Chapter 10; Ambush

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Bella jolted upright out of her slumber, a panicked gasped escaping her lips

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Bella jolted upright out of her slumber, a panicked gasped escaping her lips. Her eyes locked with Edward's, relief clear in his golden eyes.

"Edward?" Bella said cautiously, asking a silent question.

"She didn't mean to. She's very upset with herself," Edward answered.

Bella nodded, rubbing her face. "Where is she?"

"La Push."

Bella sighed, jumping off the bed and headed towards the door. As she opened Edward's bedroom door, Phoenix had opened the spare just down the hall. They locked eyes, they both could tell that the other felt bad. Phoenix rushed over to Bella and wrapped her arms and wings around her.

"We must have really upset her," Phoenix mumbled.

Bella chuckled dryly. "She's at La Push with Leah. She'll feel better in no time."

As they descended the stairs, Carlisle appeared in front of Phoenix. He fussed over her for a moment, checking for any injuries. Phoenix smiled slightly, flattered at the fact that he was so worried for her.

"I'm fine, Carlisle," Phoenix whispered.

Carlisle relaxed with a smile.

They all made their way to the living room, things needed to be discussed.

As strategies were formed, plans were made, Bella was starting to get antsy. Her anticipation started buzzing and she zoned out of the conversation. She wandered to the bay window overlooking the forest.

"Bella?" Phoenix called softly. She was the first one to notice how tense Bella was.

Bella turned at her name, her eyes were hard and her mouth in a tight line. She looked down at herself, irritated with her choice of clothing. I can't fight in this, she thought to herself.

Alice rushed upstairs and brought back down a change of clothes. She smiled as she gingerly set the clothes in Bella's arms.

"Thank you," Bella grinned and rushed to go change.

"They're coming," Phoenix said. She could feel it, and she knew that Bella knew.

Carlisle hovered near Phoenix, all his senses on high alert. Bella came out of the bathroom in green army pants and combat boots, her black shirt hugged her nicely. Edward stared at his mate in wonder. She actually looked like a soldier.

Suddenly, someone was whistling from outside. (Imagine Negan's whistle from The Walking Dead.) All the vampires rushed to the porch while Phoenix went out the back. Bella made her way to the door with Edward hot on her heels. There was a man standing several feet away from the porch. His brown hair was disheveled and he had a sneer on his face. Fur covered the majority of his face, neck and arms. His canine incisors were long and yellow.

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