Chapter 17; The Forgotten Ceremony

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"I do

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"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Mr. Weber's voice jolted Phoenix out of her revere.

The guests jumped to their feet in applause, cheering and laughing for the newly wedded couple. Phoenix had been so lost in her thoughts that she practically missed the entire ceremony. She doesn't even remember what she was thinking about, which worried her. However, she stood to her feet and applauded with the rest of the crowd.

As she continued to worry with her eyebrows pulled together, Carlisle watched her from the corner of his eye. What had her so worried? He could practically feel it radiating from her. Carlisle and Edward shared a concerned gaze with one another as he and Bella walked back down the aisle. Edward could hear Phoenix's scattered thoughts. How she was starting to forget the little things, how she couldn't remember her friend's name from her time in the school...

The crowd dispersed, heading toward the Cullen home. Phoenix whirled around to Carlisle, fear and concern shining in her eyes.

"Something is wrong."


The sound of laughter and nature made it's way up to the second floor window, where Carlisle and Phoenix were having a concerning discussion.

"I was worrying about something, Carlisle. Now, I can't remember what it was!"

"Is losing your memory part of the expiration?" Carlisle asked gently.

"I don't know!" Phoenix cried.

The tears finally spilled over, fear and frustration gripped her chest, squeezing without any indication of relief. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out any emotion, hopefully wake up from this nightmare, as well. Carlisle had her in his arms before she could blink and she suddenly felt weightless, like a wave of peace has washed over her.

"Thank you, Jasper," she mumbled into Carlisle's shirt, knowing that Jasper could hear her. "And thank you, Carlisle."

Carlisle planted a kiss on the top of her head, rubbing soothing circles down her back. Should he tell her? Should he ruin the night with this wonderful news?

"Tell her," Edward whispered from somewhere outside.

"Edward found something," Carlisle said.

Phoenix looked up, still wrapped up in her mate's embrace. "What?"

"Does the name Valencia Martinez mean anything to you?"

Phoenix glanced down, trying to remember. "She was a doctor at the school. I think she was married to Jeb for a time. She actually helped Charlie with getting us out of the school."

Carlisle carefully peeled Phoenix arms off for a moment, flitting to his desk. He picked up the paper and handed it to her. As Phoenix read it over, her eyes widened.

"What... what does this mean?" She asked timidly.

"It means that I can save you. I'll be doing test runs first, but... I can save you," Carlisle said softly.

Phoenix's eyes welled up with excitement and happiness, even with the lingering doom nagging in the back of her mind.


Bella and Edward had walked around to the other side of the house, hand in hand. Edward grinned into the trees suddenly.

"Thank you, this is very kind of you," he said to no one.

"Kind is my middle name," a familiar, gruff voice sounded. And Jacob Black stepped from the tree line.

"Jacob!?" Bella choked out, darting over to him. Jacob caught her in his arms as she jumped toward him. Edward nodded his head toward the two, and walked away.

Bella smiled, then turned and smacked Jacon in his stomach. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Somewhere around the Canadian border," Jacob chuckled. "Look at you, though. Married."

"Yeah," Bella grinned. "It feels wonderful. I don't think I could describe how happy I am.  Even better now."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "And where are you going for the honeymoon?"

"I don't know. He won't tell me, it's a surprise. But it will be a traditional honeymoon."

Suddenly, Jacob froze and started to vibrate.


Jacob spoke through clenched. "What did you just say?"

Bella furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"A traditional honeymoon!? Are you gonna let him... While you're still human!?"

Bella scoffed. "I don't see how that's any of your business!"

Jacob snatched up Bella's arms rather roughly. "You can't do that!"

"Ow, Jacob!"

"Take your hands off of her!" Edward sped towards them, fury in his eyes.

Sam and Seth burst through the trees to grab a hold of Jacob. "C'mon, Jake. Let's go, calm down, man," Seth tried reasoning.

"No! He's gonna fucking kill her!"

Jacob struggled and flailed about in the arms of his pack. Angel had caught wind of the ruckus and flew around the house. She saw Jacob struggling to get to Bella and Edward, he looked so furious. Angel got angry at this point, seeing that damn dog trying to ruin Auntie Bella's wedding night. Angel then landed in front of the pack.

"Stop, Jacob," she commanded. And Jacob ceased his struggles.

Seth and Sam let him go hesitantly, glancing back at Angel fearfully. Jacob stared at Angel. 

"Jacob Epharim Black, I am very disappointed in you," Angel tsked.

"He's going to kill her!"

"That's not your concern anymore," Angel growled.

Jacob's anger boiled, taking a threatening step toward the young avian hybrid. Angel crouched immediately and whipped out her wings, stretched straight up. Her wings fluttered vigorously, the same sign of warning her mother did. There was a sudden growl from the trees, and Leah's wolf form stalked toward Jacob. Her canine fangs glinting in the twinkling lights.

Jacob sighed in defeat, turned and walked away. Seth nodded toward Edward, sending him a mental apology, and darted off into the trees. Sam lingered, staring down Bella for just a moment, then disappeared into the forest.

"Come on, love. Let's get back to the party before anyone misses us," Edward coaxed his new wife.

Angel came in between the two, grabbing both of their hands. The three walked back to the party, hand in hand.

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