Chapter 13

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•••••kindly put on your playlist •••••••••••••••••

He's going to perform tonight in Paris. Then, we leave tonight as well to arrive in Vince, Italy. We arrive at a huge stage like enormous. Well, Michel is having more time with my daughter than me! But, I actually think he's a good guy. I just want her to be happy. I see them sitting at the edge of the stage. His hands are holding her's. Her head is resting on his shoulder. They are laughing. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "They remind me of us. You know." I hear his sweet voice finding its way into my ears. I turn to him. "Except the fact that you're famous and he's not." I say. I really don't know what am I going to do after this tour ends. I mean I can't take being the wife or girlfriend of a famous guy. "Oh come on! Not this again!" He says as he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Shawn! This again! You know very well that I won't be able to be with a guy that his private life doesn't belong to him!" I say as I give him a hard look. He just rolls his eyes at me. He walks away. I roll my eyes as he enters a room. I walk to those loving couple. "Hey there lovebirds." I say with a smirk. "Hey, Miss Charles." He says. I can see that Tina is rolling her eyes in embarrassment. I just smile. I mean I can't deny the fact that I am happy that my little girl is going through her first love experience. I just hope she's doesn't get hurt. Like I once or even twice got hurt. I sit between them. "You better take a good care of her, Michel. She is my only daughter." I say as I look at him. "Of course, Ma'am. I am glad I met her." He says as he looks at her with eyes full of love. She blushes with a smile. I am happy this happened.

"Come on, Mendes." We both hear a man say. This reminds me of the days I used to sit with him in this room 10 years ago. He's standing in front of a mirror and fixing his hair and clothes. He turns to the door to walk away. "Shawn." I call him. "Yeah." He says as he looks back at me. I walk up to him. I stand on my tippy-toes since I am too short and Shawn is pretty tall. I peck his lips softly. "Go have fun." I whisper to him. His hands go around my waist tightly and he lifts me up and kisses me hard. My hands find there way through his curly soft brown hair. My legs are around his. We just kiss in this dressing room. He walks and places me on the desk and kisses me harder. "Mendes!!! Those girls are gonna destroy the-" Andrew gets in the room. Shit! We both look at him. My hands are still in Shawn's hair. His hands are still wrapped around my waist. "Please don't tell Tina!" I say as heat rush through my whole body. I can see the shock on Andrew 's face. I remove my hands from Shawn's hair. "Let's talk after the show. Damn there is a lot of questions I wanna ask right now." Andrew says. He and Shawn both walk outside leaving me alone with my thoughts.

That night of ours. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now