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Alpha & Alpahaess (Luna):

This Wolf is the overall leader of the pack. They give ranks and is to be submitted to by all wolves except for their mate.


Second in command/Alpha's right hand. They assist the Alpha(s) in many ways by helping choose ranks for wolves, discussing important matters and issues, or leading the pack when the Alphas are unable to for any reason. When one of the Alphas die, one of the Betas will take his/her place until the heir is old enough to take over. Wolves below this rank submit to these wolves.


This is the wolf in training to be a Beta and/or Alpha. If an Alpha dies and a Beta becomes Alpha, the Delta takes the Beta's place. All ranks below this wolf must submit to him/her.

Salutary Wolf:

This wolf is the herbal wolf. He/She heals and takes care of the ill and injured. No magic or powers, just herbs and special medicines from resources.


Patrol and messenger. This wolf is free to wonder out of pack territory to the Vampires and get a sneak of what their next plans are. They also guard the territory.

Hunters / Trackers:

These are the wolves who do all of the main hunting for the pack. They usually go out to hunt for whatever animals wonder around their territory. They also hunt down the Vampires when asked.


This Wolf is the main fighter for the pack. They can also be known as the General. He/She also would be the one who is asked to assassinate on spare time. When this wolf isn't fighting, he/she is training.


These are the front-line fighters in the pack. They are the most skilled, and most willing to give up their lives for the pack. They are led by the Adversary.


The guardian serves as the caretaker for the elderly and the young. The typical traits of a guardian are patience, kindness, and attentiveness.


This is the wolf that all of the others use to take their stress out on. When a wolf is bored or upset, they will most likely trample and gnaw and/or bully on this wolf to get their adrenaline/stress/anger out. This wolf is usually placed because they are the most excluded, or they did something wrong.


Rogues are the ones who aren't in the pack, or have left the pack.

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