" I miss this ."

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Constance's POV *

" I remember this ." He whispered , lifting up his hand to touch the picture gently .

" We were at the park , our favorite one . We were playing soccer and Alan fell into a pile of mud . He chased us and he tackled me into mud as well . You were laughing so hard ." He whispered , shaking his head lightly .

" We chased after you but we couldn't catch you . After we calmed down , we took this picture ." He whispered .

I nodded .

He looked up at me .

" You remember ." I whispered .

He nodded and got up .

His eyes left mine and landed on the picture from the rave .

He walked up to the picture , " I remember this too ."

" It was Caiden's first rave . We skipped school just to take him . Alan got punched when he was in the mosh pit . Caiden and I fought the guy who punched him ." He said , turning to look at me and Caiden .

We nodded and he turned back to look at the picture , " Edith almost got pushed in too but she punched the guy ." He said .

Edith let a laugh out .

She nodded .

He stepped aside and looked at the picture of me and him .

" I remember this too ." He whispered , smiling .

" We talked and talked . For hours ."

" We looked so happy ." He whispered , lifting up hand and traced it .

" You had this smile on your face that I couldn't get over . This day replays itself in my dreams ." He whispered , his voice cracking at the end .

I looked at him as he turned around to look at me .

His eyes became glossy .

He turned and looked at the picture again .

He took it off the wall and walked to my bed .

He sat down , " You didn't let me get a copy of this . I begged you but you never let me ."

I laughed a little , " I never let you get any of the pictures . I wanted the memories to my self ."

He nodded .

" I remember everything about that day . We went out with Edith and Caiden to the mall and you and Edith shopped for hours until her and Caiden left to the movies with some of their friends and me and you went to the park and talked ." He said , smiling .

" You guys could never handle us shopping ." Edith laughed .

" You guys can shop for days ." He said , looking up from the picture , smiling at Edith .

She shook her head .

" Remember when Alan literally fell asleep ?" She laughed and Cole and Caiden joined her .

I watched as they laughed .

We used to do this when we were all best friends .

" I miss this ." Caiden said , once he stopped laughing .

We all nodded .

" Maybe we can go back to this if everything gets situated ." Edith whispered , hesitating .

I looked at her .

" I don't know if we can . Cole and I have different gangs ." I said .

" Can't y'all join them ?" She asked , looking at Cole and I .

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