Chapter 12

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•••••kindly put on your playlist •••••••••••••••••

"Wake up, lazy boo." I hear his voice. Man! His morning voice is everything. Wait! How did he enter the room?!" "Come on! You won't have anything left from the breakfast. You know the guys." He says as I see him walk to the bag. He gets out a yellow sweatshirt with a pair of black jeans. "This is perfect." He says as he walks back to me. "Come on!" He says as he picks me up from bed. "Put me down!" I say as I place punches on his back. He sits me down on the bed. He takes off my sweater and makes me wear the sweatshirt he got out. After a lot of groans, I fully dressed. He makes me stand in front of the mirror and starts to brush my hair. Oh god! Marry me already.

That night of ours. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now