Chapter 7

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"This is so exciting!" She says as she jumps in her seat. We're in Shawn's private jet. I really miss the bus. Bad luck we will be using a jet instead. "Toni!" I hear a familiar voice call me. "How are you doing?!" He says as we hug. Andrew. "I am good. How about you?" I say as we sit down. "Things are great as you can see. It is our 10th tour." He says sounding so proud. "Andrew Gertler himself!" Tina says in an exciting way. "And who are you little girl?" He says. "That's Tina. My daughter." I say. "Well, you got your mother's beauty, little fellow." He says. "Aren't you a bit old to flirt with them, Andrew?" Shawn says as he comes from behind him. We all laugh. Shawn looks at me and smiles.

"Los Freaking Anglos!" She says as she looks at the noisy city from her window. I am actually glad she is happy. This is what every mother would want for her daughter. To be happy. "So, Are you happy?" I feel his hand on my shoulder. He sits in front of me. "Yeah. I guess." I say as my arms struggle. "I promise you. You'll like it." He says as he smiles at me. I smile at him. I mean who could just look at this smile and can't help smiling back. We land on LA's airport. A car gets us a hotel. It is so fancy. Tina's happiness is so obvious on her face. "This is the best Christmas gift ever, mom!" She says as she goes into her hotel room. I can't help but smile. "Wanna share rooms like our first time?" He says with a smirk. "No, thank you I need my hot water." I say as we laugh together. I turn back to my room. "Toni." I hear him call me. "Good night and thanks for coming." He says with a soft smile. I smile and head to my room. I close the door and rest myself on the bed burying my face that is super red into the pillows. What is this man doing to me?!

"Wake up, mom! C'mon! I am starving!" She says as she shakes my arm. I grumble in bed so tired. Ughh just let me sleep! Well, she doesn't call again. Good! I can finally sleep in peace. Suddenly the bed starts to shake that resulted from Shawn's jumping on the bed. "Wake up!" He says into my ears. I grab his face to push it away but he grabs my arm and pull me to him. I am laying on top of him. His hands are resting on my back. My hands are on his chest. I can feel his chest muscles. Our noses are almost touching. "Hey." He says which almost sounded like whisper. "Hey." I say in the same way. I can feel his hands going down slowly to my waist. "What?" I say in uncomfortable way. "Hey, trust me. Do you trust me?" He says in a soft voice. His hands are now on my waist. He lifts me up and makes me sit on the bed. He gets up and fix his clothes. "I told you to trust me." He says with a smile. I could feel heat rushing up to my face. "Yo guys?! I am hungry!" Tina gets in saying. We both laugh. Maybe he changed. I mean he could have kissed me right there but he didn't. I mean old him would have done it. I hope this change doesn't change my feelings for him.

We enter a burger's restaurant. We took a bench and sat down. "I am going to the toilet." She says as she stands up. I nod to her and them she walks to the toilet. I watch her until she stumble on her feet and fall but one of the worker catch her. "Looks like she's got a saver." I hear Shawn says with a smirk. I hit his shoulder lightly. "What?! The girl should be allowed to have one." He says as his shoulders struggle. The boy looks young. Maybe older than her with one years. His hair is golden brown. He has a caramel skin tone. He is not too tall. "You can see he likes her. Look they're laughing." He says. I look at him. "That doesn't mean anything. He just met her for god's sake. Shawn!" I say rolling my eyes. She comes back and the worker follows her to our table. "Welcome to Burger's o'l Daniel! How can I server you today?" He says. His eyes are locked on Tina. "Yeah...Michel! I will have a cheeseburger with extra BBQ sauce." Shawn says to the guy. "Okay. And for the ladies." He says. "I will have the same." I say. Too tired to check the menu. "I will have a normal burger with extra California sauce." Tina says as she looks at him with a smile. "Well do!" He says with a wink to her. He walks away. "What was that?!" Shawn says with smirk. "What?" Tina says with rosy cheeks. "Why do you asume I was talking to you?!" He says with more smirking. "I didn't !" She says as her shoulders struggle and her cheeks burning up. "That guy seemed to like her, Toni!" Shawn says. "Stop teasing her, Shawn!" I say with a smile. "Okay! But I am sure that he likes her!" Shawn says as he cross his arms in front of his chest. 10 minuets later, that boy arrives with our food. We eat in silence. Shawn asks for the check so we can leave. "Hope you enjoyed yourselves here!" The boy says. We get up to leave. "Hey, Tina, right?" We hear him call after her. "Yeah." She answers him. "You're free, later?" He says. "I told you he likes her." Shawn whispers in my ear. I smile a bit. "Yeah, I guess." She says. "I finish my shift in 5 minuets. Do you mind if I take your daughter out, ma'am?" He says as he turns to me. "Well, if she's okay with it." I say. "Okay." Tina says to him with a smile. "Make sure you get her home safe!" I call at them as they wall into the restaurant. Tina looks back at me and lip-sync "MOM!" I wave at her. "So? What do you wanna do?" I hear Shawn whisper in my ear. Well that is going to be a trouble night. I can feel it.

That night of ours. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now