Stage Clear

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Claws walked through the very familiar snake stage. She was trying to get to Snake man. But as she almost got to his boss door she was caught by one of his big snakes. Claws struggled in its grasp. Trying her hardest to get out of there.
But she gave up and the big snake nudged its head on her helmet. She was upside down. She heard someone closing in on her. Seeing those familiar white shoes.

"Almossst but a bit to hassty don't you think?" Snake said as he was down on all fours. Crawling closer to her.
Claws let her mask disappear. She didn't look pleased. "I could have almost gotten to you if your snakes wouldn't love me so damn much.."
Snake man came closer to her face. "I wonder why~" he said with a tiny smirk appearing on his face as he was about to kiss her on the lips, but she quickly bite him on the lips. The big snake letting go of her finally. She took Snake man down.
She was sitting atop of him with her foot firmly on his face. She crossed her arms as she looked mildly pissed. "I won't let you freaking kiss me like that out of nowhere you idiot!"
"Aaaaawww but we agreed on iiit!" Snake said as his arms were flailing in the air.
"You haven't even gone through my stage yet." She said with a big toothy smirk on her face.

Snake man tried going though her graveyard looking stage. But he could hardly go though the start. Almost getting crushed by falling tombstones. Battons flying at him. Ghosts constantly following him! Eventually getting stuck in spiderwebs.
Claws sat on a tombstone that was moving. She was looking down at Snake. Smirking darkly.
"You can't even get though my stage. That's a bit sad don't you think?~" she giggled.
Snake man looked mildly pissed at her.
"Can I get sssome help?.." he asked.
Claws complied and got down to him. Helping him out of the spiderwebs.
"You did good though.~" Claws said as she gave Snake a kiss on the cheek."
Snake man could feel his cheeks just heat up. He looked at her and smiled. He kissed her forehead gently.

Claws was more soft with him now more than ever. It was kind of adorable to see the two of them like that.
Snake man had his big snake tail around her. Hugging her slightly while having that big creepy smile of his. They both were close to one another. Claws came a bit closer to him, they both were about to kiss but a cloud of battons suddenly appeared and flew right at them. Claws' hair was prickly and standing on end. Snake's eyes were wide and his irises were slitted and his whites were yellow.
Claws blushed a bit by what just happened. Her hair turned back to normal and she looked down.
Snake quickly blinked and turned his eyes back to normal. He blushed a bit as well.
Claws was still looking down. Being extremely embarrassed by now. Snake noticed and he slithered down to her face. He had that adorable smile of his to her. Their noses gently touched, his snake tail swaying from side to side.
Claws quickly moved forward and Snake could just feel a small shock go through his systems. His face was a bit red when they both looked at one another. Claws' face was also a bit red. They both eventually held hands as they when back to Wily castle together.

Let's just say. Snake's robot brothers were very surprised to see them both holding hands and see Claws not punch him in the face for once.

Thanks for reading!

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