.:Mission Jazz:.

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(Disclaimer! I got this idea from a song from Rockman Holic. So there will be a lot of singing from Lasher in this one. But also a story so don't worry. So there will not be a song for just no reason. Hope you will like it though! And here is the song if you want to listen to it while you read~ )

Red alert. A gang of vigilantes. Killing mavericks in disgusting and often law breaking ways. And unfortunately Lasher got captured by them. She had been to "kind" to them. They confiscated her weapons and took her prisoner. She got thrown into a cell. She knew they would try killing her. Lasher sat in her cell for what felt like hours. Until someone walked in. He had of course guards around him like a coward.

She gave him a disgusted glare as she was sitting down still. It was Red. The leader of Red alert.
"What now? Are you gonna kill me or not? Or are you still thinking of something else for me?" She asked with a big smirk on her face.
Red looked at her then chuckled a bit. "I would love to give you the worst punishment, Maverick. Really. But it's hard to think of the worst punishment in my book when you're the first girl maverick I've seen." He was having a tiny smirk on his face.
Lasher starred at him with her red eyes. It was true about her being the only girl maverick someone might have seen. It wasn't often you saw one. Which was weird for the most part. But I guess it was different as Lasher wasn't feeling fully maverick. She still had her old self in her. Deep down she was the only Lasher. A class Maverick hunter Lasher of Sting chameleons sector.
She knew she would die so she put both her hands in her face as she was ready to give up. "Isn't there a way you can just let me go?.. I haven't done anything really that bad... I only knocked your damn soldiers down. Not killing them." Lasher said.
Before Red could say anything one of the Red alert members said something.
"Isn't that Lash?" One said. "She's Angelica Wareful's former helper reploid." Another said. "She sure looks different though.." The first one said.
"Wait. Jazz singer Angelica?" Red asked as he looked to them then back to Lasher. He scanned around her body and then mostly at her face that quickly turned angry looking. "Are you kidding???" Red said a bit angrily.
'Does this idiot like Ange's music or something?....... wouldn't surprise me.. she was a great singer..' She thought to herself as she looked away from Red.
Red thought for a bit.. "Ok then. If you want to get out of here. You better know something."
"And what the hell is that?" Lasher asked as she still looked away.
"Sing one of Angelica's songs for my squadron. Then I will let you go girl." Red said as he took her up by her handcuffs.
Lasher looked at him with what looked like a death glare. She thought of the idea. She desperately didn't want to die. Not by the hands of this crazy bastard! "FINE. I do it. But you better keep your damn promise to let me go afterwards."
"I always keep my promises, Lash." He let her go then walked out of her cell. "I give you fifteen minutes to get ready." She quickly got pulled out of her cell by some of the guards.
"Fifteen minutes? How nice.." Lash said as she was roughly pulled to a room. Girls were in there. Reploids just like her. But they were of course with Red alert...
"Get her ready for a show." Red said as he left them be.
Lasher starred at the girls. They of course knew she was a maverick but they also looked excited.
"Please don't tell me you know about Ange too.." Lasher asked but of course they knew who she was. They quickly got her to the middle of the room and helped her find a dress.
Lasher thought this was embarrassing. As the girls weren't looking she quickly tapped her communicator. She had sent out a signal. She wasn't trusting in Red's words. They were just as slimy as Vile's words to her.

At Maverick hunter HQ..

X was sitting alone at his desk. Zero was with Axl. X was trying to think of a plan to get the next maverick who was loose but he quickly heard a peeping sound coming from somewhere. He looked up to one of the big monitors and saw a map and a tiny red dot at one specific place.
"Huh?- This is from... But. Why would she.." X was confused and shocked as he got out of his chair and watched the map closely. "Is she in danger?... No she can't be.. Or.." X was conflicting a bit with himself.
Suddenly a door behind X opened. Zero walked out with Axl at his side.
"What's that X?" Zero asked his friend. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Zero soon said.
"I guess I kinda have Zero... This is from Lash.." X said as he looked unsure but also concerned.
Zero's eyes widened a bit as he quickly looked closer at the map. He didn't understand either why she would send them this.
"Huh. Is this Lash a music fan or something?" Axl asked as he looked at the two.
"What?" Zero looked at him. "Yeah how so?"
"Where is this place Axl??? What is it?" X quickly asked. It shocked Zero a bit. But I guess X was letting something else control his mind at the moment.
Axl smiled a bit. "Red never let me go inside buuuut. I always took a tiny peak." Axl said as he walked up to the two. He opened a tiny window on the screen. He typed something up. "It's a karaoke club. It's mostly adults going there and Red never let me go in. I didn't really get why." Axl said with such childish behavior in his voice.
X thought really hard for the reason Lasher would be there. Then it clicked. "Red must have gotten her..."
"She's a maverick after all. Red must be a fan of Ange. He might also know she's Ange's helper reploid." Zero said.
"Who's Ange? Axl asked as he looked at Zero.
"She's an old friend.." Zero told him.
"She was an old friend.. She was very close to Lash... before.." X said but he couldn't end his sentence.
Zero put a hand on his shoulder. It was hard for him too.
Axl looked at the two and then kinda realized why they looked sad. So he stopped asking questions.
"...Should we really go?" Zero asked X.
X thought more... He wanted Lasher back with them.. He really wanted to. But it was a hard decision. "if she's sending us this... Then something must be wrong..." X finally said.
Zero smiled a bit. "We should know her the best. Just don't let your mind get to you X." He said as he started walking to their bikes. X looked to Zero and soon smiled. He picked the coordinates up and walked with Zero. Axl quickly followed them. He was excited of course. Finally doing his first rescue mission.

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