Just A Meeting

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Snake man walked into his home after a long day of working. Hard man and Bomb man was still at work. Digging tunnels for the humans to find materials in. But he noticed the door was already unlocked. But it was normal by now as he usually forgot to lock the door. But then when he walked in he noticed someone sitting in his sofa. She was looking at some papers then she looked up to him.

"Nice to see you again, Snake. I see you've done wonders for those meat bags." Said Claws with a mischievous smirk on her face. "How are you?"
The way she was looking shocked Snake man a bit. She had no mask on. Her hair was let out. And that black trench coat she was wearing was really different. He almost didn't recognize her at first.
"Clawsss? Why are you here?" Snake asked as he walked closer to her.
Claws smiled to him. "I kinda started.. missing you." She sounded honest in her voice. The "kinda" in it was completely taken away from what she said to him.
Snake's eyes widened as he didn't expect her to say that to him. But it surprised him even more when Claws got up from the sofa and hugged him.

"How has my creepy little snake been while I was gone?" She asked as she tickled his chin.
Snake chuckled a bit and quickly picked her up. "I've been feeling sssssplendid. But, cold. My room issn't asss warm asss your blanketss~" He said with his usual smile she actually started to really love.
Claws put her hands on his cheeks. She smiled to him. "Well I guess you won't be as cold anymore. I'm here for you Snake man."
As her gentle hands touched his face it made him feel really happy inside. His systems heated up a bit and it was clearly shown on his face.

Claws genuine and cute smile warmed him up. It was so long since he saw her. She had ran away when she was finally taken down by Mega man.. and as she didn't want to be deactivated like her brothers, she just ran away. Snake hadn't heard or seen her in such a long time. Knowing only she was seen with Bass and Treble once in a while.
Without even thinking, Snake gave her a kiss on the cheek. Claws overheated a bit as she chuckled with an even bigger smile on her face.
"Missed you too snake boy." Claws said as she kissed his lips softly.
Snake could feel his systems overheating even more as he let his legs just get weak.
"Not so confident now huh?" She laughed as she literally sat on his chest by now.
Snake's head was blowing out steam. His face was extremely red.
Claws got up but she was looking down to him. Then she heard the front door opening.
"Did he seriously forget to lock it again?" The voice of Hard man could be heard.
"Snake man you better be in here." The voice of Bomb man said.

Snake was laying on the floor when they both finally got too him.
"What happen to you?" Bomb man asked as he helped him up.
Snake quickly looked around. "Clawss???" Snake said in confusion.
"Claws?" Hard man said confused. "She's not here Snake man. What are you talking about?"
Bomb looked at Hard man as he was confused as well.
Outside their home they didn't notice the former female robot master listening in on them. She smiled a bit to herself as she whistled a soft tune. Treble flew too where she was and let her jump onto him. She flew away with him as she put her mask back on.

'I'm sorry Snake. I can't really return to your side just yet. I have to stay with Bass and Treble for a while.' She thought to herself as she disappeared into the clouds with Treble.

Thank you for reading!

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