.:Happy New Year NetNavi:. (New year special!)

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"Roll. I don't know if I can really go out in a-" Claws.exe was cut off by her friend.
"Come on. It won't be so bad. I bet no virus would attack. Not even on new years, because that would just be rude." Roll.exe said with a giggle.

Claws blushed a bit. She was with Roll and Glyde. And for the most part it was calm. No attacks had happen in the city, nor any major happenings outside the net. Claws had also been left alone since the last time Bass had appeared. But she was more often with the other Navis now. Being pretty safe by now. Enjoying her life as a NetNavi with her operator. Especially being with Blues more often after he turned back to normal.
Claws honestly never left his side anymore after that. She kept her watch on him when Regal attacked. Giving both him and Enzan enough strength to even move.

"Do I seriously have to?" Claws asked as she was right behind Glyde.
"Nothing to worry about Claws. Blues will love it on you!" Roll teasingly said as she was behind Claws.
Claws of course flustered up by her statement. "W-W-W-W-Whaaaat!?! S-SHUT UP!!" Claws said nervously.
Glyde looked to the two and smiled awkwardly and chuckled at the two.

Later that day when it started to turn into night. Outside the net, the kids started to go to a gathering place together. The boys all going together with each other. And for once Enzan was going as Claws' operator had told him to come. And he was grateful for Claws help as she had helped Blues come back in a way as well and taken care of him when Blues couldn't.
The girls eventually came to the gathering. Everyone in kimonos.
The boys awed at how pretty they all looked. Enzan didn't bat an eye as he looked to Claws' operator who was walking up to him. She was clad in a black and light blue kimono.

"How are you feeling, Enzan?" She asked with a smile.
He smiled a bit to her. "I'm alright, thank you."
"I think Blues will be mildly surprised soon." She said as she winked to him.
Enzan was confused. "What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You'll see~" She said with a tiny smirk.
Enzan just scratched his head at his confusion as he looked at her puzzled.

Mega and the others transmitted into Netcity. They as well were going to have a gathering in the city. Roll transmitted with Glyde. They both sporting the kimono look as well.
"What do you think Megaman?" Roll asked with a smile.
Mega couldn't really put words into his head. Simply saying she looked great. Making her puff her cheeks and turn a bit red. Blues had transmitted into the city with the guys as well. He was a bit confused why Claws wasn't there yet.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. Blues looked behind himself, looking at the person who tapped him. His eyes widened as he saw a very familiar Navi standing behind him. She was looking down and blushing very softly.
"Claws?" He simply asked, being in simple awe as he saw what she had on her.
She was having a kimono. Just like Roll and Glyde. But hers was different. It was purple and orange that was also adorned with black flowers as well on the print. Her hair being up and without her helmet like normally. She was just-

Blues put his hand on her chin, making her look up to him "You look very beautiful, Claws."
Claws smiled to him. She thanked him and held his soft hand. They both walked closer to the group and when the rest saw her outfit, the boys couldn't have been more adorable at that moment. Being completely frozen in shock and not knowing how to put their words together in the right way. It make Claws almost laugh.
"It's alright. I know already." She glanced up to Blues for a quick second. The others getting the hint she already was called beautiful. And she only needed one navi to say it to her.

Some time later as both groups moved around the gathering place, the kids playing some games to win prizes. While their navis did pretty much the same.
Blues and Claws walked around with the group but then lost track of them.

"Guess it's only you and me?" Claws said as they both looked at one another.
Blues nodded and smiled a bit too her.
He lifted his arm up to her. The gesture of him letting her grab his arm. So she did.
Hugging his arm gently and with a big smile on her face.

Claws eventually played some games. Making Blues do the same. Both sharing a laugh with each other when something extremely stupid happened to both of them.
Claws won a tiny mettool plush. A bright adorable smile never leaving her face as she won the plush.
Eventually the crowd of navis gathered at one spot in the city. Claws couldn't see what it was and it annoyed her a bit but she didn't complain. But Blues knew she wanted to see what was going on. He walked closer to her and held her hand.
He walked through the crowds of people, while having a tight grip around Claws' tiny hand.

They both eventually got to a better spot to see what was going on. Both seeing a gigantic ball fly slowly into the air. Everyone around them counted down from ten. Claws was confused of why they counted down. But when zero was screamed out, she understood why.

The ball opened and glittery confetti slowly rained down on them all. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" The crowed screamed out as lots of stuff was thrown into the air. Claws was quickly retaliating into Blues' arms. He held her tightly and safely. But then their gazes met. Both looked at each other for more than ten seconds. The scene being just perfect. Everyone's loud sheering in the background becoming just white noise for the two Navis.

Claws came closer to him and the moment she had been waiting for finally came. They both finally connected their lips together.
Blues held her closer to him as she let her arms rest on his shoulders. Digital fireworks were blown in the sky. Being just like real ones outside the net.
Two windows opened beside the two NetNavis who at the moment didn't notice. But as the two realized their operators were seeing them kiss, they both quickly let go of each other.

Claws looked to her operator who was smiling way too much then necessary right now.
While Blues tried explaining to Enzan what just happened but Enzan not buying anything and knowing what they did, didn't say anything about it.
He was actually happy for him.
Claws gently but secretly held Blues' hand as they both spoke with their operators. Both wishing a happy new year to them.

When they both finally were alone together again, Claws looked up to Blues who was surprisingly a bit reddish around his cheeks.
She came closer to him and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Happy new year, Blues."

Thank you for reading and happy new year!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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