.:Redemption:. #1

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"WILY!!" The enraged voice of Claws screamed out as she was starring up to her creator. Her mask was broken on the ground as her armor was broken on the left side of her body. Wily had captured Bass and Treble. He had built a new machine that he used to take Claw woman and even Bass down easily. He held both Bass and Treble in his machines big hands. Bass was completely knocked out and mangled.

Wily laughed. "If you want Bass back so badly then give me Protoman. I will give you Bass back when I have Protoman and lure Mega man to me.!" Wily said with a big toothy grin on his old face.
Claws starred at Wily then looked at Bass and Treble. Her metallic heart just broke when seeing them both like this.
"Bass... Treble.." she whispered to herself.. She looked down to the ground. Claws had no choice..

Proto appeared in front of Claws. She had her coat on as she had a smile on her face.
"What's the problem Claws? You seemed distressed in the call." Proto asked as he walked up to her.
"Blues.." She looked down.
Proto looks at her confused. He put his hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" He was worried of course.
"I'm sorry!" She quickly said as she kissed him.
Proto was of course shocked by this but he let his guard down to easily around her.
Claws held his helmet and she had something hidden in her mouth. She electrocuted him. The shock overloading his systems from the inside and making him fall down to the ground. His yellow scarf falling down with him.
He held her leg as he still tried getting up again. "C-tch!-Cla-ztth!-ws.." he looked up to her with clear confusion and shock on his face. His helmet had broke on the left side when he had fallen down. She saw his eye which made it even worse for her to do this.
She took the tiny thing she had in her mouth out. "I'm sorry Blues... I'm so sorry.." she looked like she was about to break down in front of him. He now saw her broken armor as her coat fluttered when a sudden gust of wind came blowing in.

"Good job Claw woman. You did very well." Dr.Wily said with a dark grin on his face as he made his machine pick Protoman who by now was knocked out up in its big hands.
Claws looked at Protoman with sorrowful eyes. "...You have Proto.. give me Bass and Treble back now.." Claws said as she had her hand out to Wily.
Wily chuckled. "Well. Let's just say. I'm not very good at keeping my side of a deal. You should have gotten that part by now, right Claws?"
"No. NO!" Claws quickly realized what she had done. She quickly ran towards Wily. Her coat flying of her body! She jumped up as she tried getting to Wily first. But she was quickly shot down by him and roughly fell down to the ground. Her armor finally broke completely. The big purple W on her chest finally showing. The W she's been hiding for so long.
Wily was her creator.. but she clearly didn't want to be known for that anymore. She only wanted her family back. But she couldn't get up. Letting Wily safely escape..
Claws gripped tightly onto Proto's beloved scarf. "Damn it... Damn it!.." Claws said as she slowly and painfully got up. She was angry of course.. but she had to go somewhere she had avoided for so long.. but she's forced to go there now. She's forced to face her demons.

"No.. not again.. how does he have Blues again?..." Said the distressed doctor as he just got a video message from Dr.Wily.
"I'll stop him Dr.Light! I will take back Protoman for you. Wily sure did pick a bad time to do th-" Mega said but he couldn't finish his sentence as Cut man ran inside the lab.
"Yo, doc! We have a uh-visitor???" Cut man said as he quickly moved away from the door.
Elec man helped the injured female robot master into the lab. Her face finally being fully revealed to them all.
"Claw woman?!?" Megaman quickly said as he was surprised to see her.
Dr.Light sat up from his chair as he looked at Claws with a surprised look stuck on his face.

"I'm so sorry Dr.Light... I'm the one who let Wily capture Blues.. I only wanted to save Bass... he tricked me.." Claws said as she could hardly stand by herself.
"You did WHAT?!?" Cut man said as he looked at her.
Claws started shaking... was she.. was she crying??...
"Please.. leave us. I can speak with her.." Light said as he walked up to her and Elec man.
When Mega and the robot masters walked out of the lab, leaving Light and Claws alone together.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I know you can't forgive me... I've hurt both your sons more than once.. and now I've put Rock and even Blues in danger again.. Please.. I want to help.. I want to save Blues..." Claws said as she looked up to Dr.Light. She had tears in her eyes. "Please Dr.Light. Modify me... I want to help Megaman.. I beg of you.." her tears started falling down her cheeks. She truly wanted to help him this time.
Light looked down at her with sad eyes. He trusted her words.. Did Blues tell him about who she really was inside? Blues and Claws were close to one another so it wouldn't surprise her he would have told his father to trust her when the situation would be dire.
"I don't know if I could modify you for more battle uses Claws.. Wily made you for battle and there's nothing I can do to help you ge-" Light was cut off by Claws.
"No.. I don't want more power.. I want more defense... I realize how much I take damage when I rush without Bass by my side.. Please.. Modify me to be able to protect myself.. and everyone else around me... I beg of you Light.. I want to save my only family I have left..." She begged as she hid her face.
Dr.Light looked at her surprised. Knowing she was considering Bass and Treble as family to her was very brave of her to say in front of him. She wanted only wanted to save them.

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