown

somewhere else
beyond our stars
they know so much
they can go so far

but i believe
that even there
there is mystery
just like anywhere

we need room to wonder
to stretch our minds so far
keep chasing dreams
and chasing lights
and you will reach the stars
and what lies behind the stars
maybe we'll never know
but that's what life is all about
chasing the unknown

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