take me back in time

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when i was young
and free
the words used to flow through me
through my brain
past my heart
it signaled my hands
which created the art
they moved without thinking
the next word patient on my tongue
which i said without blinking
pushing the air out of my lungs
without even realizing
it's instinctually
and now i breath
and i count the breaths
3 seconds in
4 seconds out
don't forget to blink
breath in
breath out
don't forget to think
think think think
breath in
breath out
the same thing constantly
and how can i possibly
do anything but be
when to be
you have to breath
you have to blink
you have to see
there are so many thinks
for me to possibly think
while i move the words through my brain
past my heart
and to my hands
i create the art
i can't deny
it's beginning start
to seem like i will never part
from this part of me
that constantly
tells me to be
i can't be
i won't be
anything but what's required of me
can't you see
can't you see
i'm falling
i'm falling
i'm trying

to be free

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