.:When her Life goes:.

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Lasher was in Maverick hunter HQ. She was seeing explosions outside. Hearing everyone inside freak out and try their hardest to do their jobs. But getting calls and alarms wasn't helping her to calm down either. She was scared... extremely scared. Not for herself though..
"What? There's a building close to 7th street that just collapsed?!" One of the operators said.
Lasher's eyes widened. She quickly looked to the specific operator. She looked at Lasher with a shocked expression.
"Lash. Isn't that your-" she couldn't even finish her sentence without Lasher quickly running out of the room. She ran to the parking house. Getting on one of the bikes and quickly driving to her home.


A thunderbolt quickly struck in the air outside. Lasher sat up in her bed as she had screamed. She breathed in and out quickly. Holding her chest lightly. She had a nightmare.

Lash got out of bed as she tried going out of her room.
As she walked out to the hall she walked into another room.
"A-ange.." Lasher said with a bobbly voice. She was clearly crying.
Ange woke up and looked at her in confusion but then noticed her tears. "What's the matter Lash?" Ange asked as she slowly tried sitting up in her bed.
"I-I had t-hose nightmares a-again.." Lash said in between sobs. She just stood at the side of Ange's bed.
Ange looks at her with a calm look on her face. "Lay down Lash. It's alright." She took Lasher's hand and guided her down to her bed. "It's alright." Ange repeated in a soft voice.
Lasher laid her head down on Ange's lap. Tears streaming down her cheeks. Lasher sobbed into her bedsheets as she was unable to stop crying.
Ange gently placed her hand on Lasher's head as she gently stroke her long hair.
Ange softly hummed a tune to calm Lash down. It calmed Lash down eventually
"What kind of nightmare was it this time Lash?" Ange asked when Lasher finally calmed down.
Lasher was still resting her head on Ange's lap. "It wasn't myself again. Those big claws.. that.. laugh... was this Claws really that bad?... this insane?..." Lasher asked as she was confused.

She was getting old memories every night. Old memories that Claw woman remembers. But she was getting the worst memories she remembered. Claw woman was made to kill. So she had some memories like that in her systems. But it scared Lash every time.

"I don't want to turn into that, Ange... I don't want to hurt anyone.." Lasher said as she started tearing up again.
Ange gently kissed her forehead. "You won't turn on any of us Lasher. I promise you that." She said softly as she looked down at Lasher.
"Do you mean it? Do you really mean it Ange?..." Lasher asked when she looked up at her with tear filled eyes.
"If you don't want to be evil then you won't be. You choose your own path Lash. And only you can choose it. No one else. Not even me." Ange said with a smile on her face.
Lasher looks into her icy blue eyes. A smile soon forming on her face as well.

She hugged Ange happily.

"I don't want to ever leave your side Ange.." Lasher said.
"You won't ever need to either.." Ange said calmly.


Lasher finally was at her street. Seeing the building she and Ange lived in being completely taken down.
"N-no.. no NOO!! ANGE!!!" She quickly started running to the ruins of her former home. But she was stopped. "LET ME THROUGH!! I HAVE TO GET TO MY GUARDIAN!!" She was freaking out and struggling as some of the police reploids were at the site. They tried restraining her but without success. "LET ME SEE HER!!! I GOTTA SEE HER!!" But Lasher saw some of the ambulance crews carrying bodies into their cars... one specific body made Lash break inside.... she saw one crew loading in a body. The hand was slumped out of the white sheet that covered the body. The hand having a specific ring she saw Ange wearing today before Lasher had gone to her work...

Lasher fell down to the ground. She wasn't realizing it but she was crying.. her tears falling down her cheeks. She had a blank expression on her face. Everything felt like it was breaking inside her. The ambulances drove away from the scene.

X and Zero walked to Lasher who was at a hospital... she had just gotten the news that Ange had passed away before she reached the hospital. They had tried their best to keep her alive but her body had been crushed so badly she was unable to even breathe.

Lasher was sitting at a bench inside the hospital. Outside the room Ange had been laying in. She was starring down at the floor.
X and Zero were badly damaged as they had been attacked by Sigma. But they had been immediately fixed by the reploid staff in the hospital.
Zero sat down beside her. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
When he touched her she just broke down in tears. She started wailing her pain out on him. Lasher hugged Zero tightly as she couldn't stop her sobbing.
Zero just felt pain inside from hearing her crying. X sat down on her other side and hugged her as well. Lash couldn't let go of Zero. She was unable to stop herself from crying or let go.
X started tearing up as well. Hearing her crying like this made everything just worse.

Zero hugged her as well now. All three being in an embrace. Both X and Zero tried calming Lasher down.
It took about an hour to make her stop crying. She was offline by now. She was in X's arms now. Her face being a bit hidden in his chest. X held her close as he was soothingly hushing to her.
Zero was covering his face with his hands. He couldn't believe what had happened.
Now Lasher had just lost Ange.. someone she had considered as a mother figure by now. Ange was their friend as well. So it hurt just as much by now.

"I can't believe she's gone..." X said.
Zero looked at him. He had tears in his eyes. "We can't let Sigma do this.." Zero said as he got up.
"Zero. You're still injured. Wait before you make decisions." X said, still holding Lasher.
"I won't do something stupid X. I promise." Zero said as he walked away from them.

X looked to where he went. But broke his stare as he looked down to Lash.
She still had tears in her eyes. X gently whipped them off he slightly red face.
He looked at her for a moment and softly gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I'm sorry Lash... I'm sorry you had to feel this kind of pain... you never deserved it.." he said calmly as he hugged her tightly.

Thank you for reading!

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