Chapter 3

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I wake up to Lucy's voice calling me. I grumble in bed. I came back home like 12:00 yesterday. I spent the whole night with Shawn. I told him everything that happened since I got married. I am lucky that he understood and went easy on me. I get up and put a pair of black jeans with a dark red silk blouse. I tied my hair into a small ponytail. I go to the living room, where I find Evan, Lucy and Tina sitting there. "Good morning, mom." She says smiling. I assume that Evan haven't told her yet. "Good morning, sweetheart." I say as I take a seat beside her. She is sitting between me and him. "Tina. Honey. You're a grown up now. You know that things hasn't been so good between me and your mother." Evan says. I look at the floor that is blurred by my tears that starts to fill my eyes. I take a deep breath to stop it. "What is wrong, Dad?" She asks with a little laugh. "Tina, sweetheart. Me and your father. We are going to separate for a while." I say. "Not for a while, Toni! Don't lie to her!" He says with high tone. How dare he shouts to me like this?! "Have some feelings?! Don't be cruel!" I shout at him. "How dare you shout to your husband like this?!" He shouts as well. "You're not going to be my husband anymore!" I shout even harder. "Stop! Both of you!" Tina yell at us. "I know,okay? I know that you guys are going to get divorced. Okay?" She says with deep breath after it. We both look at her in shook. "How did you know?" I ask completely shook. I mean I never talked to her about it. "Aunt Lucy told me." Tina says as she looks at Lucy. "Lucy!" I say as I glance at her angrily. "Guys. It is okay. I am not sad. I know you guys don't love each other anymore. You don't have to live together for my sake." She says. I look at her. I can't believe my little girl is all grown up. We hear the doorbell. It is the lawyer. Oh Evan you really wanna end things fast?! Well, guess what Me, too! We both sign the divorce papers. "Go pack now,Tina. You will come with me back to Brazil." Evan says as he stands up. I look at him with pain in my eyes. I would really want her to live with me. But, I can't afford her a perfect life like Evan would do.

They are leaving now. I walk up to her. I see tears in her eyes. God it kills me to see her suffer just like I once...did. "Hey. Don't cry, Tina! I will always be your mother no matter what. And remember whenever you come to visit aunt Lucy. You can come see me." I say as my fingertips press away the tears from her eyes. She places her arms around me. I hug her back so hard. I take off my necklace. It was one that Dad brought me before he died. It has a cloud shape. I place it around her neck. "This will keep you safe. And it will make you feel like I am always here." I say as I kiss her forehead. "I love you, mom." She says as she walks outside the apartment. "I love you, too." I whisper to myself as my eyes tear up. Lucy walks up to me. I cry into her neck so hard.

It is 6:00 in the morning. I get up. Lucy had already went to her work. She works at a tattoo shop. I find myself sending a message to Shawn asking if we can meet. God Damn it! Stupid! I take a relaxing shower. I put on a silk black blouse with a pair of black jeans along with my white boots and coat. I let my hair lose. I grab my bag and go out. Cold air brushes  against my face. I check my phone to find Shawn already replied. "Meet me at the Park." the message says. I head to the Park wondering if this is right.

I find a bench and sit down. "Good morning." I heard his sweet deep calming voice. I look up at him. His hair is brushed perfectly to the back which shows his sharp jawline perfectly. He is wearing a blue coat on black jeans and a white shirt. His black boots reminds me of those black boots he used to wear on tour. "Is everything alright, Toni?" He asks as he sits beside me. His thigh was next to mine that I could feel its heat. "Tina is gone." I say as my voice breaks. "What happened to her?" He asks with eyes full of worry. "Nothing. It is just... Evan and I got divorced and she went with him." I cry. He holds my hand. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Everything is going to be alright. I promise." He says as his hands brush through my hair. I really want you to keep that promise , Mendes.

That night of ours. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now