Where I stay

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Rock or as he was mostly known as, Mega man. Was running through a stage that was filled with ghost like enemies that follows him. He jumped over tombstones that eventually tried charging at him. It was a hard level to get though. Even for him. But soon he found the boss' room. Running in with a charged waiting to get shot out.
As Mega ran inside the room he noticed someone sitting on a branch of a dead tree. She whistles a very familiar tune. It was the same song his brother proto usually whistles. Mega stood there for a minute as he listened in on her little whistling concert. Then she looked at him. She stood up and jumped down.
"You finally showed up." Her hair up in a long ponytail and a mask with the permanent sharp toothed grin. It was Claw woman. She was the last one of the robot masters Mega man had to face. "I guess you already beat the others. Well I wouldn't blame them. They were weak anyways." She said rather coldly.
"How can you say something like that? Weren't they your friends?" Rock asked as he was shocked by what she just said.
"Tch! They aren't my friends. I have no one and I want it to stay that way!" She said firmly as she was ready to fight.
Mega man stood ready to battle her even if he didn't want to.
But after a long battle she went down.
Claws quickly fell to the floor. "N-no.. I can't lose.."
"Please Claw woman. I can help you. We can find you a new purpose. You can help so many with your power." Mega tried saying to her as he gave her a light smile. He had his hand out to her but Claws didn't want that. She quickly slapped his hand away.
"No way!! They will deactivate me as soon as I follow you! You can't make me!!!" She screamed out as she quickly teleported away. But she left something behind. Her power up to him. Needle cannon. It was more like bones but they were sharp on both ends. Rock quickly teleported away as well but back to light labs.

Claws teleported to somewhere secluded. She was in pain. She was angry still and ripped her mask off. Her sharp teeth gritted. Her eyes glowing with anger. She couldn't believe she had been defeated by Mega man just like her teammates. Was she really that weak like them? She quickly started clawing a tree. Clawing a hole into it which made it fall. As the tree had fallen she collapsed to the ground. Before she blacked out though, she felt something sniffing on her.

When she came to it again she was still in the forest but somewhere else. She was under a roof?? No it was like a small cave. But it wasn't that big. It was enough to sit under it. Claws looked around herself and noticed two or more E-tanks laying beside her. Some where open already.
"What the hell?... Ugh!-" she still felt some pain from the battle she had with Mega man. She quickly took one of the unopened E-tanks and drank it up. She immediately felt her strength come back. But then someone came up to her. "Hm?? AH!?-" she quickly moved backwards into the cave. Almost hugging the wall. What scared her so much?
It was Treble. He was sitting in front of her. But he didn't growl or anything. He was only looking at her. His ears went down a bit as she had been scared by his presence.
"Uhh.. Why are you here Treble?.." Claws asked. But of course not getting an answer as Treble was still just a robot wolf.
Treble got up and inched closer to her. Claws sat frozen in place. Thinking he would bite her by now. But Treble sniffed the part of her body that hurt the most and he started licking it. It tickled a bit which surprised her as she didn't know she was built with ticklish spots. Claws laughed a bit as she tried getting Treble off her. She petted him happily as he finally stopped licking her.
"I see you're finally awake. That means I can go now." The rather rough sounding voice said.
Claws froze up again as she looked to who just said that. And of course it was Bass.
"Should have known you would be close by." Claws said a bit angrily. But then she realized something. Her mask was off. "GAH!!-" she quickly covered her face with her big claws.
"I won't tell anyone about what's under that dumb mask of yours. It's not like it's important." Bass said a bit angrily as he looked at her with a hard look.
"It's important for me you ass!" Claws quickly snapped at him.
"What did you just call me!?" Bass said as he picked her up by her neck.
"An ass! Something you are!" Claws said with a big creepy smile on her face.
"You better not call me that as I helped YOUR sorry ass!" Bass said as he kept her close.
They both started bickering with each other and Treble watched them both as he was starting to get worried for both of them. He started whining a bit to get their attention and make them stop fighting. Claws noticed Treble's whining then Bass did as well.
"What is it boy?" Bass asked his companion.
Treble whined a bit more to Bass and somehow Bass kinda understood what he was trying to say.
"Sigh.. FINE." He let Claws down.
Their hight difference was apparent. She was extremely short compared to Bass. Claws was only up to his chin. They literally looked like siblings.
When Bass let her down Treble jumped up to Claws. He was almost hugging her in a way.
Claw woman laughed a bit as Treble was all over her. He licked her cheek which was pretty adorable. "Does he like me?? Hah! Come ooon!" She couldn't help but smile.
Bass facepalmed as he realized Treble really liked her. "God damn it Treble.."
Treble nudged his big head on Claws' cheek. She didn't mind and gently nudged her cheek on his head. But then she felt pain again. She was about to collapse but Bass caught her. Treble got down as he knew his weight wouldn't help her very much. "Drink more of those E-tanks I got you already. You aren't fine yet." Bass said as he helped her sit down again. He opened one of the E-tanks and gave it to her.
"Why are you helping me?..." she asked as she held the E-tank in her hands.
Bass didn't answer. He was about to walk away.
"H-hey!" Claws tried stopping him but she didn't seem to have to. A small drop of water fell from the sky. And a second later it started raining. Bass sat down beside her while Treble was sitting beside him.
"Well.. I guess this is different?" Claws said as she looked at the rain.
"Yeah." Bass simply said. He seemed angry still.
Claws sighed lightly. She drank her E-tank. "I'm sorry for calling you an ass before. You did help me. So I guess it isn't so true." Claws said with a tiny smile on her face.
Bass smiled a bit. "Well thank you. I thought you couldn't be nice to someone. But I guess I was wrong as well."
Claws growled a bit at him and gave him a look. Bass only chuckled at that.

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