Chapter 11

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I get under the shower. I let the shower's hot water into my hair. I get out and stand in front of the mirror. I take the hairdryer and start to use it on my wet hair. "Yeah!" I say as I hear a knock on the door. As I open the door I see his baby face with a red rose in his hand. "Can we talk?" He says with a cute smile. I walk into the room as he follows me inside. I walk to the bag and stand in front of it to choose something to wear. I feel his arms around my waist and his breath against my neck making me shiver. I place my hand on his. "You mad at me?" He says as he kisses my neck. I can feel the blood rush to my neck every time his lips touches my neck. I turn to face him. His lips are super pink so satisfying to kiss. Control yourself Toni! You should show him that you're still mad. I remove his arms off my waist. I walk to the bed's side and I sit down. "Where's Tina?" I ask him. "She went out with Michel and they will bring us dinner with them." He says as he walks into my direction. He kneels down to my face. Both of his arms each on one my sides holding him from falling. His veins are all obvious. You can see the blood running in them. Wait? What? Tina went out alone with the Trainor guy! "Alone!?" I say not super pleased to hear this. "Tina is not our topic to talk about now." He says as he leans in closer. We are sharing the same breath now. I can see his eyes locked on my lips. He leans in closer that it is only 1 inch between our lips. His lips takes advantage of mine at last. I like it. I like kissing him. No. I love it! I love him.

I wake up alone on my bed. I hear the water running in the bathroom which means Shawn didn't leave yet. He gets out with a towel on his waist and a bare chest. "Hello there." He says as he leans down and pecks my lips. He sits on the side of the bed. Damn he smells good! "Hey." I say as I place my head on his thigh. His hands find themselves playing with my hair. A knock on the door made us both jump. "Yes! Who is it?" I say as I sit down next to him. "Mom! It is Tina! I got you and Shawn dinner. Do you know where is he by the way?" She says from behind the door. "Thanks, sweetie. And no I have no idea where is this dork." I say as I look at him. He smirks at me. "Okay, Mom. Don't be late! The food will be cold!" She says as she walks away. "You should leave Shawn! She will start looking for you." I say as I wear on my pair of jeans. "Looks like the other Toni is back!" He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes as I put on my black sweater. I stand in front of the mirror and start to brush my hair. I look at his bare chest that lies between an unbuttoned shirt from the mirror. His eyes catches mine in the mirror. He smiles at me softly. He starts to walk to me. He grabs my waist and turns me to face him. "You like it, don't you?" He says with cheesy voice. "What? No, way!" I say as I place my hands around his neck. "I am so in love with you, Toni Charles. And I will do anything to make you mine."  He says with a sweet voice that any girl would fall for. I love this man. "I love you, too." I says as I peck his lips. He pick me up and starts to move around like a ballerina. I laugh as he lets me down in the ground. "It is good to hear it again. From you." He says with such a happy voice just like a little kid whose parents bought him his favorite toy. I start to button up his shirt. "There you go." I say as I place my hand on his chest. "See you soon." He says. He pecks my lips and leave. I am official unable to hide my feelings for Shawn.

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