I'm Just Trying.

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"Enzaaaan." A female voice said to the boy who was in deep sleep on his bed.
"Hmmm.." he slowly turned around in his bed.
"Enzaaaan siiir." The voice seemed to get annoyed.
Enzan didn't seem to wanna wake up at all.
The female voice was silent for some seconds before bursting out.
"ENZAN! WAKE UP! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!" The female voice screams out which immediately woke him up.
Enzan shot up in bed. His eyes were wide as his newly awakened face starred at his PET.
"S-Sorry." He finally sat straight up in bed. Enzan took his PET that was currently occupied with Claws.EXE instead of Blues.EXE who was... still a darkloid.
Enzan walked up to his closet and opened it. Walking into it and putting his PET down.
"Your meeting with the executives is in one and a half hours Enzan. You should hurry." Claws said.
"I know. Thank you for waking me up like that." Enzan said as he picked some clothes out of everything he had in there.
Claws was a bit silent as she had heard Enzan talk in his sleep. It worried her a bit as she knew he dreamed about Blues again... Even she had some nightmares about him. Which always scared her half to death.

"Should I maybe time you Enzan sir?" Claws said as she noticed he was done with his picking of clothes. Trying to lighten both their moods up.
"No." Enzan said as he was putting his new clothes on.
"Hmm. Me and my operator usually do that. It's fun. She's often late to school. So we did that to make her go faster." Claws said with a chuckle.
Enzan smile a bit to her when she told him that. But nothing else.
Claws smiled a bit to him as well. Trying her best, really, to not make him angry or gloomy. Both avoided speaking about Blues for some time now. It worked sometimes but not for very long. For obvious reasons.

A hour and a half later. Enzan was on his meeting. Claws was nice and kept quiet as much as she could. As she wasn't very capable to speak up like Blues. He often had great arguments stored in the back of his head. While she had some but not for every situation like him.
And when she listened to Enzan speak up, he sounded a bit like Blues in a way. It made her smile. As she knew Blues had taken care of him well.

Later after the meeting Claws was looking at some files she had been downloaded with.
"How does it look for you Claws?" Enzan asked as he needed a secretary for this. Which was often Blues' job but now was hers.
"Hmm... everything seems fine except for this." She showed him what she had read.
She explained to him what it could mean for his company but Enzan didn't hear as his thoughts was going somewhere else.
Claws noticed the look on his face and stopped explaining to him.
"Enzan. You're not listening." Claws said as she put both her hands on her hips.
"Oh. Sorry.. I didn't mean to.. please explain that again." Enzan said as he looked back at her.
Claws sighed and put the document into another folded.
"Enzan. You need more cheering up than me. You have a break now for half an hour. Get out of the darn building. You need air in your lungs." Claws demanded.
"What? N-no I don't need to-" Enzan tried saying.
"I will literally call Meijin for a dimensional area just so I can personally get your butt outside for once!" Claws said. Trying her best to sound intimidating.
Enzan looks at her for a second but sighs.
He walks out to the balcony of his company. The nice summer air blowing softly in his face. He actually needed it. Claws smiled happily in his PET.
"See? Don't you feel at least a bit better?" She asks.
"A bit actually." Enzan honestly said with a tiny smile on his face.
"That's good." Claws smiled to him "oh! Yeah that's right. You have an appointment at the laboratory later on today.
Enzan looks at her confused. "An appointment? Today?" He was about to ask her about it but Claws stopped him.
"Ssshhh! Trust me on this one." She said with a smile.
Enzan sighed a bit and later walked back inside with her.

Later on that day, Enzan went over to the laboratory. Claws seemed super happy.
Enzan was shocked to run into Netto of all people.
"Enzan!" Netto said with a smile, seeming just as surprised as him.
Enzan looks at him confused. "Why are you here?"
"Papa is fixing Megaman up. Why are you here??" Netto asked but then heard someone hushing him.
It was Claws. She smiled to him as Enzan was holding his PET.
Netto smile and laughed awkwardly.
"Netto. Megaman is-" said the voice of Netto's father as he peaked out of his room. "Enzan! Good. You're here now. Please follow me. Wait a second Netto." His father said as he walked with Enzan to the main lab.
Netto was just as confused as Enzan. Claws seemed to have been the brain behind this as she couldn't stop smiling.

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