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Claws slept on Treble's metal belly. Having the big wolf robot safely around her. Her big black coat on with her light pinkish scarf around her neck. And soon Claws sat up. She petted Treble on the head.

They both being on top of a big house in the middle of the city. Treble yawned as he stood up and shook himself.
Claws chuckled. "Morning Trebs." Claws said as she kissed his head.
Treble's tail wagged a bit as she kissed his head.
"Want to take a lil walk perhaps?" Claws asked him. He nodded his big head, clearly excited.

Claws got down to the streets with Treble in a leech and walked into the crowds of people from an ally she had jumped into. She walked for some time. Window shopping once in a while as she kinda wanted something new clothes.
But money being a problem was probably the worst thing. When Claws window shopped at one store. She noticed someone behind her. When she quickly looked behind her she chuckled a bit.
"You sure is disguising yourself well." Claws said with a sharp toothed grin.
"Shut up." Said the person. It clearly being Bass as he literally didn't bother to hide his lower body that well. Having gray jeans on and a big black hoodie that had purple stripes going up his chest in a zigzag pattern. The hoodie being up which hid his head at least a bit. Him being helmet-less like her. His hands being in his pockets as he tried looking scary, which didn't work well on her.
With her free hand she took out one of his hands that was in his pocket. Holding his hand rather tightly. Bass being the "tough" guy in the group hesitated a bit to hold her hand. But he held her hand just as tightly as they started walking together.

Treble was going in front of them in his leech. He sniffed around once in a while. Scarring the crap out of every other robot and non robot dog they past.
Bass moved closer to her "Take off the leech." He whispered to her.
"No. He's doing well in it anyways. And I don't want him to do something unexpected." Claws whispered back to him.
Bass growled a bit. "He's MY dog. He won't do anything-" he whispers again.
He was cut off as Claws starred up at him. Straight in the eyes. Bass quiet down quickly.
Claws looked in front of her. "We can go to the park. There's a dog park were he can run free for a bit." Claws said as she looked down to Treble who was looking up at the two.
Bass sighed. "Tch! Fine. We can do that." He said rather annoyed.
Claws smiled as she knew Bass cared how Treble felt.

As Claws and Bass finally got to the park, Claws let Treble free from the leech. He quickly ran away from them. They could still see him though as he was way different from other dogs. But he seemed to have fun. Running around like he was racing someone.
"See. He's fine with the leech. That's why I let him stay in it when walking with him." Claws said as she put her hands on her hips with an angry look on her face.
Bass looked away from her as he folded his arms. "Whatever.."
Claws chuckled a bit as she looked at him then she glanced over to Treble. Her eyes widened as she saw that very familiar red dog who was way tinier than Treble.
Treble being ready to attack of course as he was thinking the same way Bass was thinking of his rival.
Claws quickly ran to Treble and leeched him again to stop him. She of course being too tiny to hold his strength almost flew away before she felt something grabbing the leech with her.
It was Bass, which made her calm down. But then she saw them.
Rock and Roll.
"Megaaaa.." Bass growled lowly as he saw his bitter rival in front of him.
Claws snapped. "No fighting you idiot! That means you as well Treble!" Claws firmly said. Her voice scarring the two enough to behave.

Rock quickly ran to rush, leeching him as well by now.
"Sorry about that Mega." Claws actually apologized.
"Claws?? Oh! It is you. Wasn't sure if it was you at first." Rock laughed a bit with a smile. "Bass? Is that you?" Rock asked confused.
Bass avoided eye contact as he held tightly onto Treble.
Roll walked up to her brother. She had a big fluffy looking coat on and a pinkish scarf around her neck as well.
"Hi Roll. You look adorable like always." Claws said as she finally settled Treble down.
"Aw thank you Claws. You look lovely as well!" Roll said with a happy smile.
Claws blushed a bit from that comment. She walked up to the two.
She had gotten a better relationship with the dr.Light robots after saving Bass and Proto. And them, knowing her and Blues' relationship to one another by now, happily chatted with her.
Claws petted Rush's head as she apologizes for Treble almost attacking him.

Claws was surprisingly popular with animals. Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise as some knew her relationship with Snake man was.. special.
But it was fun to know her strong points that could be liked the most.
"Say hi to your brother from me." Claws said as she walked back to Bass. She hugged his arm and grabbed Treble's leech.
"Have fun you two!" Rock said with a smile.
"Shut it mega-brat!" Bass quickly said as he seemed pissed off.
Claws quickly slapped his head as he grabbed her hair. Then he just pulled her closer to him.

Rock looked to his sister. He had a confused smile on his face. "Guess he's still the same grump I know." He said with a chuckle.
"You guess???" Roll said skeptical.

"Let me take him." Bass said.
"Why?" Claws asked. Looking a little mad.
"Come on. I haven't taken a ride on Treble in a while. He needs a test fly." Bass said as he looked to Claws.
Claws looked him square in the eye. "You won't start attacking Mega will you?" She asked. Not wanting any confrontations with him at this moment. Only wanting a calm day in the city.
Bass gritted his teeth. "Sighhh.. I.. P... pr-ooom-iiisssse not to attack him." Bass tried saying. Having a hard time keeping a promise or two for five seconds.
Claws folded her arms. "No attacks on Mega. And I will god damn follow you on this ride. And no complains about it. Deal?" Claws said firmly.
Bass looks at her rather tiredly. "Deal."
"Good boy." Claws said as she petted Bass' cheek. Making him kinda blush in embarrassment.

Claws un-leeched Treble again. And Treble turned more into a jet as Bass climbed on him. Claws soon following after.
And as they were up in the sky, Claws knew Bass was happier. Being on his trusty dog as they sore through the sky.
Bass even held his promise. Not attacking Mega man at all while they were up in the sky.

Later that day when it was getting dark. The three of them sat on top of a tall building. Watching the city bellow.
Treble laid behind the two. Bass and Claws watched the lights that were starting to get put on.
"Thank you for keeping that promise." Claws said as she looked to him.
Bass did look at her. He huffs a bit as he probably wanted to fight Mega again.
Claws chuckled, coming closer to him. She gave him a kiss on the head. "Makes me happy you're at least trying." She said.
Bass was silent.
Claws hugs his arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. A minute later she felt Bass' face up on her forehead. He gently let his lips touch her forehead as he used his arm she's hugging to put it around her to hold her close.
His head rested on hers. It was nice of course. For once, they were calm with each other.
Bass was silently grateful for her saving him before. So he wasn't arguing with her as much anymore.
Both generally being like siblings to one another.

Thank you for reading!

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