:Lasher's memory log:

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Day 1

I've been infected by the Maverick virus. But I don't feel different. Not yet at least.
But I feel pains several times a day. I've said to the others it's just my circuits that broke several months ago every time they ask.

They ask for help but I deny them. I don't know what I could do if I would go crazy on them. I wish I could know.

I don't want to loose control.

Day 2

The pains starts to ware off. Maybe I will be fine, Right??? I'm sure I will be all right! I would never try to hurt my friends deliberately.

I could never hurt them.

Day 37

I accidentally hurt Zero! I didn't mean it! I was zoning out while I was calming my mind! The virus has made me more violent!! Zero forgave me. But the next time I will probably do worse..

I'm sorry Zero. I never meant to hurt you..

Day 70

I helped the others somehow today. While X and Zero was out on a mission our small base got under attack from mavericks! I helped take down the mavericks but I almost lost control.. I liked giving them pain.. I was smiling under the whole attack. But I accidentally scared my friends when they told me it was over.

Did I almost loose it? This soon?

Day 157

Today I made a mask. It's something I've seen before. In my dreams. I always have a mask with a sharp toothed grin on it. My hair is dark and up in a ponytail like Zero. I also don't use any weapons. I use big claws. It's always so weird.

But I made the mask to prevent the others from seeing my disgusting grin again in battle.

And it will only mean they have to stop me when they notice I'm doing too much damage..

Day 409

My hair has started to turn darker. The others doesn't seem to notice the change. But I think my hair is turning black!

I'm so scared. I don't want this to happen!!

Day 1370

I was sparring with X. And I was going crazy. Right in front of him. I almost killed him by accident... he told me my eyes turned reder than normal. And my hair being much darker than before. But he assumed it was dirt as I've been outside much more often.

I say it's me patrolling the area.. but I'm always lying to them..

Day 1986

I almost told them about the virus inside of me. I almost told them all I was going maverick.

But I didn't.

I kept silent about it once again! Why can't I tell them by now? I'm going insane. I'm slowly going insane!!

Day 2240

20xx - 21xx - Net .Pick your poison.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt