Being A Maverick Hunter.

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I usually had it pretty rough when I started. I was a rookie once. A rookie who wanted to help others that were in need. And now I'm an A class hunter. Being only under the best of the best of Maverick hunters. Like Sigma. Him being the commander. I looked up to him greatly. When he eventually let me get dispatched to a new place I was thrilled. But knowing who my captain would be was a bit scary. Sting chameleon.. I thought he would make my robotic life a "living" hell. But I was wrong. He wasn't so scary after all. It was like I had met him once before. I was very quickly becoming friends with my captain. Yes Sting chameleon was weird for everyone else. Except for me and my patrol. We had fun with him. I learned a lot from him. How to camouflage myself easily even if it meant I could get hurt easily as my helmet had to be taken off. Having big bat like fins on your head maybe wasn't a good idea but Dr.Chain really liked them for some reason and I don't really mind it.
Oh. Maybe you would like to know my name first. It's-
"Lash? Hey Lash. I haven't seen you in months how are you?" Says a male voice behind her.
She looks to who the voice belongs to and smiled a bit. "Well if it isn't X. How have you been?" She says as she lays her arm around him.
"I've been alright. Doing paperwork as always." He says with a smile.
Lash laughed a bit. "You paper-worm! You should try getting into the jungle like I did. It's amazing! Sting chameleon tells amazing horror stories. Made me laugh all night long!" She said with a big smile on her face.
X looks at her happily. "You seem to have had some great fun in Sting chameleon's sector huh? I wish I could have gone with you." He laughs a bit awkwardly.
Lash petted his head. "Where's Zero by the way?" She asked.
"I do-"
"Right behind you." Says a voice behind Lash before she got pulled up.
"Not again Zero. Please put her down." X pleaded with his friend as he tried not to laugh to much.
Lash was slumped over Zero's shoulder. But not in the typical way. She was laying on his shoulder on her back.
"Zerooooo." Lash growled a bit. She hated when he did this to her. As she was the shortest out of them. Only getting to his chin hight and being under X's eye hight.
"Ok ok. I let the little lady go." He put Lash down. Having that big ol' smile on his face. "No hard feelings?" He asked before getting a quick slap in the face.
X chuckled a bit as he saw that coming from non other than Lash. She hated to be called little. And being a Maverick hunter she sure didn't like it now as she did back then when she first met them both. She was an average sized reploid but she was considered little to Zero, being a "little sister" in a way to him.
"Ok. Maybe you two want to catch up or something tonight?" Lash asked.
X nodded "I think that would be nice. For all of us. You've been catching Mavericks all week Zero."
"I haven't. You're imagining things again." Zero laughed.
Lash chuckled a bit. "We meet at nine. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good to me." Zero said with a confident smile on his face.
X smiled with a nod. "Works for me as well."
"That's good." Lash said with a smile.
"Hey Zero! We have another mission for you!" One of the operator reploids said.
"See you guys later." He said as he waved a bit to the two and then walked to to the operator.
Lash looked to X. "Hey, X? Can I ask you a favor?"
"What is it?" X wondered as he looked at her.
"Can you pick me up? I kinda crashed my bike when I was on a mission. It's still being fixed over at chameleon's base. I didn't want to ask with Zero around us." Lash scratched the back of her head.
X chuckled "It's alright Lash. I pick you up."
"You remember where I live do you?" Lash asked with a cheeky grin on her face.
"My database still has it there." He said with a smile.
Lash smiled and flicked his tiny nose. "Good." And with that she walked out if sight leaving her desk.
X stood there in a bit of shock. She had changed her attitude more. She was confident. Like Zero in a way. She must have gotten so much experience in the jungles she must've gotten more confident in herself.
X noticed Zero looking at him then saw his eyes follow where Lash had walked to. He was having a big grin on his face. Of course he was joking with his friend as he knew they were all friends.

Some hours later in about lunch time Lash was in the training room. She was using her new weapon. A whip she had gotten as gift from Sting chameleon. She used it night and day. Getting more and more experienced with it. She was in a simulation, being surrounded by enemies. She quickly started swinging with her whip. She hit every enemy in the head. Lash held onto her whip tightly being pretty tired after her training sessions.
"Close simulation." She said firmly.
A female robotic voice said the same thing as it closed down the simulation.
"You sure got some adorable new moves after being with that chameleon for so long." Said a rather selfish sounding voice behind her.
Lash frowned a bit as she didn't want to talk to him. She looked behind herself to see Vile. He was blocking her way out. She walked up to the door.
"Vile. Please get out of my way." Lash said as she didn't make eye contact with him.
"Oh? Why so harsh Lasher? I thought you liked my company?" Vile said with a rather narcissistic sounding voice.
Lash looked at him in the eye now. "No way in hell I would now. I've heard your reports Vile. Another mistake on your part and they will lock you up. So let me thought before I-"
"Before you what? Hurt me? Ohhh you don't want to know what I can do to you." He had his hand on his shoulder canon. He could shoot her at any moment but as luck would have it another person came.
"Calm it down Vile. Let the lady though. She's gonna have a calm night with friends if I don't remember wrong." Storm eagles voice said. Which calmed the situation down. It made Lash extremely happy to see him and relieved as she was scared of Vile and whatever he would have done to her.
Vile seem to hesitate a bit but whatever he was thinking he didn't do it. Vile started walking away. Lash quickly walked out of the training room. Storm eagle followed her.
"Thank you for helping me there Storm. I was kinda scared for a second there." Lash said as she looked to him.
"It's nothing Lasher. Vile has changed in the time you were at Sting chameleon sector. I don't think you should be alone like that again." Storm eagle said as he put a hand on Lash's shoulder.
Lash smiled up to him. She was thankful. "Thank you Storm. I should have known with Vile nearby. Last time we met wasn't pretty." Lash walked out of the hall.
Storm eagle watched her leave. He looked to where Vile had walked too. He was thinking what Vile would have done in that second.

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